tammikuu 18, 2025, 06:59:17 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

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Viestit - varg

It seems to me that CGN 21500 fruits are among the most beautiful pods in the chilipepper world.

When unripe pods of this cultivar get a lot of sunlight they also look good.

This variety is surprising me a lot. Despite the fact that some C.flexuosum (I mean PI 631154 variety) plants have very large flowers, nevertheless they form very small fruits (0.5 cm in diameter).

Allt om chili / Vs: Cix Chilidagbok
tammikuu 30, 2013, 12:30:50 ip
Hey, Cix! Hoppas att dina plantor mår bra!  :)
På tal om picasa.google.com
Jag håller på at använda den här bildtjänsten i över 2,5 år. Första gången när jag bara började att utnyttja den kändes det lite krångligt att publicera bilderna på mina growlog sidor. Men nu blev jag van att göra det och jag ångrar inte att jag började använda den där tjänsten. Får jag visa här hur jag placerar mina peppar bilder?

Man får att högerclicka på den bilden som man har redan placerat på sin picasa sida och kopiera URL av den där bilden
sedan infogar man den här koden med hjälp av Insert Image ikon
d.v.s man får så här koden
Om man vill göra bilden mindre får man ändra den här parametern s800 och göra den för exempel s400, i så fall blir bilden 2 gånger mindre.
Hoppas att jag har kunnat hjälpa dig och min förklaringen är inte så krångligt för dig...  ;)
P.S. Jag ber om förlåtelse för min Svenska därför att jag är självlärd och har aldrig varit i Sverige  ;) :)
Traditional growing / Vs: Lots of flowers, no fruit
marraskuu 15, 2012, 19:35:59 ip
On the one hand it could be abundance of nitrogen.
On the other hand the lack of air circulation may cause such things. Pollen of some C.chinense cultivars couldn't be formed normally without proper air circulation/ If you want to solve this problem just use a fan.
Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
marraskuu 15, 2012, 19:23:40 ip
My Rocobi F1 and BiPi Hab F1 plants (I have 4 plants) when growing outdoors gave me  more than 1000 pods.

Hope your Rocobi F2 plant will give you large yields next year.  :)
Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
marraskuu 15, 2012, 19:14:14 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: ABK - marraskuu 15, 2012, 18:50:15 ip
Tomorrow I will taste one of those.

You've got to call 112 before tasting it!  Who knows how high its heat level...  :o
Relax, bro! It's just a joke!  ;) :D
Show us your garden! / some photos of pepper flowers
lokakuu 26, 2012, 17:37:59 ip
Some photos of pepper flowers made by a digital microscope

What a pity! Bloody pest!  >:(   Hope the next season will be more lucky. ;)
Nice work, ABK!
How is your Rocobi F2 plant? Has any pod of it begun changing its colour?
Other growing & lighting / Vs: semillas.de
kesäkuu 01, 2012, 21:24:16 ip
I bought seeds 3 times at semillas.de All the seeds germinated well and there was no crosspollinated cultivars among them.
Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
huhtikuu 24, 2012, 18:35:39 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: ABK - huhtikuu 23, 2012, 22:44:14 ip
A couple of Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho F2 seedlings. I wonder if they will produce some pods this year...

Sure they'll do it! ;)
Habanero Saint Lucia Island Seasoning (C.chinense)
Seeds germinated November 21 2011. I left 2 seedlings.

First bud rudiments appeared on the 4th February 2012.

First flowers opened on 22d February:

First pods forming:

The first fruit ripened 137 days after seeds germinating:

The taste of Habanero Saint Lucia Island Seasoning's fruit was excellent. The pod was crunchy, juicy and mild hot (1,5-2 points of 10).
The fruits are small (2 x 2,5 cm).

