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Gentecic Changes Of Peppers In The Amazon

Aloittaja talas, toukokuu 23, 2009, 14:59:15 ip

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unravel genetic evolution of pepper from the Amazon

Despite the name to refer to China, the kind of pepper Capsicun chinense is recognized by science as having their origin in the Amazon. The American continent is recognized as a center of origin of the peppers and the Amazon basin as a probable center of diversity of species C.chinense. According to the researcher at Embrapa Roraima, Francisco Freitas Joaci light, the species has more than 150 varieties, with tastes, colors and completely different formats, ranging from yellow to dark violet.

The researcher, who search the Amazon peppers of the species Capsicum chinense revealed a little of the genetic biodiversity of the groups murupi peppers, and fish eye chilli, the more used in regional cuisine. "In Roraima is very common to jequitaia, a type of dry ground pepper, paprika almost one. USA is to temper the food, "says Joaci. "In indigenous communities, as previously there was salt, more spice was used as a pepper," he adds.


The peppers are investigated from collection of Embrapa Roraima (Boa Vista-RR), the Brazilian unit of Embrapa-Agricultural Research, linked to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, and the objective of the analysis was to obtain detailed information of peppers, contributing to its use in breeding program, aiming to increase production and diversity of cultivars available to producers in the Amazon region.

According to the researcher but there is a large morphological variety in colors, sizes, levels of pungency (tang) and architecture of plants, the peppers retained much of its genetic reservoir in the stage of domestication they are today.

He explains that this process occurs evntualmente the domestication of plants grown in morphological changes that occur without changing substantially the reservoir of genetic crops. Thus, over the years, the traditional peoples of the region were selected the plants with the best features that met their interests consumption. With scientific research, Joaci want to seize the favorable characteristics that differentiated the diversity of peppers offers crossings to and from them to develop cultivars for each group of peppers of smell, murupi and eye-to-fish.

To win the market, however, there is still a long way and many possibilities. The researcher reports that Brazil is the natural habitat of several wild species of the genus Capsicum peppers, but there is little use of the species. According to Joaci are required at least 15 years of studies and crosses to generate a new variety of peppers, which are still little known. But immediately, it is necessary to conserve the genetic resource while deepening your knowledge.

Just a short interesting article i found,Pardon the slight Translation errors  :)


Interesting. :)

I will wait for more stuff like this!

By the way, has anyone been reading: "Peppers: The domesticated Capsicums" by Jean Andrews?
Even it's a bit old, it still haves many scientific angles that work perfectly today.
It's not about telling which variety belongs to which species, but it opens up the whole Capsicum genus and lets you think the entirety and lets your own brain fill the gaps. Still works today better than could be expected for a book that "old".

Still best Capsicum related book I've red so far.
And of course, Pepper Garden is a must for growers too if you aren't THAT much into science. :)
The best chile pepper seeds available here:

Join Fatalii FACEBOOK with over 75 000 chileheads all around the world!

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Have Pepper Garden but have not read the Jean Andrews book sounds fascinating think ill try and get that,Thx for the Recommendation  :)


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