I tried to post a few pix in one thread, but got error message stating that upload bin was full or something like that.
Then it said I should contact admin..... so how do I contact administrator(s) ???
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Jibby - marraskuu 23, 2010, 06:25:00 ap
I tried to post a few pix in one thread, but got error message stating that upload bin was full or something like that.
Then it said I should contact admin..... so how do I contact administrator(s) ???
U propably tried to up the photo straight to the thread (?)
Pics must be loaded to a third-party server ex.photobucket, and linked to the thread by. Clickin the add pic button in message writing and adding the pics link in between the appearing pic- texts
Admins can be contacted via private messaging. Not sure who can help in english.
You must mean the 'Insert Image" button, just above the message box(and smileys) for photos.
Then what is the attachment browse box for, with max. file size of 128kb, below the message box?
You can use either "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" from your third party photo server, if it's available...
[IMG]http://i37.tinypic.com/el8o6f.jpg[/ IMG] <-- like this, without space...
Or You can use that "Insert Image"-button and put direct link from your own photo server.
Those attachments are rarely in use here. We don't use those. (I quess, that it puts only list of links to post and photos goes to chilifoorumi.fi own photo-database, that's why there is limited filesize...?) Someone can clearify that better...