syyskuu 17, 2024, 11:23:35 ap


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Viestit - Mayloa

Allt om chili / Vs: Balkongchili i St:Karins 2013
huhtikuu 30, 2013, 20:01:27 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fredrik-flugarn - huhtikuu 28, 2013, 11:43:09 ap
Oj oj oj... Usch vad de hänger med bladen!
Från fuktigt chilirum till välventilerad balkong var de inte beredda på! :-\ Nååå... Det finns ju flera ifall de stryker med.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fredrik-flugarn - huhtikuu 30, 2013, 19:05:15 ip
Majblomma - deluxe!

Red Rocoto (Capsicum pubescens) från frön plockade ur Heinän puutarhas!  chilin står för första pube-blomman i mitt liv hittills. Hoppas de blir många!
Att ligga i pinnsoffan på balkongen och stirra i taket blir lätt en ny hobby  ;)

Vilket betyder att de överlevde? Satte du ut dem direkt på "heltid" eller avhärdade först? :)
Hydroponic growing / Vs: Blooming phase problem
heinäkuu 03, 2012, 21:02:06 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Skygge - heinäkuu 03, 2012, 02:22:18 ap
The cayennes are getting dark red at the moment ;) but they are quite strange, they don't look like cayennes ! They are wide and roundy, not pointy and thin...

This happened to me in 2010 aswell, bought seeds labeled to be Cayenne but ended up with wide roundy pods maturing from green to red. They were quite thick in the flesh too, but tasted alright so it didnt bother me much :P
Other discussion / Vs: Help identify this bug
tammikuu 14, 2012, 18:03:35 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: horsebones - tammikuu 14, 2012, 12:02:09 ip
Looking at pictures of the Fungus gnats, they seem to go from a white lava to a flyer. Does this mean those crawlers at the bottom of the picture are something else?

A wild guess would be that it might be a stage in between larvae and flying. I'm afraid i have no household tricks for those bugs, although i hear that nematodes are effective for commercial growers :)
Bonchi / Vs: Bugs
marraskuu 16, 2011, 21:37:58 ip
You are correct, I got myself confused :)
Bonchi / Vs: Bugs
marraskuu 15, 2011, 16:51:33 ip
Those are called Spidermites in English. As far as i know there's only two good ways to get rid of them, chemicals or manual removal. Im sure google has the information about the chemicals used, However if its a minor infestation it should be enough to remove them manually. Take some paper towels and gently remove the webs and mites from the plants. Alternatively cut off infested parts if possible and needed.

Spidermites like a hot and humid climate, So i'd suggest you to stop spraying asap and hope for the Aphids to vanish without it :D

Edit: I myself had a minor spidermite problem earlier this fall, Luckely I saw them early on and it was about time to cut the plants down for overwintering anyway so all i did was cut the plant way back and gently threw the top of the plant in the trash :D I haven't seen signs of damage or bugs since :)
Bonchi / Vs: Montmorillonite Clay?
lokakuu 04, 2011, 17:09:18 ip
Nice! I'm looking forward to the results  :D
Bonchi / Vs: Montmorillonite Clay?
lokakuu 01, 2011, 12:44:40 ip
I've never heard of it before. But a quick lurk on google tells me a little bit..

First, Wikibooks (
"Arcillite - baked montmorillonite clay, sold as Turface, Schultz Aquatic Soil, and other products. Arcillite has an attractive reddish color that darkens to brown when wet. It has high nutrient-retention properties, and is very stable and long-lasting."

Also, Wikipedia (
"Montmorillonite is used in the oil drilling industry as a component of drilling mud, making the mud slurry viscous which helps in keeping the drill bit cool and removing drilled solids. It is also used as a soil additive to hold soil water in drought prone soils, to the construction of earthen dams and levees and to prevent the leakage of fluids. It is also used as a component of foundry sand and as a desiccant to remove moisture from air and gases.

