7 Pod C. chinense Yellow and 7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow

Aloittaja scion, lokakuu 31, 2013, 19:56:48 ip

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I am confused about these two varieties 7 Pod C. chinense yellow and 7 Pod Brain Strain Yellow. I Googled for information and found some pictures, they seems to me all are same.

What is difference between these two varieties 7 Pod and 7 Pod Brain Strain?

Thanks in advance.



Lainaus käyttäjältä: scion - lokakuu 31, 2013, 19:56:48 ip
What is difference between these two varieties 7 Pod and 7 Pod Brain Strain?

Shape. That is what I know what is different between those two. Brain Stain looks like brain, other not so much. I have no personal experience nor even interested but that is what I have read about this subject. If I remember correctly, one american grew these and other one said it looked just like brain. After that started mental fight about who may say their 7 pods as brain strain without mentioning who was first to grow these...
Muppet. Muppets. Muppeteers.


marraskuu 04, 2013, 17:23:44 ip #2 Viimeisin muokkaus: tammikuu 31, 2014, 22:16:20 ip käyttäjältä scion
I have sown both varieties. When it yielded pods I will upload the pictures here :)

Thanks for the post.