Pikniktapaaminen Helsingissä kesällä?

Aloittaja Lumia, toukokuu 30, 2007, 11:25:49 ap

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Noh? Aji Inferno, Jassu, Maba?

Vieläkö mukana? Jos niin, niin laittakaas kommenttia kehiin päivämäärien puolesta.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Tupakka"Noh? Aji Inferno, Jassu, Maba?

Vieläkö mukana? Jos niin, niin laittakaas kommenttia kehiin päivämäärien puolesta.

Mun puolesta arpokaa joku pvm, katson sitten miten se omaan, suht tiuhaan päivittyvään, kalenteriin passaa.
Jassu @ chilit.net
Suomen Chiliyhdistys ry:n jäsen #028


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Jassu"
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Tupakka"Noh? Aji Inferno, Jassu, Maba?

Vieläkö mukana? Jos niin, niin laittakaas kommenttia kehiin päivämäärien puolesta.

Mun puolesta arpokaa joku pvm, katson sitten miten se omaan, suht tiuhaan päivittyvään, kalenteriin passaa.

No kolmaskymmenes päivä on tässä ollu esillä ja se kolmelle ihmiselle jo sopii.

Mites sulle?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Tupakka"
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Jassu"
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Tupakka"Noh? Aji Inferno, Jassu, Maba?

Vieläkö mukana? Jos niin, niin laittakaas kommenttia kehiin päivämäärien puolesta.

Mun puolesta arpokaa joku pvm, katson sitten miten se omaan, suht tiuhaan päivittyvään, kalenteriin passaa.

No kolmaskymmenes päivä on tässä ollu esillä ja se kolmelle ihmiselle jo sopii.

Mites sulle?

Mulle ei käy sillon koska ollaan sillon tallinassa...  Mulle kävis muuten kyllä millon vaan elokuussa.... :cry:
Ratkaisua ilman ongelmaa ei ole, toisin kuin ongelma ilman ratkaisua on mahdollinen


Maba: Noh.. elokuulta löytyy jo miitti, eikä ihan mikä tahansa miitti.

Jotenka.. jos tätä koko juttua järjestää aiotaan, eikä ihan tuon festarin viereen haluta niin taitais mahkut olla tässä tulevana viikonloppuna tai sitten parit ekat heinäkuun viikonloput..

Mites on, ihmiset?

Itseäni kiinnostaisi kovasti miittailla vielä ennen isoa miittiä. Ymmärränhän minä jos töitä tai mökkimenoja on mutta sanokaa nyt hyvänen aika jotain!

Aji Inferno

30th is the day of Puistoblues in Järvenpää, so it's about the only date not ok for me in the near future... :(  What about Sunday 31st? Or should we meet at Puistoblues? :)


Unless someone has some magical skills, I don't think that 31st would be ok with anyone.  Because there is no 31st :D I mean if we're still talking about June.

But, seriously, you must've ment 1st of July. That's perfectly fine with me, the only problem being the F1 GP that afternoon. However, our meeting is the priority if this date is ok with everyone.


The 1st of June is OK for me too.
Are we going to meet in Suomenlinna? The weather doesn´t seem very sunny right now...



1st of July should be okay with me too :) I mean, if the weather improves, of course.  At least today, the forecast is showing an improvement on saturday (mostly sunny 20C), but we never know...
Chile Forum in Portuguese:

Aji Inferno

Unfortunately, I still have a challenge - I managed to hurt my foot and can't walk at all right now... :(  If it calms down enough by Sunday, I'll certainly be there - if not, then can't help it, I guess. Seems to be some kind of a jinx - happened last summer, too.  :evil:


If Aji Inferno can't get there, I will have a slight problem too(assuming that I was going to get a ride). But that should be solvable. But let's hope that Tommi's foot get's better. Ofcourse I don't know any details but I had a similar jinx a couple months ago. It was sore a pretty long time but atleast I could walk with it after a couple of days. Running was a problem but we aren't running, are we. So there is hope. And I can also assume that he would want to get to the meeting so the power of will can make miracles too! :)

And the weather. Let's see.. Foreca says there will be some rain at 9'o clock atleast, I can't see any further. FMI on the other hand does not forecast any rain, just some clouds. I assume that they could both be right.. some rain at the morning but the rest of the day should be dry. That's enough for me because I've never been after the sun.

And the time. I suggest 2 pm.

And the place. I believe that Suomenlinna is a good place. But we need to arrange some meeting point. How about at the green circle on the map. At the main dock.


