tammikuu 08, 2025, 04:57:55 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Näytä viestit

Tämä jakso sallii sinun katsoa tämän jäsenen kaikkia viestejä. Huomaa, että näet vain niiden alueiden viestit, joihin sinulla on nyt pääsy.

Viestit - kilpikon3

Show us your garden! / kilpikon3's chile season 2008.
maaliskuu 03, 2008, 22:17:10 ip
Update, update!

So, I decided that it's time for those big lemon drops to leave the ebb and make room for smaller seedlings as the tallest ones reached height of over 60 centimeters!

Today I moved 2 biggest lemon drops into buckets that have a layer of expanded clay on the bottom and the rest is peat soil. Actually I had an accident with the tallest plant; as I started lifting it from the ebb it hit the lamp above and snapped into half !  :oops: Well, we wish a quick recovery on that one!

Pretty good looking roots on the smaller lemon drop.

Both lemon drops repotted into peat soil buckets. I'm feeding them with a nice Bio-Grow-water -solution!
Show us your garden! / kilpikon3's chile season 2008.
helmikuu 28, 2008, 01:51:38 ap
Very neat new growth occuring in Lemon Drops after cutting! Only thing bothering me is that the plants in the EBB have a half pipe-like shape in their leaves. What could it be?

All of the EBB-plants right now. Highest ones are Lemon Drops and the small ones are 2x Naga Morich and 2x Ultimate Pube. Those seedlings are there only temporarily, I'll move them into an EBB of their own once I've got the energy to build another one!

New growth in cutted Lemon Drops! Looking pretty good.
Show us your garden! / kilpikon3's chile season 2008.
helmikuu 25, 2008, 00:15:29 ap
Hello ladies and gentlemen.

I'm an 18-year-old Finnish grower, and this is my first season and I decided to document it in a form of a diary for other people to watch and comment how a first-timer does stupid mistakes ;)

Well, as the season has gone on for a fair amount of time, I'll post some pics in the correct order!

To begin, a list of my first chiles:

Thai Dragon
Naga Morich
Lemon Drop
Inca Berry
Starfish (expecting a wicked growth from this one!)
Yellow Pointed Habañero
Bolivian Rainbow
Peruvian Purple
Chinese 5 Color
Pink Habañero
CGN 22871
Ultimate Pube
Super Pube
Malawi Bird's Eye

Well, and now the pictures.


Here are my little seedlings doing rather well under a really warm daylight  lamp. Doing well, even if the lamp is a bit far!


Here is when the chile-madness kicked in and I bought a 600W HPS
Little seedlings under the smaller light and the bigger ones under the HPS! Mainly thai dragons there, but a severely damaged Caribbean Hab which I got from a friend.


Here is the class of 2008. All the chiles expect the EBB & Flood system that I built is in the pic. (It has 3x Lemon Drop and a CGN28871) Article about building my ebb can be found in here:http://www.fatalii.net/growing/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=99&Itemid=69

This is what the EBB looked like when the plants were moved into the system:


But now, some time later when the lemon drops are ready to be cut:


You can also see the tree-like Caribbean Hab on the left side.

Now, here are half of the soil plants on a window sill since the HPS broke down and is now being cured:


Feel free to comment. Have fun growing!
Erikoisuudet / Paholaisen hillo
tammikuu 01, 2008, 20:59:45 ip
Noniin, osui käsiini hyväksi todettu, mieltä ja kehoa lämmittävä hilloresepti. Ei muuta kuin nikkaroimaan!

1 Punainen paprika
2-4 chilipalkoa (Oman maun mukaan)
1 pieni sipuli (+ pari valkosipulinkynttä jos haluaa)
1dl hillosokeria
n. 200g 'chilimaustettua' tomaattimurskaa
1rkl etikkaa (valkoviini-, hunaja,- ym.)
1tl suolaa
ripaus valkopippuria

Leikkaa paprikat ja sipulit pieniksi kuutioiksi. Halkaise chili ja poista siemenet (talteen!), pilko pieniin osiin. Laita kaikki ainekset pieneen kattilaan ja keitä hiljalleen, kunnes seos on paksumpaa.
Päiväkirjat ja fotoalbumit / the Epical Experiment
joulukuu 22, 2007, 18:48:11 ip

Finally started a blog of my own little experiment, suggestions are welcome!


Vihdoin siis aloitettu oma blogi pikku kokeilulle, palaute tervetullutta!