syyskuu 08, 2024, 02:20:53 ap


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Aiheet - JohnF

Wild Chiles / Ulupica x eximium?
lokakuu 15, 2008, 23:46:27 ip
Another experiment with inside plants. This doesn't look right to me but it also doesn't look like anything else I growing. ???

First flower

Immature pods and later flowers which were much lighter

Pods maturing

Mature pods--this is the final color as the pods are starting to shrivel
Show us your garden! / 2008 so far
lokakuu 08, 2008, 21:41:38 ip
Still have not had frost so I'm hoping to ripen more that are still green.
Traditional growing / Two more over wintered plants
toukokuu 31, 2008, 16:08:20 ip
These were pruned-but not the roots and not as severely as some of the others.

Chicanna Purple 2-17-08

Chicanna Purple 5-31-08

Bih Jolokia 1-3-08

Bih Jolokia 5-30-08
Wild Chiles / Another over wintered plant
toukokuu 24, 2008, 20:50:06 ip
I received this as Cumari Passarhino- C. pratermissum- from Brazil. Flowers look more like baccatum. I started it a year ago this spring and it grew very little last year or over the winter until the past few weeks when it took off. These are also the very first flowers on this plant.

Wild Chiles / Over Wintered C. ciliatum
toukokuu 21, 2008, 20:21:22 ip
Traditional growing / Small experiment
toukokuu 03, 2008, 17:00:24 ip
It's 5 or 6 weeks yet before I put my peppers outside to stay. I have 3 over wintered pubescens that I started putting outside to test how they do in cool temps. Daytime here is 50's and 60's with night temps of upper 30's and 40's. I will bring them inside on nights it dips below freezing. In the past when I have tried to rush the season with other peppers ( non pubes)I ended up with stunted plants.

Other growing & lighting / Crosses
huhtikuu 29, 2008, 22:09:09 ip
Some crosses I started this winter. All except the Ulupica x pubescens were done by another man

Orange Thai x Goat's Weed--no pubescence--I have started one of the others from the second sample he sent ("possibly Orange Thai x Goat's Weed").

Orange Thai x Small Wild from Mexico--like his compact--will be interesting to see what they do with sunlight( I have 2 of these)

Small Wild from Mexico x Naga Morich--lots of buds for such a small plant

Small Wild x Pimenta Morango--flowers and buds--the smallest plant of the group

Ulupica x pubescens--looking more cardenassi like but the flower reminds me of a pubescens-largest plant

Two pictures of first open flower of Ulupica x pubesens

I have recently germinated another try of mine--Ulupica x eximium---stay tuned
Show us your garden! / Slowest Pepper
joulukuu 14, 2007, 22:01:34 ip
Thai, Yellow--seeds sown 4/11--first flower 9/27--brought inside with green pods 10/17--ripe pod 12/14

Wild Chiles / Nioi
marraskuu 23, 2007, 21:29:38 ip
Obtained through SSE. From an expedition to the Northern Marianas Island of Tinian where they grow wild. Was offered in the annuum section but it has multiple pods per node which are semi deciduous and very hot. Was supposed to have very long germination period but germinated in 11 days. It is very late though, just ripening now

Show us your garden! / What do you think?
marraskuu 09, 2007, 19:48:50 ip
I have organized my pictures the same way for several years and am now thinking consolidating them may be a more useful format.It's a fair amount of work and I did just this years to try it. Please compare the two formats and tell me what you think. I could also keep them sorted by year or combine them all as I have done with the 07 pictures. Again both formats are just this years for now

Old format

New format
Finally ripening

The bottoms of these peppers have deep indentations. The one above-still on the plant, having the deepest

Show us your garden! / Lots of tiny pods
marraskuu 05, 2007, 20:17:20 ip

The tiniest pods
Show us your garden! / PI 643124
marraskuu 01, 2007, 17:41:48 ip
Obtained from USDA as C. baccatum var. umbilicatum. Looks like the other they have  ( Chapeu de Frade) except pods are less regular. I remember a discussion of this species awhile back bit could not find the thread

Show us your garden! / Interesting flowers
lokakuu 28, 2007, 16:34:40 ip
Thought it was interesting the way these hang

Thai Yellow
Bode Roxa--ripe color is purple ( first I've had that didn't turn)-I kept waiting for red and then they started to turn yellow and go soft and wither

Finger Clips--interesting ripening sequence

Chicana Purple--these finally turned red but retain some of the purple
Show us your garden! / Interesting chinense
lokakuu 20, 2007, 04:06:25 ap
I was intrigued by the pebbled skin and very thin flesh. Not extremely hot. Only one of the pods had the contorted shape.

