kesäkuu 26, 2024, 02:39:15 ap


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Viestit - talas

Nicely Designed box there Lee,Dimensions seem spot on ,Your Right about the nagas they produce even more second,third and as long as you get them to survive,remember been shocked at second years growth   :)
Show us your garden! / Vs: Talas Spring Start 2009
toukokuu 24, 2009, 23:04:14 ip
Cheers Lee,Chilicutter,Pavlak thank you for the comments  :)
Show us your garden! / Vs: Talas Spring Start 2009
toukokuu 24, 2009, 17:50:19 ip
Fatalii x Habanero Guadeloupe (F1) Thank you,Goron is a nice plant never grown the red before Interesting to see if the pods as twisted as the yellow  :)
Show us your garden! / Vs: Talas Spring Start 2009
toukokuu 24, 2009, 17:03:49 ip
Some Youngsters

Experimental Section..Some Good some Not so Good

Re-potting Time
Show us your garden! / Talas Spring Start 2009
toukokuu 24, 2009, 17:00:32 ip
Was a late start for me late into march,heres some pictures of va few of my plants,hope you enjoy. :)

CGN 22795

Fatalii x G



Red Goronong

Pimenta Morango

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fatalii - toukokuu 22, 2009, 08:43:29 ap
Ahh, pimenta da neyde producing pods already.

It definitely has a tall growing habit, but the flowers, pods, stems and leaves all look so pretty.

For "ornamental" it's perfect as the pods also taste very good and are extremely hot... makes some pretty powder!

Are J i Love that powder must be one of my favorite powders  :)
Yes indeed the flowers of that plant are stunning Lee..Awaiting the photos of that one..Indeed a 5 pointed star  :)
Show us your garden! / Vs: Pretty purple vs Black pearl
toukokuu 23, 2009, 17:36:59 ip
Pretty purple is a lovely looking plant Jah,My Favorite Purple plants are Pimenta De Neyde ,Pimenta Morango,Maui Purple,Royal Black,Black Cuban,Trifetti/Varigata,Serrano Purple,Naga Jolokia Purple. :)
Have Pepper Garden but have not read the Jean Andrews book sounds fascinating think ill try and get that,Thx for the Recommendation  :)
Wild Chiles / Gentecic Changes Of Peppers In The Amazon
toukokuu 23, 2009, 14:59:15 ip
unravel genetic evolution of pepper from the Amazon

Despite the name to refer to China, the kind of pepper Capsicun chinense is recognized by science as having their origin in the Amazon. The American continent is recognized as a center of origin of the peppers and the Amazon basin as a probable center of diversity of species C.chinense. According to the researcher at Embrapa Roraima, Francisco Freitas Joaci light, the species has more than 150 varieties, with tastes, colors and completely different formats, ranging from yellow to dark violet.

The researcher, who search the Amazon peppers of the species Capsicum chinense revealed a little of the genetic biodiversity of the groups murupi peppers, and fish eye chilli, the more used in regional cuisine. "In Roraima is very common to jequitaia, a type of dry ground pepper, paprika almost one. USA is to temper the food, "says Joaci. "In indigenous communities, as previously there was salt, more spice was used as a pepper," he adds.


The peppers are investigated from collection of Embrapa Roraima (Boa Vista-RR), the Brazilian unit of Embrapa-Agricultural Research, linked to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, and the objective of the analysis was to obtain detailed information of peppers, contributing to its use in breeding program, aiming to increase production and diversity of cultivars available to producers in the Amazon region.

According to the researcher but there is a large morphological variety in colors, sizes, levels of pungency (tang) and architecture of plants, the peppers retained much of its genetic reservoir in the stage of domestication they are today.

He explains that this process occurs evntualmente the domestication of plants grown in morphological changes that occur without changing substantially the reservoir of genetic crops. Thus, over the years, the traditional peoples of the region were selected the plants with the best features that met their interests consumption. With scientific research, Joaci want to seize the favorable characteristics that differentiated the diversity of peppers offers crossings to and from them to develop cultivars for each group of peppers of smell, murupi and eye-to-fish.

To win the market, however, there is still a long way and many possibilities. The researcher reports that Brazil is the natural habitat of several wild species of the genus Capsicum peppers, but there is little use of the species. According to Joaci are required at least 15 years of studies and crosses to generate a new variety of peppers, which are still little known. But immediately, it is necessary to conserve the genetic resource while deepening your knowledge.

Just a short interesting article i found,Pardon the slight Translation errors  :)
Show us your garden! / Vs: Unknown Chile from Romania
toukokuu 22, 2009, 14:15:43 ip
Its Ardei Iute (c.Frutescens ) it could be any of a large and ever expanding variety that needs a good eye,Precise measurements,Pictures and collating as much information as possible to get what it is..J your good at that lol  :D ;)
Wild Chiles / Vs: C. galapagoense
toukokuu 22, 2009, 13:50:16 ip
Here`ss a thing i did a cutting some time ago for my brother (A nightmare to get the damn things to root),
he had loads of pods in soil..He added one ingredient that really seemed to do the job some Dolomite lime to the mix.Have done this before to Annuum`s like Jalapeno seem to thrive on it.  :)
Other growing & lighting / Vs: Led lamp test! 1 week!
toukokuu 21, 2009, 12:48:21 ip
18 square feet ive seen quoted,Like to see what Fatalii has to say about that though  :)
Wild Chiles / Vs: C. galapagoense
toukokuu 21, 2009, 12:41:20 ip
Indeed this hard plant to get a great many pods from and you really need to but cutting into an airoponic type system they seem to thrive on more Oxygen more than any wild i can remember but tech has moved on a lot over the last few years  :)
Other growing & lighting / Vs: Led lamp test! 1 week!
toukokuu 20, 2009, 16:15:08 ip
Yes getting more impressed myself the more i hear/Read about these.. :)
Wild Chiles / Vs: Capsicum villosum
toukokuu 19, 2009, 21:50:46 ip
Lainaus käyttäjältä: lee - toukokuu 16, 2009, 22:41:48 ip
Talas, that's some great data. Thx for sharing !

Thx Lee it was identified by Luciano there are plants here  apparently both types..capsicum villosum var. villosum and capsicum villosum var. muticum,the whole area is very rich with some other vary rare wilds to  :)
Lee that plant is massive..Mine only small at the moment but i did start 4 months later than usual lol.
love your growing some nice Baccatum`s the most underestimated variety of chili..Some people will hate me for this but i prefer them over c.chinese for there varied flavors and diverse growing patterns  :o  :)
Wild Chiles / Vs: Capsicum villosum
toukokuu 15, 2009, 19:19:09 ip
Where to find Capsicum villosum and enjoy a trip into one of there amazing National Parks. :)
Wild Chiles / Capsicum villosum
toukokuu 15, 2009, 00:09:08 ap
Here are some Pictures from Luciano on a field trip,Probably one one of the Most Knowledgeable pepper experts in the World and has been collecting and cataloging species for the Brazillian government and other plants of course for many many years his pictures...


Omnicolor is a great plant it just keeps on growing and loads of pods to nice choice there Lee kind of Reminds me Of Brazilian Mini Bonnet the way it just keeps getting bigger and bigger   :)