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Deep pots or wide pots?

Aloittaja cdamarco, joulukuu 14, 2009, 21:55:55 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


since most plants only grow as big as their roots allow, I was wondering what kind of pots do peppers like? I only have so much growing space so I want to use the smallest space per plant possible. Do pepper roots grow outward or do they prefer to grow straight down?


Basically, I've learned that with soil based growing deep pots are good. With hydroponics, it really doesn't seem to matter where the roots will grow.

Also, the plants can do pretty nively in a very shallow but wider bonchi pots.

So to put it simple, for soil if you aim for a big yields, use deeper pots.
And for ornamental growing / growing just for fun, use small shallow pots to ensure there will be no overwatering.

For hydroponics, everything is just fine. :)
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Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fatalii - joulukuu 17, 2009, 13:31:10 ip
Basically, I've learned that with soil based growing deep pots are good. With hydroponics, it really doesn't seem to matter where the roots will grow.

Also, the plants can do pretty nively in a very shallow but wider bonchi pots.

So to put it simple, for soil if you aim for a big yields, use deeper pots.
And for ornamental growing / growing just for fun, use small shallow pots to ensure there will be no overwatering.

For hydroponics, everything is just fine. :)
Would you say that the Finnish 1 litre milk cartons are a good example of a deep pot, or would they be too narrow?
Currently growing...
Habanero | Inca Red Drop | Rocoto


I'm using 11l containers per plant ... around 25x25x26cm ... but I noticed that some small growing spices could be just as happy with 7l pots (like explosive ember or adorno)


+1 with Fatalii
5 gal. pots or bigger have done well for me. Lets the roots dig deeper making it stronger and bigger. :)
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