PI 152225 from Peru AKA Misquicho Colorado

Show us your garden! / Bih Jolokia
lokakuu 19, 2007, 18:23:32 ip
Looks a lot like Bhut Jolkia but it was slower to set fruit and to ripen. A month later than Dorset Naga and 3 weeks later than Bhut Jolokia

Traditional growing / Overwintering Experiment
lokakuu 17, 2007, 21:11:55 ip
This are the first six-I want to do about four more. As you can see from the pictures they have been radically pruned ( I've done this before) and then potted up in fresh potting mix. Put in the garage in a small east window they will get minimal light and since the garage isn't heated, minimal heat ( if it gets to freezing in the garage I will bring them inside temporarily). I want to see if I can keep them alive with minimal growth this way. It would save a lot of space and allow me to overwinter more plants.

The plants so far  are:
CGN 22208-C. galapagoense
Cobincho-BR-C. chacoense/exile
Rocoto,Riesen-C. pubescens
Trinidad Scorpion-FG-C. chinense
CGN 19198-C. praetermissum
C. lanceolatum

First five on the list

C. lanceolatum-I thought it was interesting that this plant spread beneath the soil and put up new shoots. The two smaller plants were broken off from the main mass

All potted up

Their new home
Show us your garden! / More ripe-smaller files
lokakuu 16, 2007, 19:11:17 ip
Experimenting with smaller files. Still no frost but it's only a matter of days. I have plants all over the house trying to ripen them

Sham el Shek Red- very thin fleshed-were almost dried on plant when ripe

CGN 22795-C. praetermissum

Unknown Hab.Swaziland-not a hab. or even C. chinense

Xai-Xai ( Mozambique)

Pera--similar to Pimenta Cabaca but a little smaller

PI 355819 aka Aji Dulce C. chinense-pods varied from no heat to quite hot

NOT Diaulicchi--supposed to be small -I must have mislabeled- nice sweet

PI 439359-BB C. baccatum

Bhut Jolokia -of the Jolokias and Nagas, Bhut had largest pods

Bode Roxa--pale yellow/purple seems to be ripe color

PI 260501 C. chinense-quite small

Capezzoli di Scimmia- a larger C. chinense

Wailua-from U. of Hawaii seed lab

PI 631150 C. baccatum var. baccatum

Tepin Big Harvest
Other growing & lighting / Super Hots
lokakuu 08, 2007, 16:01:32 ip
All were started 4/11 except Dorset Naga-LT which was started 4/30. Heat-wise, it's hard for me  to compare them as they are all too hot for me. But, grown by me and under my conditions the red Trinidad Scorpion seemed the hottest, then Bhut Jolokia, followed by the rest with Seven Pod the lowest.  The Seven Pod I grew before ( same seed source) was hotter and had larger and more numerous pods.  I think this shows, again, how variable all of this is. I haven't tried Bih Jolokia yet.

Wild Chiles / Tiny Pods
syyskuu 05, 2007, 21:54:14 ip
904750136 C. cardenasii

Traditional growing / More late geminators
heinäkuu 26, 2007, 21:41:07 ip
I had replanted seeds ( 4/28) of several varieties that did not germinate. After I finished potting up seedlings the germination tray was taken off the heat mat and just left on a shelf where it dried out ( early June). About 2 weeks ago I re-wet the tray and about 7/20 3 varieties germinated-Pink Hing, Bahama's Finger, and Gambia Big Orange. ( along with some tomato seeds that had been in the same tray). I had seen this behavior with some of the wild varieties earlier in the year.
Wild Chiles / Cobincho-NMDUC
heinäkuu 15, 2007, 21:02:38 ip
Interesting pepper. Tiny pods, 0-3 seeds per pod, very hot.

Show us your garden! / Slow Pepper
heinäkuu 10, 2007, 16:16:53 ip
PI 260579-AB

Started last November and just now ripening.