Similar to many other clays, montmorillonite swells with the addition of water. However, some montmorillonites expand considerably more than other clays due to water penetrating the interlayer molecular spaces and concomitant adsorption. The amount of expansion is due largely to the type of exchangeable cation contained in the sample. The presence of sodium as the predominant exchangeable cation can result in the clay swelling to several times its original volume. Hence, sodium montmorillonite has come to be used as the major constituent in non-explosive agents for splitting rock in natural stone quarries in order to limit the amount of waste, or for the demolition of concrete structures where the use of explosive charges is unacceptable.

This swelling property makes montmorillonite-containing bentonite useful also as an annular seal or plug for water wells and as a protective liner for landfills. Other uses include as an anti-caking agent in animal feed, in paper making to minimize deposit formation and as a retention and drainage aid component. Montmorillonite has also been used in cosmetics.

Sodium montmorillonite is also used as the base of some cat litter products, due to its adsorbent and clumping properties.

Calcined clay products

Montmorillonite can be (calcined) to produce arcillite, a porous, calcined clay sold as a soil conditioner for playing fields and other soil products such as for use as bonsai soil as an alternative to akadama."

So, I think that montmorillonite bought as a oil absorbant isn't gonna be the same product as the bonsai-soil stuff. It is most likely not baked or calcined, seeing as this only seems to be done to the material when it's going to be used in soils. I would think that the expansion of the material is causing the heat, that adds up with my basic physics knowledge anyway :D

It was definitely a interesting read though, thanks for sharing  8)
It has 2-3 flowers per node. Which means there's plenty of flower buds but unfortunately a good portion of the flowers are falling off, probably due to light and heat being on the low side. I can live with that though. Hmm I wonder if all my 'fatalii' seeds are the same then, bought two packages so there might still be some real ones :P

Thanks for your reply :)
Greetings, I was looking forward to growing a yellow 'Fatalii' this year.

The plant has typical C. chinense flowers. In my point of view the pods are a little small compared to other Fatalii plants.(3 X 1,5 cm) That might be due to climate though, I'm afraid my window might be a bit cold for chinense. Flowers are tiny as well. The pods aren't as pointy as the other Fatalii pods I've seen on pics. Unless Yellow fatalii go from green->red->yellow this isn't the material i thought it was :)

Haven't tried the pods yet so I'm not sure how hot the are.

Blurry pictures was all I could get.
Bonchi / Vs: Question: Bonchi in the windowsill
kesäkuu 12, 2011, 00:46:43 ap
Hi and welcome to the world of growing :)

If i were you i would chill for this season, do some more research on the different species, finding the seeds that matches your needs etc. Then start the seeds off early next year (Jan/Feb/Mar or so[Some swear to putting seeds down already in Nov/Dec though]) The plants grow nicely in a sunny windowsill in Denmark without extra lighting (That's how i grow them) And by the end of next years season you'll cut it down and start working it into bonchi.

I've done little reading about fusing, i hear it is supposed to be hard to pull off though. But that just makes it even more interesting, right? =)

As with varieties, Probably something with small pods. It all comes down to personal preference though.

To sum up; You should try it, you'll see that it is a great journey and you will learn by doing.

Try looking for "Den lille stærke om chili" which is a danish book about chilies by Lene tvedegaard @ your local library. It has some good info, might help =)
Also if you haven't already, you should check out the articles @ Fatalii's growing guide
Cool! It also looks like the stigma is thicker than what i've seen before :)
Lainaus käyttäjältä: lee - toukokuu 15, 2011, 23:01:27 ip

Nice looking plants you've got there

Which variety is it that you have on the bottom left corner in this pic I quoted?

Take care :)
13 updates / Vs: Huge greenhouses, Season 2011
toukokuu 16, 2011, 17:21:33 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: -V- - toukokuu 16, 2011, 17:08:41 ip
I think the consensus is that the plants have had enough sun(or artificial)light for the day and are "going to sleep". Most chiles are from areas near the equator so the daylength is longer here (would your plants be doing that after about 12hrs of light?).

It's nothing to worry about, they'll grow fine.

