helmikuu 08, 2025, 05:01:12 ap


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New to the Forum....Hello

Aloittaja Inca Berry, helmikuu 03, 2009, 02:25:07 ap

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Inca Berry

Hi guy's, i,m a dutch chilihead, growing chili's for over 4 years now...last year i had succes with
my first wild variety;c.chacoense-boilivian small red (have seeds left for swop)..and i must say i'd really
like the taste, smell but most of all the plants, they are so
different than the cultivated varieties so.... more and more interest goes
out the wild ones, i've been collecting seeds for 2 years now, and bought some (fatalli, thanks)...
now that i have collected over 20 varieties, i have some questions...
-what is the best way to germinate the wild ones, highest succes rate (i've learned it can be hard)
-are there any varieties that need special care, germinating
-the soil; high on nutriants or low
-best indoors (CFl) or outdoors

Here's a list of seeds i collected so far :

c. rhomboideum
c. lanceolatum
c. flexuosum
c. parvifolium - Piment de passarinho
c. chacoense - CAP 501
c. chacoense - Covincho
c. chacoense - PI 439414
c. chacoense - Putapario
c. praetermissum - Cumari
c. praetermissum - CAP 1141
c. praetermissum - CAP 1144
c. praetermissum - CAP 1478
c. praetermissum - CAP 1487
c. praetermissum - Cumari Pollux
c. sp - Peppadew
c. sp - pimenta de neyde
c. cardenasii - ulupica
c. cardenasii - CAP 1530
c. eximium - CAP 503
c. eximium - PI 394141
c. ciliatum - PI 645680
c. galapagoense - PI 639682
c. microcarpum - CAP 213

any tips regarding germination, soil, nutrients...any tips on wild chili's are welcome


Wellcome! Pretty impressive list of wild capsicums! This is a first "wild" season for me, so I don't know about fertilation yet. For germinating I would recommend rockwool cubes! They're quite easy to germinate with. I have one 1,5 year old c. lanceolatum growing in a hydroponic system (simple bucket hydro) and it's growing and fruiting well with normal recommended fertilation!
Uniformu ukkosesta
Prässit sirkkelin teristä
Kiehuvaa pikeä poletit


Rockwools definitely work best for hard varieties too.
I've had highest germinating percent with exactly this method: http://www.fatalii.net/germinating

And the soil... I prefer hydroponics of course but soil works too...
You have to keep in mind you're asking for a huge amount of plants, many completely different species so their environments, climates (also the amount of needed nutrients) varies a LOT!

That's part of what makes the wild chiles interesting, the challenge. :)

But to help you  a little: I had success growing most wild chiles outdoors, definitely better results than growing them indoors.

That will surely be a interesting stuff to grow... you will be amazed how different they really are!

Good luck!
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Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Forgot to say I really live the nick Inca Berry! ;)
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Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Welcome Inca Berry,
You have a fantastic wild Collection


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Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fatalii - huhtikuu 23, 2009, 13:54:42 ip
lee, that´s quite a comment! :D

Lainaus käyttäjältä: lee - huhtikuu 21, 2009, 23:56:48 ip

hehe ;), I wanted to wake up Inca and put some live into this thread. But I guess he's having a long sleep.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


Can be very busy with those couple of plant he has :D

Many people are suprised when they see that there's really some work to do with a larger number of plants..

Of course it's possible grow only a few... for a little while until you want MORE... and MORE....  ;D
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Hello Inca Nice to see you here  ;)

Inca Berry

well hello guys....

been busy lately...it is, as fatalii says,.....a lot of work keeping all those plants watered and healthy...
but he it's a fun job ;)

and i haven't even started with the wild boys project yet.... >:(

if the outside temp is good, i'll move my plants outside ..........that's the time i'll start
with the wild boys......i do need the space.....

Hey Lee,
Hey Talas..... good to see you here too  ;)


Where you find these species seeds?
c. parvifolium - Piment de passarinho
c. ciliatum - PI 645680
Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's


C. ciliatum = C. rhomboideum.

I'm germinating C. parvifolium currently. I'd like to see some pics of germinated seedlings if you have any. :)
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

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Check the latest chile articles and pictures here:
Being updated all year around

Inca Berry

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Chilicutter - toukokuu 04, 2009, 20:19:38 ip
Where you find these species seeds?
c. parvifolium - Piment de passarinho
c. ciliatum - PI 645680

i got them through a seed exchange, i think from a guy from Brazil :D


Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's