Wild Chiles / CAP 500 C. eximium
heinäkuu 02, 2007, 19:19:39 ip
Finally got this one to bloom

Show us your garden! / Interesting pepper
kesäkuu 30, 2007, 17:56:14 ip
Got this from a German pod pal. Reports it is a cross of C. baccatum and C. exile. Pods are deciduous and have medium heat. Took awhile to get ripe pods as something kept eating them as they ripened ( have not had this problem with any other hot varieties) and I finally brought it inside.

Show us your garden! / C. microcarpum
huhtikuu 08, 2007, 14:27:57 ip
This is, for me, another confusing pepper. The USDA, and others, list it as a synonym for C.baccatum var. baccatum . I have also seen it called a synonym for C.frutescens var. baccatum.?? Problem is that none of the three varieties I have grown has spots on the flowers and the baccatum var. baccatums I have grown do have the characteristic spots.

CAP 253-C. microcarpum

CAP 213-C.microcarpum


PI 238061-C. baccatum var. baccatum

CGN 17174-C. baccatum var. baccatum

Any thoughts?
Wild Chiles / Some flowers of some of the wild varieties
huhtikuu 04, 2007, 21:52:57 ip
Comparison of C. baccatum var. praetermissum, C. praetermissum, C. cardenasii, and C. eximium along with notes about recent reclassification, some of which seems incorrect.
Wild Chiles / Strange C. lanceolatum behavior
maaliskuu 14, 2007, 22:53:15 ip
I grew this plant last year and it blossomed profusely without setting a single pod. Overwintered and began to blossom, again without setting fruit. I tried transferring pollen from flower to flower with a paint brush ( which I had also done last year) and finally got a single pod. I gave up a few weeks ago and left the plant alone. I now notice it has a bunch of pods, all on it's own and continues to bloom

A further note on this difficult plant.
A friend sent me seeds he had saved and I tried to germinate them to have a second plant ( hoping this might aid germination) but none of the seeds germinated. He tried them and they didn't germinate for him or another friend either. So, it will be interesting to see if these produce viable seeds.
Show us your garden! / Ok, I'll try it this year.
maaliskuu 10, 2007, 22:49:51 ip
These are going now--started early winter and some from last year. Plan was to do some crossing experiments but they are still fairly small ( except for those overwintered) and I had  cut everything back to defeat thrips ( and I did) but am now battling aphids ( ladybugs arrived 4 days ago)

904750136   *********   cardenasii
Bird,Texas-Monticello   *********   annuum v. glab.
Black Cluster   *********   annuum
CAP 1473   *********   microcarpum
CAP 215   *********   microcarpum
CAP 499   *********   chacoense
CAP 500   *********   eximium
CAP 503   *********   eximium
Capsicum cardenasii-MB   *********   cardenasii
Capsicum ciliatum   *********   ciliatum
Capsicum lanceolatum   *********   lanceolatum
CGN 19198   *********   praetermissum
CGN 21569   *********   annuum v. avicul.
CGN 22208   *********   galapagoense
CGN 22795   *********   praetermissum
CGN 22839   *********   frutescens X
CGN 22876_SEB   *********   tovarii
CGN 22876-MB   *********   tovarii
CGN 23205   *********   bacc. v. bac.
Chicana Purple   *********   
Chiltepin   *********   annuum
Cobincho-BR    *********   exile
Cobincho-NMDUC   *********   chacoense
Jam. Scotch Bonnet Brown   *********   chinense
Maureen's Bolivian Yellow   *********   pubescens
PI 260437   *********   chacoense
PI 260579-AB   *********   bacc. v. praet.
PI 260595-AB   *********   bacc. v. praet.
PI 273419   *********   chacoense
PI 355811   *********   pubescens
PI 439414-PK   *********   chacoense
PI 441654-MB   *********   bacc. v. praet.
PI 446909   *********   bacc. v. praet.
PI 631150   *********   bacc. v. bac.
PI 632921   *********   annuum v. glab.
Scotch Bonnet TFM   *********   chinense
Tovarii   *********   tovarii
Tree of Paital   *********   exile/baccatum
Venezuelan Purple   *********   annuum

I lost some of these and have revised my grow list.-See post of 5/29/07 for list of what I'm actually growing this year