tammikuu 18, 2025, 06:07:07 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Näytä viestit

Tämä jakso sallii sinun katsoa tämän jäsenen kaikkia viestejä. Huomaa, että näet vain niiden alueiden viestit, joihin sinulla on nyt pääsy.

Aiheet - bobstevenson

Hi all, I am thinking of starting at chilli festival here in Spain to co-incide with the perseides metor shower in August (weekend of 11th to 14th) I live 50km inland from alicante at an altitude of 600M so the shower is always good here but with the waning moon this year should be even better (and skies are normally clear). I can arrange camping/hotels campervan parking ect. I also have arranged with a local winehouse (bodega) for a cooking competition and tours with free wine tasting. This to be followed by a hog roast and music all weekend. If anyone is interested in having seeds or pod stalls or even a "Naga eating" contest here in the sun and a fab weekend out meeting fellow chilliheads (plus seeing the spectacular meteor shower) please either pm me or email me at bobstevenson@hotmail.com If anyone has suggestions please let me know. I can arrange bus tours, hiking mountain biking and probably anything you would want for sa week/end away. I am also sure that there will be alot of interest from various expat communities on the coast. Please pm me for phone number if this may be of interest to anyone. If enough preliminary interest is forthcoming I will advertise it all over Spain/europe and the normal chilli forums etc.