helmikuu 07, 2025, 06:42:48 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Suggestions on varieties to grow outdoors wanted.

Aloittaja Nizztos, joulukuu 16, 2011, 12:41:35 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I'm comletely new to growing chilies (or anything for that matter).

However I got an aerogarden with chilies and it got me interested and I want to take it a step further.

My plan is to create an ebb and flow system, much like the wooden one described here at fatalii.net. I will hang this from the rail on my patio (so basically it will become a huge balcony box, 5-8 meters in total). I will use expanded clay (LECA) as growing media.

I will start the seeds indoors in another ebb and flow and transplant them when the weather allows.

My question is, what can I grow in such a system in our climate? Also need to consider the fact that I can't grow tall varieties as they would not be supported in such a shallow system with LECA if there is a bit of wind.

If any of the plants suggested would make for a good bonchi it is a huge bonus.


i dont know how high they will get, but i believe that rocoto is somewhat suited for the cooler climate.


Where exactly do you live? For example, in southern Finland all species but C. chinense can usually be grown outside, but the results depend heavily on conditions and luck (how warm the summer is). Even chinences grow can grow OK at a good place. Pubescens varietes are least light and heat depending, but on the other hand they grow and produce slowly and should already have been started indoors for next summer.

Ebb & flow has so great growing power that most species will grow high. You can of course keep plants small by cutting them but that will reduce yield as well. Is it impossible to support the plants with strings?


Missed these replies.

I'm in Gothenburg so suspect at least as good as southern Finland.

I "need" them to not be too high as I will grow them on the rail to my deck. If too high they will block visibility. I guess 50cm is about max what I want to keep them. I have no problems with pruning them. I'm not growing them for maximum yield but rather as a substitute for other garden plants with the bonus effect that I can use the crop.

I could probably rig something that will give them support but again I don't want them that high for other reasons as well.

Since I didn't get a reply in about a month I went and bought most of the seeds for Ornamentals on the fatalii seed shop. Even though I have read that ornamentals don't taste all that good I'm thinking that I can still use them for at least powder.