maaliskuu 07, 2025, 05:05:21 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

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Aiheet - skatchina

I was wondering... if you breed a really hot chile, like a Bhut Jolokia, with a sweeter one, what would the result be ?
Hot, sweet, or between the two ?

Traditional growing / fastest germination way
elokuu 15, 2011, 13:45:19 ip
hi everyone.

I'm trying to germinate several varieties on my routeur (for the heat, it's almost perfect, I reach the 27°C almost all day long).
but, I'd like to ask you... what's the best medium for germination between coton and direct in a mix of compost and coconut.

there's a seed (from my "surprise chile mix" I received with my order) growing slowly on the compost, but it took almost a week for getting out of the soil.( I know it's not so long, but I'm quite impatient  ;D )

thank you in advance.


here is my situation:

a few years ago, I went to Mexico and I bought there a pimento. (it was green when I bought it, if my memories are right). I opened it whit a knife and took de seeds out. I left it dying under the sun and took it back home.(after putting my finger in my eye and crying for a moment of course but that's another story)

I germinated some a few months ago and put it in coco peat (NPK 14-15-14 I think), in quite small grew quite well, under a 125 W envirolite (spectrum adapted for growing) . A week ago, I looked under the pots and saw that the bottom of the pots were full of roots. so I decided to repot them in bigger homemade pots (old 1L milk cartons I washed), still with the same soil.
for a few days now, I find the leaves are quiite light green/yellow and some of them already fell. (to be honnest, I can't remember if the yellow color appeared befor repoting).

I usualy grow other plants than chile and when leaves turn to light green/ yellow, the reason is often either a lack of place for the roots, either a deficiency in N.

I watter my plants twice a week and I gave them biogrow (1mL/L) last monday. I must say my biogrow bottle is 3years old, and I don't know if it's still ok.

Could someone explain me why my plants are turning yellow?

Thank you.

PS: I took a photo but I don't understand how to post it on this forum? must I host it on another website?
