tammikuu 17, 2025, 23:41:16 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Huge greenhouses, season 2010!

Aloittaja Fatalii, huhtikuu 15, 2010, 15:43:02 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Asked today the local S- market to get some fatalii ac but the shop owner claimed that at least in the inex partners wholesale thy are not available for order, only some shitty dutch chili... Can you confirm inex partners has F AC?


Oh! I check Citymarket regularly but haven't for a couple of weeks.

I made a pot of chile con carne with home grown Aji Cristal last night between green and orange, and loved it - very unusual flavour, fruity and sweet. I don't have enough plants to keep up with my own demand though so I'll be buying yours regularly ;)


Yesterday I put fresh Aji Cristals into bbq, and it worked very well. The fiery part turned a bit of aggressive but the flavour was still there. My daughter(2years) tasted some of green AC, and said "hyvää".


Yes they are available at both, kesko and inex.

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That growth rate is barking mad! And they're sooo tasty! Thanks J!
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