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TopMax using

Aloittaja MadMax, lokakuu 28, 2011, 13:18:30 ip

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lokakuu 28, 2011, 13:18:30 ip Viimeisin muokkaus: lokakuu 28, 2011, 14:31:41 ip käyttäjältä MadMax
Fatalii, TopMax was mentioned in your guides as a good stuff for a lot of buds and better yields.

I have Ebb&Flow like in your "How to build EBB & flood?" building guide. Plants ( Naga and Hubs ) are ready for buds producing ( and do some, but i pinch them for better foliage and stems growing so far ). I didn't find any reference about TopMax accurate application.

Should i add it to nutrient solution, and if yes what is a ratio between them? Or should it be added just in only water? During which period it could be used?

I asked hydro guys in our country hydro forum, but they didn't recommend to use BioBizz products in hydro unless for foliage spray treatment.  Could it better to use foliage spraying instead of TopMax adding into res?

Thank you in advance.   

If someone have any experience in TopMax using, your advises will be appreciated. Thanks.   


lokakuu 28, 2011, 13:51:06 ip #1 Viimeisin muokkaus: lokakuu 28, 2011, 14:06:14 ip käyttäjältä CyberDog
You can use Top Max in hydro even it is Bio Bizz. Bio Bizz fertilazers are not suitable in hydros...

I don't have an knowledge about dozage but I have an good quess. I would but it together with fertilasers. But cut a bit about the fertilazers and use the bottles dozage.


I checked the stuff and dosage again. I would use normal fertilazing dosages and just ad 1ml/1l of Topmax.


Thanks a lot.

But how many time does TopMax usage would be reasonable?

There is an instruction on the bottle. It says about 2 - 5 ml/1l, and you recommend only 1ml/1l. Don't you think it would be too little of stuff to have an effect?


Sorry. My bad. I checked it again and it was 1-5 ml/l. But that is what I think for the plants which only purpose is to make a big buds... Not for the plants which also produce fruits... But you can experiment.


As regards me, i think it's impossible to have a fruit without bud  :). Don't know, may be a big bud will produce a big fruit ;D.


I don't think so :D But those bio bizzs are made for cannabis. But they work for other plants too. So i dont think that it effects the size of chile flower as it effects the size of cannabis budding. But it affects the countity of flowers in chile and thus the pods also. Maybe it also affects taste and size too...


Some say, that Top Max makes plants produce more flowers too, but in my experience, i didn't see no difference in soil growing. In water farming maybe there would be some difference.

Chilis don't care about the size of flowers, more is the heat when flowers are pollinated. And this is my experience, not hard cold fact.

Hallituksen jäsen 2011-2012, 2012-2013
Tampereen alajaoston puuhamies -2011-2012-2013-
Kuiva ja Naseva.


lokakuu 29, 2011, 00:40:48 ap #7 Viimeisin muokkaus: lokakuu 29, 2011, 00:44:55 ap käyttäjältä MadMax
Lainaus käyttäjältä: CyberDog - lokakuu 28, 2011, 22:16:54 ip
LainausSo i dont think that it effects the size of chile flower...

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Macex - lokakuu 28, 2011, 23:10:40 ip
LainausChilis don't care about the size of flowers..

Gentlemen, gentlemen - it was a joke ;D. And i used this laughing happy face - ;D.

To be serious, thank you for your replies!

I bought TopMax because of information i dug out from Fatalii site. He talks about TopMax good influence for his HUGE YIELDS :D ( HUGE YIELDS are mine words ). Can't even imagine that Fatalii would promote something in this way. It MUST works somehow. I'm sure!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: MadMax - lokakuu 29, 2011, 00:40:48 ap
It MUST works somehow. I'm sure!
And i think that is the Top Max is making plant to produce more flowers and that means more chilis.

Hallituksen jäsen 2011-2012, 2012-2013
Tampereen alajaoston puuhamies -2011-2012-2013-
Kuiva ja Naseva.


Thanks. As i understand, the better is to try myself. Ok.

But i still hope to see Fatalii reply about the dosage and so on. Where are you Jukka? 


If you have many plants, you can take one plant to do exams about the dozes. And i mean you would sacrifice one plant for testing.

Hallituksen jäsen 2011-2012, 2012-2013
Tampereen alajaoston puuhamies -2011-2012-2013-
Kuiva ja Naseva.


I have not seen any expected new buds production on my ebb's chinenses during two weeks of TopMax adding ( 1ml/1l with normal fertilizing dosages as CyberDog recommended ).

Will be waiting a while and try 2ml/1l after.



400 watt HPS only for four plants ( habanero orange and caribbean red, naga, scotch bonnet ). I'd say only hab orange is burst into flowers now.