P.S. The plants are growing in 2,7l container indoor under 250W HPS lamp.
Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
huhtikuu 23, 2012, 21:27:13 ip
Some photos of Pimenta Biquinho X Pink Habanero and Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho F1 hybrids:

Show us your garden! / Vs: Lee's 2012 Season
helmikuu 28, 2012, 14:55:41 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: lee - helmikuu 25, 2012, 21:02:59 ip
Hi Varg,

In 2009 it took 4 months from seed to first flower.. so dont worry  ;)

Lee, thanx for your encouraging reply!  ;)
Show us your garden! / Vs: Lee's 2012 Season
helmikuu 20, 2012, 12:22:05 ip
Hi, Lee!
Great collection!
As far as I know it's not the first time you grow C.rhomboideum & C.flexuosum, is it?
Can't you tell me how much time it usually take these species plants to begin blooming?
I've got some C.rhomboideum plants. They all are 3 months old. But there is even no sign of flower bud rudiments at them.
Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
tammikuu 27, 2012, 12:21:12 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: cornell - tammikuu 26, 2012, 10:44:59 ap
Really nice stuff!!! Would like to test them if you are willing to share you project ; )) ...

Give me your post address and I'll send you some F2 seeds of the both hybrids.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: cornell - tammikuu 26, 2012, 10:44:59 ap
Could you still explain to me why you choose to make this cross? Why you picked up these varieties as parents?

Yes, I could do it. I crossed namely these cultivars because they had bloomed simultaneously. The other reason is I'd like to get a crunchy juicy chinense cultivar with low heat level and strong chinense aroma.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: cornell - tammikuu 26, 2012, 10:44:59 ap
Has the taste improved?

IMHO, Rocobi (I called so Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho hybrid) is more juicy and seems to have more chinense aroma than it's parents.
As for the second hybrid (don't khow yet how to call it, maybe Bipi Hab?  ;D) I can't say that its taste has been improved.

I think that outdoor growing will improve both hybrids taste and aroma. Maybe they'll be more hotter too (but I don't want it  ;)). ???
Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
tammikuu 27, 2012, 11:56:06 ap
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Mooms - tammikuu 26, 2012, 10:08:49 ap
Are you going to continue growing F2s from these?

I'd like to do it but I don't have much space...  :(
Maybe I'll grow a couple of plants but it's too little to get a stable cultivar isn't it (F2-F3-F4...FN)?

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Mooms - tammikuu 26, 2012, 10:08:49 ap
If Im not mistaken the next generation might get more traits from the biquinho heat wise?

Don't think so 'cause I used a low heat (0-1 of 10) Pimenta Biquinho (from Brasil). There are two cultivar with name Biquinho. One is very hot and another one (i.e. mine) has very low heat level (or no heat at all).
Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
tammikuu 25, 2012, 21:31:07 ip
Another one bust to dust taste test. 

I took first 4 pods of Pimenta Biquinho X Pink Habanero hybrid, the fruits were ripe or half ripe.

These hybrid pods are little hotter than Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho ones. Moderate chinense aroma. Crunchy, quite juicy but not so juicy like Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho. IMHO, it tastes similar to his "father", i.e. Pink Habanero.

In general, a decent hybrid for those who like сhinense fruits with low heat level.

Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
tammikuu 20, 2012, 21:19:19 ip
Yesterday was a taste test day. There were 7 fruits of the Rocotillo X Pimenta Biquinho hybrid. Some fruits were red i.e. fully ripe & some fruits were orange.

All of them were crunchy & juicy. The red pods had quite strong chinense aroma. It was something like apricot flavour too. The heat level was very low (0,5-1 of 10).

The orange pods had less chinense flavour than the red ones.

Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
tammikuu 16, 2012, 16:14:11 ip
The first pod of the Pimenta Biquinho X Pink Habanero hybrid has begun changing its colour.

On the eve of a taste test:
Show us your garden! / Vs: A couple of C.chinense hybrids
tammikuu 12, 2012, 19:31:58 ip
The first ripe fruit at one of my hybrids:

It took it 100 days to become ripe. Not bad for C. chinense pepper, isn't it?