helmikuu 07, 2025, 23:59:50 ip


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Yellow & deformed young leaves

Aloittaja atroshin, lokakuu 06, 2010, 19:27:00 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


lokakuu 06, 2010, 19:27:00 ip Viimeisin muokkaus: lokakuu 06, 2010, 19:29:14 ip käyttäjältä atroshin
First of all, i'm noob :)
One of my chile plants develops yellow & deformed leaves for some reason.. Older leaves are green (though one of the old ones has weird shape from the beginning). The plant itself is young so there are not many leaves yet:

There's another chile in the same box:

Closer one is in good shape, though if i stare at it for long enough i start seeing it yellowish a bit :)

I've got 4 chile plants placed in 2 separate Ebb&Flood systems. Both systems are identical and filled with similiar medium and nutrient solution, though only one of four plants has this problem.. That one supposed to be Pink Habanero (i've extracted the seeds from pot i bought is a store, so who knows what it was pollinated with..). Other plants are from the store as well, but those are different (Fresno-alike, Cherry-alike and Scotch Bonnet-alike :) )
Lighting is 2x105W CFL, they are not too hot and it never gets above 27 degrees, though there's no fan around.

Fertilizer is Greenworld Hydrokultur, solution was just a bit ligher than bottle label recommends, but now it's just as it reads for a few days.
pH level is 5.5. It was much higher (up to 8 ) a week ago, before new leaves appeared, i thought that was the reason of first deformed leaf, though it was green.. But during last week pH was 5.5-6.0 and new leaves are yellow..

Story in pictures:

2010-09-25 - plant looks fine

2010-09-29 - leaf is a bit deformed, pH level corrected (was up to ~8, changed to to 6-5.5)



Any ideas?


Looks like the plants don't got enough light. What's the distance between plants and lamps?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: atroshin - lokakuu 06, 2010, 19:27:00 ip
Fertilizer is Greenworld Hydrokultur, solution was just a bit ligher than bottle label recommends, but now it's just as it reads for a few days.
pH level is 5.5. It was much higher (up to 8 ) a week ago, before new leaves appeared, i thought that was the reason of first deformed leaf, though it was green.. But during last week pH was 5.5-6.0 and new leaves are yellow..

Just wait, you have probably solved the problem
Älä tee niin kuin minä teen, vaan miten sanon/kirjoitan. Vastuu on silti kuuntelijan/lukijan, vaikka Hämeestä olenkin


Lainaus käyttäjältä: chilihardhead.fi - lokakuu 07, 2010, 00:01:39 ap
Just wait, you have probably solved the problem

I hope so.
Actually i thought it was better with higher pH as new yellow leaves appeared after it dropped down to 5.5..
But maybe it's to early to say so.


Maybe it's that big drop. And maybe that 5.5 is bit too low?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: CyberDog - lokakuu 07, 2010, 11:24:47 ap
Maybe it's that big drop. And maybe that 5.5 is bit too low?

Maybe, but the other plant in the same box seems to be happy about that.
BTW, do you know what's optimal pH for Habanero?


I don't know what's optimal, but 5,5-6,5 has worked for all chillies if it's steady.
Älä tee niin kuin minä teen, vaan miten sanon/kirjoitan. Vastuu on silti kuuntelijan/lukijan, vaikka Hämeestä olenkin


No idea. But sudden chances are always bad. Some are more tolerant to conditions and chances than others. I had pubescens that looked like that in under 6 pH and when the pH has been a bit lower than 7 new leaves look good. Mostly they say that 5.5 - 6.5 is good. I have passive systems and try to keep the pH on between 6-7.


Thanks for you comments!

It's getting better really, i did nothing about it. pH is still 5.5 and leaves are getting greener. Though young leaves still look a bit yellowish compared to neighbour plant, but there's no deformation like before.




So it seems that it was that sudden chance on conditions :)