lokakuu 06, 2024, 06:25:56 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

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Viestit - hotFireTaste


Im newbie and i had good luck to have all my four seeds to be germinated. Sorry that crappy ..glish
I bought em and they were sooo freaking pauseing hot hot and the taste was so good, sweet remembering.

But that was not so objective stoory. Anyway, i.am excited, they are doing good and so on.

Growing in soil, so i do with my oh other "plants" too.

My main-question is how long to vegetative growth? when to switch and is 12/12 good?

they apparently are to be all the same, mean fuck themselves maan :/ not so good but got it.

And second how long it takes to get fruits and when to harvest. Is there some specialites i mean.
Else i do like jalapenos.