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Tovarii, any special hints for growing?

Aloittaja Filago, tammikuu 16, 2010, 23:45:17 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I got some seeds of Capsicum Tovarii from MasaT. And sowed them on December 3rd. Today I have a first one germinated :). Like 1 mm of root showing, finally, after six weeks. And now the questions. As I'm hoping to get that one to come out of its seedcover without trouble, and after that to grow into healthy plant. Are there any hints from people who have had this species before with success? I'm growing my chilies in soil, no experience of hydros at all. And I planned to grow this one similar way.



Hello again,

Today my Tovarii dropped his seedcover, and seems to be starting to grow first true leave.

By filago,at 2010-01-27

So far nobody has answered with hints, so I figured out this is not so common pet to have. But I can still put up pictures and tell of troubles if there comes any, if anybody is interested.


Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Filago - tammikuu 16, 2010, 23:45:17 ip
I got some seeds of Capsicum Tovarii from MasaT. And sowed them on December 3rd. Today I have a first one germinated :). Like 1 mm of root showing, finally, after six weeks. And now the questions. As I'm hoping to get that one to come out of its seedcover without trouble, and after that to grow into healthy plant. Are there any hints from people who have had this species before with success? I'm growing my chilies in soil, no experience of hydros at all. And I planned to grow this one similar way.


Quite easy one to grow, just don't water too much in the wintertime. Doesn't really need much attention, somewhat prone to pests though. Grows well in relatively "dark" places too.



Tovarii is having no problems so far. I am keeping him under 20 W (2700 K) ESL with other seedlings.

By filago at 2010-02-03



Today's picture of Tovarii.

By filago, at 2010-02-15

So far so good, seems to be growing, not fast, but steadily.




Here is picture how my first Tovarii is doing nowadays. I am planning to start giving it a little bit of fertilizer soon. Opinions? Is it good time already?

By filago, at 2010-02-24

And good news is, that also other seed germinated, finally. As a seed it looked already like lost one, had turned brown, but still, after more than 2,5 months, decided to push out root.




Tovarii is now 3 months old. He is getting bigger, growing by window, getting only natural light, which is not that much here in Finland in this time of year. But at least he is starting to produce buds. We'll see.

By filago,  at 2010-04-15



I noticed others have their Tovariis flovering, also. But here is picture of mine.

By filago at 2010-04-29

Now it would be nice to get some hints how to turn flowers into fruits?



Seems to be forming a pod among flowers :).

By filago at 2010-05-17
