Lee´s Wild/Brazilian Growseason 2009/2010/2011 UPDATE!! 14-08-2011

Aloittaja lee, tammikuu 04, 2009, 21:59:27 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »



Lee, how do you do that???
I also use soil and nutrients but my plants are the half so big an bushy like yours!!!


Appreciate your comments. No special tricks or what so ever..Again the spring was good, we had lots of sunshine and good temperatures. Most sunshine ever recorded during April here in the Netherlands :D .

C.tovarii 2010 Overwintered plant

Plants is doing great and is far ahead of my 2011 C.tovarii plant, lots of new growth and most important lots of flowers. This years harvest will be very early and will have more yield as the plant already is bearing lots of fruits. Last year I had to ripen the pods inside the house under growlights

C.cardenasii 904750136

The plant is self compatible and very prolific. In the nodes grow 1-3 flowers but mostly 2 flowers per node. The majority of the flowers are "shorter" and have strong culled tips. It looks like the membrane between the petals is missing!! My first thought is that the membrane between the petals gives more stiffness in the petals and prevents that it curls up like in the picture below..
Also very remarkable is that  new flowers are more or less campanulate. In the picture you can see the difference

Campanulate flower

Campanulate flower

Shorter flower with strong curled tips.

C.cardenasii 904750136 Plant
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Looks like the good weather is back. Lots of rain past 2 weeks and very depressing weather. Yesterday it was only 13 degrees C and today 27 Degrees C  :? Plants haven't grown that much but there moving forward

C.rhomboideum Is making some good flowers now. First pods already growing

Inca Red drop X Lemop drop Very prolific plants and won't be long until first harvest

Bode vermelha



Brasileira Marimbondo

Pimenta ardosa- Cabeça do cachorro Lots of hairs(actually fur) are growing on the stems

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Some pictures taken on the roof terrace


Trepadeira do Werner

Brasileira Marimbondo

Wiri Wiri X Wild Brazil

Pin Tepin

Birgits Locoto

Locato X CGN19198#2

Cumari Verdadeira
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Damn it, Lee! Quite a garden you've got there. Nicely organised and well grown. Keep up the good work!  :)
Uniformu ukkosesta
Prässit sirkkelin teristä
Kiehuvaa pikeä poletit


heinäkuu 06, 2011, 22:26:47 ip #486 Viimeisin muokkaus: heinäkuu 06, 2011, 22:36:09 ip käyttäjältä lee
Thanks Wille

Some podshot.

Coração de boi

Lemon drop X Inca red drop.

Cambuci, Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


A little update. The weather is really bad here with lots of rain etc.. They predict that July will be the wettest month ever recorded here in the Netherlands. Forecast for next week is massive showers every day.. Anyway some plants are doing great and some need some more growing/maturing.

Mini Mini

Stem diameter is about 20mm

Trepadeira do Werner. Good fruit production

Biquinho. Pods look very nice

Birgit's Locoto Very tall slender plant

C.tovarii Lots of fruits this year
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


For those who are interested. Some pictures of our visit to CGN 2011. A short report with more pictures will follow soon

CGN 2011

CGN 2010
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's



Damn, that would be a nice place to visit! And really good looking growth on all of your plants, especially the wild ones are looking great 8)


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Update from the garden...

Plants growing in containers

Plants growing in dirt

C.eximium/CAP1491 2 taller plants



Comparison between CAP 1491 an C.eximium flower

Urubu-Cabeça do cachorro

UC, Davis "Tepin from Peru" X Tarahumara chiltepin

Tepin from Peru

Tepin Guatemala growing in containers

Growing in dirt


Tepin Peru X Fresno

Chacoense Wild collected

Duke pequin X Naga Morich

Brasileira- Piaozinho amarelo

Locato X Ulupica

Wiri Wiri (Frutescense type)

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


elokuu 06, 2011, 22:34:41 ip #493 Viimeisin muokkaus: elokuu 06, 2011, 22:37:11 ip käyttäjältä lee
Very informative meeting we had at the Botanical Garden in Nijmegen. Unfortunately not much capsicums but lots of Solanaceae species. They recently received the Solanaceae collection that M.nee and Lynn Bohs collected in Bolivia. During the same periods they collected C.caballeroi.

Very surprising to hear that A.Hunziker accompanied by lots of other Famous researchers visited the Garden in 2000 during the Solanaceae congress in Nijmegen. He almost cried when seeing  Solanaceae species growing there which he had never seen before, he only studied dried specimens..


More pictures and report will follow soon!!


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Some pictures of CGN 2011 July 19

Dr. Prof. Gravira, Dr. Prof. Lee and staff from CGN  ;)

Don't know whats going on in here.....looks like something from outher space :D

The plants they have growing are HUGE

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's

Aji Inferno

Great pictures! And great work on wild chilis, too. We should all combine our forces and expertise, and try to help to rescue the rarest wild capsicums by growing them. Also, a trip to Brazil could be a thing to do.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Aji Inferno - elokuu 07, 2011, 03:35:27 ap
Great pictures! And great work on wild chilis, too. We should all combine our forces and expertise, and try to help to rescue the rarest wild capsicums by growing them. Also, a trip to Brazil could be a thing to do.

Agree,  ;)

Some pictures.. Despite the louzy summer some pods are ripening

C.cardenasii 904750136

Coração de boi

Lemon drop X Inca red drop. Fruits are very hot

Trepadeira do Werner


Bode vermelha

CGN 19198


Wiri Wiri X Wild Brazil

Pimenta da Neyde X Trinidad Scorpion

Bode Laranja


Brasileira Marimbondo

Olho de Peixe

Pimenta ardosa- Cabeça do cachorro
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Hi guys,

Haven't been "on line" for some while now so here is a short update.

Roof terrace. Plants are still in a decent shape and most fruits are finally matured. The summer was very bad here but late September early October we had some very good weather with high temperatures up to 25 Degrees C. Will do a final harvest this weekend and will post more harvest pictures. About time to clean up the place

C.tovarii A good harvest this year. Hundreds of pods and plant is still loaded

C.cardenasii 904750136 Lot's of pods

Brasileira Bode Laranja

Brasileira 3 Lobos

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Some pictures of today's harvest..

Murupi -Cabeça do Cachorro

Coracao de boi

Trepadeira do Werner

Cheiro amarela

Brasileira Marimbondo

Cheiro amarela

Pimenta ardosa- Cabeça do cachorro

Coracao de boi

Trepadeira do Werner

Murupi -Cabeça do Cachorro

Murupi -Cabeça do Cachorro


Bode vermelha


Olho de Peixe
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's