helmikuu 09, 2025, 04:16:56 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

C. Flexuosum Pods

Aloittaja cmpman1974, lokakuu 14, 2007, 17:40:40 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Pretty pods and translucent. :)



Looks nice, but have you tasted those? No heat at all?
Suomen Chiliyhdistys ry


So cute! What do you think about taste? Or the heat?
Ratkaisua ilman ongelmaa ei ole, toisin kuin ongelma ilman ratkaisua on mahdollinen


Congratulations and very beautiful plant?


Very nice, Chris!

Really interesting pods, as you said, translucent! I still haven't succeeded in having a flexu of my own, even though they're native in my home state in Brazil (but I don't leave there anymore).
Chile Forum in Portuguese:


The taste of the pods isn't much to speak of...medium to low heat.  Beautiful plant though and what is intriguing is 90% of the pods have 1 black seed in them.  Some have as many as three though.  How weird.  It thrives in colder weather too as Jukka and many others have already confirmed.  


Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "cmpman1974"The taste of the pods isn't much to speak of...medium to low heat.  Beautiful plant though and what is intriguing is 90% of the pods have 1 black seed in them.  Some have as many as three though.  How weird.  It thrives in colder weather too as Jukka and many others have already confirmed.  


The strange (actually VERY strange) thing about these is that of my two flexuosum varieties one produces very sweet, completely heatless, delicious berries but the other one's 100% similar looking ones aren't sweet but have somewhat heat... The plants are virtually identical, the only difference being the color of flower spots. Both are from Paraguay.


You don't happen to have a few seeds to trade of each C. Flexuosum strain, would you?  I really enjoy growing this one.  I'd like to try these two types for comparison.   Thanks!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Aji Inferno"
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "cmpman1974"The taste of the pods isn't much to speak of...medium to low heat.  Beautiful plant though and what is intriguing is 90% of the pods have 1 black seed in them.  Some have as many as three though.  How weird.  It thrives in colder weather too as Jukka and many others have already confirmed.  


The strange (actually VERY strange) thing about these is that of my two flexuosum varieties one produces very sweet, completely heatless, delicious berries but the other one's 100% similar looking ones aren't sweet but have somewhat heat... The plants are virtually identical, the only difference being the color of flower spots. Both are from Paraguay.

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "cmpman1974"You don't happen to have a few seeds to trade of each C. Flexuosum strain, would you?  I really enjoy growing this one.  I'd like to try these two types for comparison.   Thanks!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Aji Inferno"
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "cmpman1974"The taste of the pods isn't much to speak of...medium to low heat.  Beautiful plant though and what is intriguing is 90% of the pods have 1 black seed in them.  Some have as many as three though.  How weird.  It thrives in colder weather too as Jukka and many others have already confirmed.  


The strange (actually VERY strange) thing about these is that of my two flexuosum varieties one produces very sweet, completely heatless, delicious berries but the other one's 100% similar looking ones aren't sweet but have somewhat heat... The plants are virtually identical, the only difference being the color of flower spots. Both are from Paraguay.

Sorry for forgetting to reply then! :(  The problem with flexuosums is that they are extremely unwilling to produce seeds. At least in my conditions... So, one of my plants hasn't produced one single seed ever and the older one (with sweet berries) only about 4 in many years. Now I have none of either variety, so I have to hope that these babies will survive and agree to finally produce both fruit and seeds this year...