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Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Blooming phase problem

Aloittaja Skygge, kesäkuu 16, 2012, 17:24:05 ip

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kesäkuu 16, 2012, 17:24:05 ip Viimeisin muokkaus: kesäkuu 16, 2012, 17:44:33 ip käyttäjältä Skygge
Hi !

I'm a French national living in Norway and loving chilies. After a first batch of lemon drop in soil under cupboard light, I started a new batch (some cayennes and lombardo in soil and some lemon in hydro).

I use the fantastic range of nutrients from Hydropassion and the "Bio-" series of i don't remember which brand.

Light cycle 18/16 constant, 125watts eco-light warm spectrum + 2 tubes cold light + 2 tubes warm light (vertical setting).

My hydro box (20 liters) has for now a big bushy lemon drop plant, constantly flowering for the past weeks, but flowers are just falling when dead, not turning into fruits. The rest of the tree looks in good shape, no pets, no nutrient burning (let's say I used to grow... other plants, so I am used to this).

Any idea about why?

What about the rinsing of the plant to avoid bad taste? With illegal plants it's easy, because everything ripens at once, but what about chilies that aren't all ripen at the same time?

Another question: My cayennes (soil) are and stay green. Is it a long-maturing strain?

Thanks a lot !

Bonus question: how to turn the forum in english??


Hi and welcome to the forum. To change the languange, follow this link: http://chilifoorumi.fi/index.php?action=profile;area=account and select 'English' in the 'Kielipaketin valinta' drop-down box. If the link does not work, you can get there from the menu bar item: Profiili -> Tunnuksen asetukset.

Sorry, but I can't answer your actual question.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Skygge - kesäkuu 16, 2012, 17:24:05 ip

Light cycle 18/16 constant, 125watts eco-light warm spectrum + 2 tubes cold light + 2 tubes warm light (vertical setting).

My hydro box (20 liters) has for now a big bushy lemon drop plant, constantly flowering for the past weeks, but flowers are just falling when dead, not turning into fruits. The rest of the tree looks in good shape, no pets, no nutrient burning (let's say I used to grow... other plants, so I am used to this).

Any idea about why?

What is the temperature in the system? You have many light sources, it looks like the temperature may rise high... We have had a couple of warm summers here in Finland, and some of my baccatum didn't love them too much. The leaves were pale (not white from sun burns, just pale green) and the flowers just kept dropping. After I moved some of the plants to less sunny, less warm place, the leaves became darker and the flowers took better.

What do you mean by light cycle 18/16 constant? 18 hours light and 16 hours dark? :o Or, should it be 18/6? :)

Anyway,  some people say that baccatums are prone to suffer from too long "day"... I'd probably try 16 hours of light and 8 hours of dark. Generally, chili plants don't react for light cycles in a same way than some other plants.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Skygge - kesäkuu 16, 2012, 17:24:05 ipWhat about the rinsing of the plant to avoid bad taste? With illegal plants it's easy, because everything ripens at once, but what about chilies that aren't all ripen at the same time?

Another question: My cayennes (soil) are and stay green. Is it a long-maturing strain?

Many chili peppers stay green for so long time it feels like an eternity! It is said that if you take some fruits off before they are ripe, the others begin to ripen.

I have never done any actual rinsing, I just start giving the plants less nutrients.


Seems that i cant' get it in english. I get "Sinun täytyy aina antaa salasanasi päivittäessäsi profiiliasi". My finnish is more than poor and doesn't get longer than Impaled Nazarene or Ajatarra's lyrics...

Thank you for your answer, Cayenne. I meant indeed 18/6. Same cycle than last time in soil, and it was no problem. I'll try 16/8. Temperature is between 20 and 26 degrees. my house is made of wood, so it's warming up quite fast, but the last baccatum batch in soil LOVED those warm days.

My leaves are dark green, the plant looks very healthy apart from the flowers. It's not over-nutriting because i recently started a batch in the same mix, and the 8-10 cm plants are growing well.

Since my last message i have one fruit growing. But only one. hope it will soon be full of chilies :)


You must write your password allways when you update your profile. That it ment.


Thank you for your answer Marekofana

Ok since last time i switched to 16/8. Temperature is around 23 degrees constant. I have one chili on its way, and got a (new) massive blooming last week but everything fell down again. I don't understand. Leaves are still pale green, some are falling but are replaced. The whole plant is still growing.

The cayennes are getting dark red at the moment ;) but they are quite strange, they don't look like cayennes ! They are wide and roundy, not pointy and thin...


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Skygge - heinäkuu 03, 2012, 02:22:18 ap
The cayennes are getting dark red at the moment ;) but they are quite strange, they don't look like cayennes ! They are wide and roundy, not pointy and thin...

This happened to me in 2010 aswell, bought seeds labeled to be Cayenne but ended up with wide roundy pods maturing from green to red. They were quite thick in the flesh too, but tasted alright so it didnt bother me much :P