tammikuu 20, 2025, 02:02:43 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Näytä viestit

Tämä jakso sallii sinun katsoa tämän jäsenen kaikkia viestejä. Huomaa, että näet vain niiden alueiden viestit, joihin sinulla on nyt pääsy.

Viestit - lavish

Developing of the site / Fatalii.net is the best!
huhtikuu 16, 2009, 13:36:47 ip

I just received my first order of seeds from fatalii and i must say i havnt been as happily surprised ever when ive bought something. It made my day, and im going to get busy germinating all those freebies, and test the chili powder you sent. By the way your site is great, the most fun site for browsing around when wanting to chilisurfing the web. My father liked the fiery faces, hehe.

Thanks , Lavish
Ive read your growguide and im interested in this Floramato/micro combo. Im just starting my first hydroponic-project. Ive bought the Yaroots X-tank 4pot system. It seems pretty much the same as Atami Wilma.

I wonder if this Mato/micro combination is recommended, Im looking for a pretty simple nutrient dosing for my first hydro-project. Is it someone here that have tried the x-tank? I would love getting some information about suggested nutrients. Im going to use hydroton(leca).

Im also about to choose seeds, is there any recommendations for seeds to be used in this system. Im definately looking for some very resistent variety that can  take many variations (cause of mistakes etc...) and pest/disease resistent. Thats my big concern, not what subspecies or hotness it has etc.