Still looking for adequate Chili formula (self made nutrients)

Aloittaja Luches, heinäkuu 18, 2009, 09:02:48 ap

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Hi there, my name is Luc and I live in Northern Thailand. I am designing prototypes of hydroponic setups and researching nutrient formulas. Since 2 years I am calculating and mixing my own nutrients from scratch and raw materials. Since, I have been investigating (and testing) a lot about "Chili formulas" (among others) as well as growing them in different alternative media like shredded coco, rice hulls, coarse sand. I am even planing of having my own self made expanded clay soon (I am a former potter and have all I need to manufacture those as well).

Though, my research has been much delayed because of many pest and climatic problems in the tropics, - and was pretty compromised all allong. So far so good (I am dealing with it), but I am still looking for experiences and input on specific chili formula that have been used and tested by others. There is a little problem when investigating such formula on the Web. Most sources are quite contradictory, and if you ask around in various forums, opinions vary a lot as well. Also there is a lot of arguing based on what Francis Bacon described as "cherry picking". Nothing bad with that actually, but the enumeration of personal observation within favorable circumstances only, are unfortunately not very conclusive and not scientific at all. ;D

The other problem is that most "hydroponists" use ready products from the shelf and tell about what great results they have with those. But when analyzing the formula, it rhymes with nothing what I have thought and found so far. And then again, people who are using products from shelf, tend to express the formulas in NPK industrial standard, as in 16-8-24 etc, while people who mix their own nutrients prefer actual PPM of each used element as for example:

N - 180 PPM 

P - 50 PPM 

K - 220 PPM 

Ca - 200 PPM 

Mg - 48 PPM 

S - 90 PP

Both standards are not compatible, because P and K are expressed in molekular-, and not actual values in PPM.
In brief, in my case it's rather difficult to grasp the info I am looking for. Many times I also get involved in time consuming arguments about details. Also because there are so many contradictory opinions about adequate formulas and as much people with rather straight views about actually ambiguous and still controversy things.

But let me get to my point now: as mentioned before I am looking for more input (and exchange) on experiences with different nutrients, even especially with different species and varieties. Please be as precise as possible with your formula - and leave out any suggestions of product names (without the formula) as I truly do not know anything about any products from shelf.

PS: I am not greedy or "cheap" with my results and formulas either, if there is interest, just ask. I can also calculate formulas and recipes for self-made nutrients as my part of the deal ;)
Thank you so much in advance - and don't get me wrong about my rather selective "philosophy" here! I have already lost too much time with useless arguing and endless debates. In case this level of knowledge doesn't fit the forum or is not of common interest in some way or the other, please tell me. If there is interest in cooperation at a more personal level (with particularly interested individuals), I am open to any interesting suggestion. Though, as for now I have no commercial interest yet. Please PM me in case.



34 readings and no single reaction since. Does that mean the interest ratio in self made nutrients and research beyond products from shelf is 34/0 so far? Or did I say something wrong, expressed my self with somewhat too straight words or language? In later case, at least let me know it.



I'm guessing that people don't have expertise on the subject....


Lainaus käyttäjältä: CyberDog - heinäkuu 25, 2009, 14:38:02 ip
I'm guessing that people don't have expertise on the subject....

Well I am afraid that could be the case, but I had to try. On the other hand I thought I had left some room for less expert input. In case that wasn't expressed well from my side, there still is.

Btw: in case I do not give any limits to the input I am expecting, there's always a bunch of comments and answers that are of very good intention but actually not useful for the purpose. And I kinda hate to always say "yes, but.... "  ;)

I also made the proposal to share some of what I got....


This stuff would surely interest bunch of people who like to do plenty on their own, so keep us posted with your experiments please!
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I have some progress since and also I (hope) that I will work together with some people in different countries and climates.
The time I have looked around and even helped people with their nutrient problems and formulas, I have discovered that really few people are actually doing their own "nutes". From those, even fewer do some kind of research.

I am willing to share and keep you guys posted, - though, only people who "really stick their noses" into nutes will have profit from it.

What about the email I sent to you about a proposal? Did it reach you, or was it flushed together with some spam?  ;)
I tried PM here in the forum but it seems buggy. Also posting doesn't always work for me.



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Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fatalii - elokuu 14, 2009, 12:38:18 ip
Hmm.. don't remember getting email like that...

Shall I send it again, or in other words is there any interest in it?


Of course it's interesting, it's just all about the time... to little time to do more stuff at once..

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