I guess that would make sense for the greenhouse plants, not in my case though.. I have a Aji amarillo small, Fatalii and a Cayenne growing in the same windowsill and the Aji is the only one showing these signs. I'm not worried about the plant, It's still looking healthy :)
I just thought I'd ask to see if there was any conclusion to it, Maybe it's just a baccatum thing :)
14 updates / Vs: Huge greenhouses, Season 2011
toukokuu 15, 2011, 12:01:10 ip
Looking good! I see that your plants have the same tendency as my "Aji amarillo small" that im growing this year. The plants are looking healthy and all, but towards the afternoon/evening the top shoots on each stem will curl in a rather odd way(a lot like the bottom pic). Do you happen to know what this is? I've only seen it on Aji's so far.

To start with I was thinking it was stress symptoms because my windowsill might have been too cold during the evening, but now I see you've got the same thing going on :)

Thanks in advance :)
Traditional growing / Vs: Your take on seedlings
maaliskuu 11, 2011, 09:03:58 ap
So I ended up buying two 30W (4000k) CFL bulbs along with cheap lamps to go with them. Spent about 26€. This is the difference..

Last years 'Cayenne'

Compared to this years 'Fatalii' and 'Aji amarillo small' (fatalii's to the far left, 2 plants) Same amount of days passed since I put them in the soil..

Quite a significant difference in growth if you ask me.. So to all of you out there with no seedling grow-lights = Go for it, even a small and cheap setup will do the difference.

EDIT: [img] Doesnt seem to work very well for me, ill try [url] instead
Traditional growing / Biobizz concentration.
maaliskuu 11, 2011, 08:37:26 ap
It's about time to start adding nutrients to this years plants for me. I have bought Biobizz for this years season but can't make up my mind on which concentration to go for. Unfortunately I don't have any EC-meter to measure with. The Feeding chart I got along with my order is obviously made for certain Short-day plants and does not quite suit my needs as I'm not using their soil mixes either. The bottle says 2-4 ml/l (0,2-0,4%) whereas feeding chart says 1 ml/l (0,1%) throughout the whole season when using their all-mix.

How much have you been adding? And how much Biogrow are you giving when you start up giving Biobloom aswell? Has anyone tested EC for the different concentrations?

Thanks in advance
Have a nice weekend! :)
Bonchi / Vs: Lemon Drop bonchi
maaliskuu 01, 2011, 18:30:14 ip
Hm... Now there's an aspect that I had completely ignored. Now that I came to think about it, it might just be that my first bonchi experiment drowned... It suffered a massive bug invasion, and to save it I cut it down, changed the invaded soil and covered it with gravel to stop the buggers from multiplying. As a result to this the whole plant (which was a BST) rotted quite quickly... Seems u learn something every day...

Hehe, at least you got something good out of a bug-invasion :D
They've grown quite a bit though, as I cut them down quite early in the autumn. So I can't say that they are small any more  :)
And about nutrient levels, I should probably add that I did put 50-75% nutrients in the water when watering.
But I didn't water them as often as in the summer period, seeing as transpiration isn't as high during dark & cold periods. 
After harvest last season I decided to give overwintering a shot, I had two healthy looking Cayenne plants that I didn't like throwing out anyway.
I cut the main stem just over the second node, And it managed to grow new foliage quite fast. As we got over to winter the leaves started to curl, with the tip curling downwards. I didn't worry much about this though as I've been told (or read somewhere) that this is normal among evergreen plants. It's suppose to be a defence mechanism to avoid too much transpiration.

Anyway they have managed just fine throughout the whole winter period, just sitting in my windowsill without any extra lighting. I've given them about 50-75% dosage of the same nutrients as they had during the summer period.

Since Christmas (or around there) the tips of the leaves started to turn dark, and then into brown and started to show signs of mould. (Only the tips of the leaves) Both new and old leaves show these signs. I check them for bad looking leaves and remove them asap, in case it would spread to other plants or such.

Is this something you've seen when overwintering plants too? If so; is it common?
Hydroponic growing / Vs: DIY Aero Farm
tammikuu 07, 2011, 20:23:21 ip
Woo looks like you managed to get yourself a decent harvest there after a bit of work(with building the rig and all). Always nice seeing DIY projects :)