helmikuu 08, 2025, 05:44:27 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

C. EXILE seeds for sale / EXCHANGE for other wild species

Aloittaja timppa, lokakuu 19, 2008, 11:36:55 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


lokakuu 19, 2008, 11:36:55 ap Viimeisin muokkaus: tammikuu 17, 2009, 19:48:27 ip käyttäjältä timppa
This might belong to "tori" but I think this is better in here.

Wild capsicum C. EXILE seeds for sale. This is very rare chile. Small and beautiful plant, relatively easy to grow after germinating. Suitable for bonsai also. Very hot small iPods with unique taste. If you want something very special to grow, this is the one. Price 10 euro for four seeds. Delivery all over the world by mail and the price includes the delivery costs.

You can contact by private message (timppa) or by email sir_timppa@hotmail.com
ps. I always give some extra varietes for free if you make an order.
Ruoka ilman chiliä on teeskentelyä!
ps. kysy siemeniä, löytyy yli 80 eri lajiketta! OTA YHTEYTTÄ SÄHKÖPOSTILLA: sir_timppa@hotmail.com

En lue yksityisviestejä!

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "timppa"This might belong to "tori" but I think this is better in here.

Wild capsicum C. EXILE seeds for sale. This is very rare chile. Small and beautiful plant, relatively easy to grow after germinating. Suitable for bonsai also. Very hot small pods with unique taste. If you want something very special to grow, this is the one. Price 10 euro for four seeds. Delivery all over the world by mail and the price includes the delivery costs.

You can contact by private message (timppa) or by email sir_timppa@hotmail.com
ps. I always give some extra varietes for free if you make an order.

...one clarification: c.exile = c.chacoense - but a rare and fine plant anyway!


Yes that's true. This is Capsicum chacoënse. However Capsicum Exile differs from other chacoënses and is more like a special case. It doesn't have calyx teeth and it is more like a bush with a lots of thin branches. Typical heat of chacoënses is mild to average but this one is really hot. When you take a small taste with your tongue, it feels like you are not anymore sure if you like to take a bigger bite... but in same time there is this unique taste, which I cannot describe. It's just unique. And that's what makes you want to take a bit more bite and find out more about this rare taste.
Ruoka ilman chiliä on teeskentelyä!
ps. kysy siemeniä, löytyy yli 80 eri lajiketta! OTA YHTEYTTÄ SÄHKÖPOSTILLA: sir_timppa@hotmail.com

En lue yksityisviestejä!

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "timppa"Yes that's true. This is Capsicum chacoënse. However Capsicum Exile differs from other chacoënses and is more like a special case. It doesn't have calyx teeth and it is more like a bush with a lots of thin branches. Typical heat of chacoënses is mild to average but this one is really hot. When you take a small taste with your tongue, it feels like you are not anymore sure if you like to take a bigger bite... but in same time there is this unique taste, which I cannot describe. It's just unique. And that's what makes you want to take a bit more bite and find out more about this rare taste.

This is all true, especially the lack of calyx teeth is interesting. The plant is also quite large. It seems there are quite many variations of chacoense out there, including a tiny version with purple flowers! A lot to be discovered there, it seems... :)

Chilli Mad

timppa, I'm interested but any chance of some pics?


This is the plant. I had another one too and it's much smaller, only about half of this one. Both are germinated at the same time. Smaller one made pods but this plant in the picture made no pods during the summer (now there is however two small green pods and flowers). Both plants are now inside (in summer they were in greenhouse) and smaller one have drop a lot of it's leaves and I'm afraid it's going to die, since branches are dry too  :cry:
Ruoka ilman chiliä on teeskentelyä!
ps. kysy siemeniä, löytyy yli 80 eri lajiketta! OTA YHTEYTTÄ SÄHKÖPOSTILLA: sir_timppa@hotmail.com

En lue yksityisviestejä!

Aji Inferno

Looks quite familiar, yes. :)  Must be the ugliest capsicum plant species on planet from my experience (grows big and messy), but it does produce a lot of fruit!


I received this one-Cobicho-NMDUC- as C. exile. It was quite productive the second year.


Luigi il Messicano

Ciao John,
I have grown this Cobincho nmduc ( and Mdesh) from your seeds,thanks.
It is a very interesting plant, the fruits are more elongated than other chacoense.
Here is a photo taken in full winter, the plant has resisted low temperatures of - 6°C


Some wild varietes are interesting also in the sence how resistant they are for cold. Still I would rather avoid temperatures below zero at least (for non-wild species +4).

About the c. exile sale advertisement, I will give 3 extra varietes for free when you want to buy the seeds (buyer can freely choose these extra varietes for over 30 varietes). And I am willing also to exchange these c. exile seeds for some other interesting wild species.
Ruoka ilman chiliä on teeskentelyä!
ps. kysy siemeniä, löytyy yli 80 eri lajiketta! OTA YHTEYTTÄ SÄHKÖPOSTILLA: sir_timppa@hotmail.com

En lue yksityisviestejä!


Hi Luigi

An impressive plant. Thanks for sharing the picture. The initials following the name are my sources Seed Savers Exchange codes. A way to keep them straight as the peppers were different from the different sources.



This a chacoense I dwarfed and it became much more productive and the plant stopped its sprawling habit.


tammikuu 17, 2009, 19:50:02 ip #12 Viimeisin muokkaus: tammikuu 17, 2009, 20:08:25 ip käyttäjältä timppa
Now is the best time to germinate. I am very much willing to exchange these c. exile seeds for some other wild species. Reply private message or sir_timppa@hotmail.com
Ruoka ilman chiliä on teeskentelyä!
ps. kysy siemeniä, löytyy yli 80 eri lajiketta! OTA YHTEYTTÄ SÄHKÖPOSTILLA: sir_timppa@hotmail.com

En lue yksityisviestejä!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Luigi il Messicano - marraskuu 17, 2008, 22:20:53 ip
Ciao John,
I have grown this Cobincho nmduc ( and Mdesh) from your seeds,thanks.
It is a very interesting plant, the fruits are more elongated than other chacoense.
Here is a photo taken in full winter, the plant has resisted low temperatures of - 6°C

I know this is an old post, but I really like the look of that plant. seems awfully productive.  :)


Hi Omri!
Nice to see you here ;)
If you want seeds ask from Luigi he have those seeds.
You reach him easy to peppergarden or pepperfriends forums.
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


kesäkuu 21, 2009, 13:09:07 ip #15 Viimeisin muokkaus: kesäkuu 21, 2009, 13:19:20 ip käyttäjältä Jah
He-he. That's why my chacoense is so skinny - it must be such :D I have a tiny seedling of it and it looks like it wannabe a vine.
My seed list http://spice-blog.ru/?p=290
Welcome to choose your new varieties :)


Yeah, exile is actually on the bushier side compared to many  other chacoenses which are indeed very spindly and look more like vines :)

C. chacoense var. Exile:

C. chacoense var. Arivivi:

This one has been the most interesting chaco I've grown, with soooo tiny little flowers
C. chacoense var. Purple Chacoense / Purple Flowered Chacoense:

The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around


Very interesting vars. Indeed and the last one is indeed beautiful  :)