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Traditional growing / Vs: New Leaves so pale, help
helmikuu 07, 2013, 19:56:17 ip

My seedlings are doing very good. I usually do time lapse video recording of my seedlings. Before the seedlings were not much active, they looked like natural dormancy, now they are very active and growing faster. However the color are not yet change, still pale but the leaves are getting bigger.

I have been looking for more information about pale leaves on the net. I found something very interesting:

A chili plant's water needs change throughout the growth and fruiting cycles. Closely monitor the soil to keep it moist without flooding it. Soggy or dry soil will cause the pepper plant to be pale droop."

Here is the link:


The soil are not soggy and the leavers are not pale drooping but fresh pale leaves. So probable the problem may be due to the lack of water and nutrients.


Traditional growing / Vs: Black Pearl Seeds Getting Black
helmikuu 07, 2013, 19:28:49 ip
Hi -V-,

It's nice to know your seedlings are OK.

The hydrogen peroxide available to our pharmacies are " hydrogen peroxide + brintoverilte+ phenacitin" the last two chemicals are unknown to me so I was hesitated to use it.


Traditional growing / Vs: Black Pearl Seeds Getting Black
helmikuu 06, 2013, 21:36:52 ip
Hi -V-,

Thank you for the link. The seeds are normal color so it may not be treated chemically.

I have not changed the paper towel instead I just sowed another batch, I soaked the seeds in chamomile tea until they were sunk. I was told to use hydrogen peroxide but here 100% pure hydrogen peroxide is not available. This time probably I may know the reason of the discoloration.

Sorry to know that you had mold problems but you were lucky because your seeds were germinated. I have no idea why you got mold attack. I would clean the place if it happened most of the batch, use another new role of paper towel and keep the place a bit airy.  How are the health of your seedlings?

Thank you for your time.


Traditional growing / Vs: Black Pearl Seeds Getting Black
helmikuu 06, 2013, 19:28:00 ip
Hi -V-,

I am not sure about this color is fungus or mold. I am not yet contact the seed seller, they might know about this color. Some seed sellers use chemical to prevent fungus and mold for their seeds.

I have been using this method many times and I never have such type of discoloration of the seeds. I will change a new paper towel and wait for a few days. If they are not germinated I'll contact the seller.

Thank you for your time.


Traditional growing / Black Pearl Seeds Getting Black
helmikuu 06, 2013, 16:31:56 ip

Usually I use paper towel and zip lock bag method for germination of chili seeds. I used tap water to moisten the paper towel and keep them warm.

I sowed the seeds Aji Amarillo, Black Pearl, Habanero Tree, Snow White, Cumari and 7 Pot Brain Strain on 1st February 2013. Aji Amarillo started germination but the Black Pearl seeds are getting bluish/black color. I never ever have such type of experience before. So I am looking for a clue here. This is my first time grow Black Pearl.

Any help will be appreciated.


Traditional growing / Vs: New Leaves so pale, help
helmikuu 05, 2013, 14:34:25 ip
Hi Cix,

I did fertilize all the seedlings. It is a very good idea to test on few seedlings, it should be done, I like.

I am not very familiar with this soil, this is my first time use and consider it is experimental. May be next week the result of fertilization may show up.

I'll try to reduce the soil pH by adding vinegar in the water. It would be very nice of you If you have any suggestion to reduce the soil pH.   

Thank you for your time and this chart.


Traditional growing / Vs: New Leaves so pale, help
helmikuu 04, 2013, 18:39:32 ip
Hi Cix,

The soil is called 5:1:1 (5 parts fine pine bark, 1 part sphagnum peat moss, 1 part perlite and slow-releasing fertilizer added). The soil dries (like sand) very fast, so I water the seedlings two times a day. To keep the soil moisten I did mulch all the seedlings with pine bark yesterday.

The pH of the soil is almost 7 according to the Rapitest 4 in 1 Tester. The pale leaves are only the new leaves. Before only 2 plants have this problem now 3 more plants are also having same problem.

The growth of the seedlings were slow, I thought it was winter dormancy. These pale new leaves are appeared recently and the old leaves are not pale. Now the growth of my seedlings are faster than before. So my plants may not have lack of nutrients. Just now I learned it from your post.

I fertilized the seedlings with Super Thrive 50 in 1 yesterday. I have suspicion of dry soil, lack of nutrients and lights. I hope the result of fertilization may be known within a few days and I will update the information here.

A bit more detail picture:

Thank you for your time and advice.


Traditional growing / Vs: New Leaves so pale, help
helmikuu 03, 2013, 20:53:46 ip
Hi Macex,

Thank you for your advice, I'll do what you said. The soil has slow realizing-fertilizer too. I have some fertilizers, such as Chili Focus, Super Thrive 50 in 1 and NPK 3-1-4 concentrate. Which one I should choose under this condition is indecisive. Any preference will be very much appreciated.

The moisture around the seedlings may not be very favorable, they are not in the green house. The room is big and the fan I use may be avoiding the moisture around the seedlings too. The room humidity is 45% and the temperature is about 23 C according to my digital weather forecast.

Thank you for your time.


Traditional growing / Vs: New Leaves so pale, help
helmikuu 03, 2013, 16:32:48 ip
Hi Macex,

Thank you for the reply, I water them regularly (seem to need some water) when the soil is almost dry. I use a small computer fan to air the soil properly and it makes the soil dry too.

I do not think it is the problem of overwater, I am sorry to say this. I have suspicion of lack of nutrients and lights, but I cannot say because the other seedlings do not have this problem.  I do not fertilize regularly. These two plants are Ghost Yellow and Ghost Brown both of them are from the same seed source.

By the way, your English is better than mine. I am also not so good in English  :D


Traditional growing / New Leaves so pale, help
helmikuu 03, 2013, 14:05:30 ip

I am a new gardener I do not have much experiences. I have some chili seedlings most of them are super hot chilies. Now two of my ghost chili plants' new leaves are so pale. I cannot figure it out the reason of this problem. I use some florescent lamps not all the time. I am afraid to give fertilizer because I had bad experiences of over fertilize before. The soil is not damp and water regularly.

I am looking for your help. Any help will be very much appreciated.


Hi -V-,

Thank you for the reply.

Now I know how to manage it, 1. the frontpage (http://fatalii.net/growing/) 2. fatalii.net -forum! 3. language selection (top right hand corner) 4. log in.


Hi Boozeman,

Thank you for the reply. I followed your instruction but the forum reappeared in Finnish again. To get the English version I log in from the homepage.


Fatalii.net / Vs: Welcome to fatalii.net forums!
helmikuu 02, 2013, 23:06:37 ip
Thank you for the information.


First of all, thank you for this website.

I am from Denmark, I am a new container gardener. Last year I registered in this forum but I have not posted any post due to the language problem. I have a problem of English version selection.

Only today I was informed that the forum has English version then I tried and somehow I got here. This is my first post.  Briefly I am telling you all my problem. If I log in direct to the forum http://chilifoorumi.fi/ I always get Finnish version and when I log in from the http://fatalii.net/growing/ I got English version. Is it normal or  is it a problem of my account set up?

Any help will be appreciated.
