helmikuu 09, 2025, 04:34:01 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Yara Nutrients in aeroponics

Aloittaja sadowski25, helmikuu 04, 2018, 16:58:42 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »



From couple of months I growing some nice hot peppers on High Pressure Aeroponic setup.

First 3 months I was growing on GHE Flora series with bad results aka  slow growth , small root mass etc.

But from last month I switched to YARA Kristalon   Blue, Yellow and Orange  + Epson Salt and Calciiutm Nitrate ( analitical grade)

Anybody have proper ration of this nutrients for hot peppers ?

Here are photos of my system and also photo of what nutrients I now have.

Before Kristalon:

After Kristalon + GHe BioRoots:

Now from 3 days they are on Advanced Nutrients  Piranha + VooDoo Juice + B-52 + Bud Candy, and  GT Aquaburst.


helmikuu 04, 2018, 17:05:05 ip #1 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 04, 2018, 17:10:08 ip käyttäjältä Chilijamppa
Those of you who knows something about that Yara stuff and have some good values for chili growing, please help the man out. :) ;)


helmikuu 04, 2018, 17:22:18 ip #2 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 04, 2018, 17:25:10 ip käyttäjältä Vuorikaskas
Interesting  High Pressure Aeroponic setup!  I have followed discussions here in Finland and never before notised any other HP Aeroponics.

I see your before and after pictures not comparable because very different light color temperatures.  (Not only camera or picture adjusting but I see different light source too that is not fixable afterward.  Thät is the main reason for different color tone on roots.


helmikuu 04, 2018, 17:29:14 ip #3 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 04, 2018, 17:33:32 ip käyttäjältä Chilijamppa
I am sure Finnish chili growers have that talent/ knowledge to give you some good advise with your chili growing using that Yara stuff. :thumbup:

Now tell us what values with each fertilizer you use for the chilis in each stage of chili growing. If they dont know the values, they cant help you out.


helmikuu 04, 2018, 18:06:12 ip #4 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 04, 2018, 18:58:04 ip käyttäjältä Vuorikaskas
Seed Potato production have this growing technique in use.   http://spkoyfi.owla.fi/en/  I think you have very interesting pioneering setup.  You are riding on the top of new innovations and research.


These are the things i know so far regarding the values he uses for chili growing:

I use 2 part fertilizer.

YARA Kristalon:

Yellow - for young plants NPK 13-40-13

Blue - mostly for vegetative state : NPK 9-6-20

Orange - in state of fruiting NPK 6-12-36 +3Mg

But I use them in a mix. And with addition of DIY Cal-Mag.


helmikuu 04, 2018, 22:01:20 ip #6 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 04, 2018, 22:03:46 ip käyttäjältä sadowski25

Here are the ratios that I use now for peppers.

Hp Aeroponics is for me a simple method, but there is a LOT of small things that can make everything difficult.

And this month I transfer peppers  to Dry-Fog Aeroponics, basen on Air supplied Ultrasonic nozzles.

here is how this work:
But my are got from china for 18$ per one xD ( Not like US for 200$ per one)


helmikuu 05, 2018, 10:45:32 ap #7 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 05, 2018, 11:11:25 ap käyttäjältä Chilijamppa
You have so many additives in the picture, that it just makes my head hurt. I have never used any of those additives myself as i see great result using just Ghe floramicro/floramato in different rations in coco growing. I think coco growing with those fertilizers are similar to a passive hydro. My advise is not to make things too difficult and try to find good chili growing rations just by using two part fertilizer+adding some of that calmag stuff.

However my rations for those nutrients have been:

Small plants in the beginning of season:

10ml micro/10ml mato added to 10 litres of water.

Bigger plants in the beginning of summer and growing/making chilis pod inside:

10ml micro/15ml mato added to 10 litres of water.

When you move the more mature plants outside to greenhouse and it is time to start flowering:

20ml Micro/30ml mato added to 10 litres of water and i keep this ration until the season is about to end.

When the outside season is about to end and all plants are starting to ripen their pods:

10ml micro/15ml mato added to 10 litres of water.

I have found out via extensive experimenting, that if you water the chilis with too strong fertilizer water mix, when growing in coco medium it will do more harm than good to the plant in overall pod production, as too strong fertilizer mix will saturate the coco medium over time.. That is how i found out, that i never should go over that 20ml micro/30ml mato ration in growing season.

Floramicro NPK 5-0-1 and Floramato NPK 1-2-5

Check my season 2014 and in season 2016 i started using those fertilizers+rainwater:

Some pictures of season 2014:

Season 2016:

Those rations can always be adjusted for pure hydroponic growing.



The dosage of Kristalon nutrients showed,  give in 10l of water 800ppm.

Those additives are good for plants in many ways.
Nutrients solution in Hydro is most of the time sterile.

So we need to give plants beneficial bacteria and fungi,  that will protect plant against bad bacteria and mold. Also thos micro-guys break down nutrients to form very easy eaten by plant.
B-52 give plant vitamins from B group.
Bud Candy is mostly food for bacteria and fungi plus have fulvic acid and other nice things  ( mostly it was develeoped for flower stage of very happy plant [ like everything from AN])

And after that roots started to grow faster!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: sadowski25 - helmikuu 05, 2018, 15:15:17 ip

The dosage of Kristalon nutrients showed,  give in 10l of water 800ppm.

Those additives are good for plants in many ways.
Nutrients solution in Hydro is most of the time sterile.

So we need to give plants beneficial bacteria and fungi,  that will protect plant against bad bacteria and mold. Also thos micro-guys break down nutrients to form very easy eaten by plant.
B-52 give plant vitamins from B group.
Bud Candy is mostly food for bacteria and fungi plus have fulvic acid and other nice things  ( mostly it was develeoped for flower stage of very happy plant [ like everything from AN])

And after that roots started to grow faster!

1.6-1.8 EC=800-900ppm, is what i use in coco growing during the summer time inside the greenhouse to get very good results, it is better to use less fertilizer than too much in chili growing.



Finally got ultraponic system working :D

Droplet size: 2-10um
Pressure: 2,5bar

Nozzles: 1 per container, Dry-Fog ultrasonic Nozzle - got from alibaba for 18$ per one! ( NOT 200$ like in USA!)

Movie from nozzle test!


Great!  Interesting.  Thanks for posting.


Hey, that looks very interesting. Very advanced stuff right there and keep us up to date with your posts.