Now it seems that the weather forecast is improving :) Neither FMI nor FORECA are seeing any rain during the weekend!

So, I agree with the time and place.  Suomenlinna at the main dock at 2pm.

I hope Tommi can join us too and he has recovered (at least partly) from his foot.  I also twist my ankle once in a while and I agree that in the first few days one can hardly walk, but later it is at least possible to walk before fully recovering.  So, TOMMI! Let's go!

About the food/drinks, I guess everyone brings his/her own.  Of course we should share and pass our spiciest snacks around too :)

So far, it's just Tupakka, Lumi, myself (maybe my girlfriend) and maybe Tommi coming, right? Anyone else?

Looking forward to meeting you guys!
Chile Forum in Portuguese:

Aji Inferno

I'm slightly optimistic about my participation - unless things suddenly get a lot worse, I think I can make it there.

A warning, though: I have some ripe Rocopicas and Dutch-Habas etc... That will mean pain for you guys as well!  :twisted:


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Aji Inferno"I'm slightly optimistic about my participation - unless things suddenly get a lot worse, I think I can make it there.

A warning, though: I have some ripe Rocopicas and Dutch-Habas etc... That will mean pain for you guys as well!  :twisted:

Great that you can probably get there. Should we some arrangements if you (once again) are going to give me a ride? I will send a pm to you unless you do it before me.

I can remember the pain from the ulupicas very well, yes but do these rocoto crossings have even more heat? Also i'm very interested in those seeds. And btw, which generation are those Dutch-Habas?

Too bad that I don't have anything fresh for you to taste. Well, I do have a few ripe Bolivian Rainbows but I doubt that anyone of you would like to taste them.


Tommi, great to hear that you most likely will participate too! :D

Unfortunately I don't have any ripe pods either... Maybe one small Pimenta-da-Neyde, but one never knows when it's really ripe ;)
Chile Forum in Portuguese:


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "luca"Tommi, great to hear that you most likely will participate too! :D

Unfortunately I don't have any ripe pods either... Maybe one small Pimenta-da-Neyde, but one never knows when it's really ripe ;)

I got very interested in these rarer and weirder species and varieties. So I started looking for some seeds to grow next year.

In the end, I don't quite know how rare this variety is but i would be extremely glad if you had a few seeds to share.

My seedlist it at the moment filled with just some pretty common varieties(this is why I'm asking!) but if you want something in change I can give you a link to my list and see if I haven't used it already(I have very few seeds for most of my varieties).

Thanks in advance.


Ok, guys! So is everything set?

My girlfriend (Elina) has already cooked some of her very tasty and spicy pies, so we're all set for the picnic tomorrow ;) Ah, and, of course, the beers are already in the fridge 8)

Let's meet up at the main dock.  We're going by train and taking the ferry (so I can drink some beers), so maybe we'll meet at the ferry itself.

I have Tommi's phone number, I think he has mine too (do you still have it, Tommi?) so if we have any planing mismatch we can call each other.

Tupakka, I'll bring that Neyde pod.  It's a very small one and I'm not sure if it's ripe yet, but you can have it to take the seeds or, at least, taste it.  I'll be bringing along some of the seeds I have to spare too, if someone is interested.

Tommi, I'm looking forward for some pain from your rocopicas! ;) I might even spit out some seeds of those, so I can sow them as well :lol:

Looking forward to seeing you, dudes! :D
Chile Forum in Portuguese:

Aji Inferno

So, I didn't go to the Puistoblues after all - If I had, my foot certainly wouldn't have been in walking condition for our tomorrow's meeting... Now, unless bad surprises happen, I'll be there with you.

Things to taste for tomorrow:
- Aji Cristal (ripe & raw)
- PI-260567 (raw)
- Dutch Habanero F1 (ripe & raw)
- c.chacoense (raw)
- Rain Forest baccatum (ripe & raw)
- Rocopica c.cardenasii (ripe & raw)
- Starfish (raw)

Possibly something else, if I find surprises from the plants...



Thanks Luca!

As I said earlier, I'll bring a few ripe bolivian rainbow pods to taste. Everyone knows what they taste like but.. just to compare it to the chiles Tommi is bringing. Also, I will take Jersey Death, Jalapeno Tequila sauce and Chipotle Slam with me. Additionally, I might take some Habanero powder from last year. Then, I could quickly put up a stinging sauce from dry birds eyes, habanero powder, chipotle slam and a few drops of Jersey Death.

So, unless anything strange happens, we'll have lot's of things to taste tomorrow!

Ps. Tommi, you better bring your sauces too!