tammikuu 09, 2025, 07:41:41 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Näytä viestit

Tämä jakso sallii sinun katsoa tämän jäsenen kaikkia viestejä. Huomaa, että näet vain niiden alueiden viestit, joihin sinulla on nyt pääsy.

Viestit - riccardino

Wild Chiles / Wirri-wirri peppers? Guyana
maaliskuu 29, 2006, 19:23:28 ip
Interesting problem,
I got a similar one crossing some lycopersicon: the seeds germinated but none was able to go over the cotyledon stage. Looking with a magnification lens I noted the groving tip was missing. It happened to 20 seeds on 23. The remaining three did not germinated at all.
At the time I thought to some genetic incompatibility between the parents, but since all the seeds were coming from one tomato a local mutation could be happened.

I have several plant with a great smell, but my C. Galapagoense do not have any! I tried Galapagoense from several source, but all look the same and noone has any smell!
Are there different varieties of Galaapgoense?

Wild Chiles / Cobincho cross
tammikuu 13, 2006, 17:02:16 ip
Oh it was not so a stupid question: I have plenty of problem outdoor, but for the opposite reason you thought about. During summer here it is too hot and I have huge problems of flower dropping and few production. Consider that during some year we have temperature up to 40° degrees for several weeks (or months) without any single drop of rain and despite the rain absence it is usually very humid making ideal conditions for a lot of fungal disease.

Wild Chiles / Cobincho cross
tammikuu 13, 2006, 15:42:55 ip
I used about 40 minutes to write my post, you discused alot meanwhile ...

I like having a pepper with my name!!

Wild Chiles / Cobincho cross
tammikuu 13, 2006, 15:41:09 ip
I really do not know what to think about it.

I do not have any idea of where the purple comes from. However, for what I know chacoense can easily cross with annum. Since many annum are purple flowered this could be the source for the purple, but the real situation is that I actually do not have any idea of what this plant is.

The plant has several chacoense marks (I'm afraid I did not have a shot of the whole plant), but the flower do not really seems a chacoense: if you look at the calyx it is really smooth, while all other chacoense I tried have long teeth on it. Also the purple distribution on the flower is really strange: the anthers are somewhat purple, filaments are white and pistil is purple.
Based on the flower I would say it is an annuum, but believe me: the plant is absolutely different from any annuum I know and I know at least one of its parents was not an Annuum!

Another interesting tract is that the pods fall down when fully ripen and this seems to indicate a wild plant.

The only certainty is it is a really interesting plant.

For what concern growing it outdoor I grow all my plants outdoor, but potted since my soil is too heavy for peppers.

Wild Chiles / Re: Witheringia ciliata
tammikuu 11, 2006, 10:55:30 ap
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "thietavu"
... It's a jungle out there. ;)

I totally agree with this.

But capsicum or not, the Ciliatum is one of my favorite plants!

Wild Chiles / Witheringia ciliata
tammikuu 10, 2006, 11:21:56 ap
Even if Capsicum Ciliatum is not a pepper anymore it is still an interesting plant.

My indoor plant is flowering again right now and this gave me the wish to post some pictures I took this year.

Here are two links to them.



All the best
Wild Chiles / Cobincho cross
joulukuu 23, 2005, 10:57:40 ap
I have many solanum and lycopersicon species and a few physalis, cyphomandra, datura, tubocapsicum species.

Many of them are recent acquisition and I did not tried them yet, other are well consolidated. I'm always looking for new ones ...

I prefer the edible ones, but love the poisonous too.

Regarding the flower in the pic I hope the purple nuances will be still present in the next generation, but being a cross I do not know what will happen.

All the best
Wild Chiles / Cobincho cross
joulukuu 21, 2005, 15:07:58 ip
the taste is more or less the same of all the C. Chacoense I have: not particularly interesting and quite hot.
Traditional growing / Vermiculite/Perlite
joulukuu 21, 2005, 15:02:33 ip
I normally use perlite and vermiculite for my potted peppers.
Adding perlite really improve the results, but it is expensive.
Here in Italy pumice is really cheaper and and I could not find any relevant differences in the results. I do not know anything about these materials availability in Finland, but if you can find pumice and it is cheaper you could seriously think giving it a chance.

Wild Chiles / Cobincho cross
joulukuu 21, 2005, 14:49:47 ip
Hello everybody,
my name is Riccardo and I live in Italy.
This is my first post in this forum I found thanks to Bassino and Fatalii.

I'm mainly interested in wild peppers and other solanaceae.

Here is a couple of pics of what I got from what it was supposed to be a Cobincho seed.

It is clearly some kind of cross and it is a really interesting plant.
It stll has the common wild characteristics that the pods fall down when you shake the plant, but it has not so little pods (1-2 cm) and a really interesting flower.
The plant really recall a C. Chacoense for attoitude and leaves shape, but unfortunately I did not take any pictures of it.

All the best