Interesting problem,
I got a similar one crossing some lycopersicon: the seeds germinated but none was able to go over the cotyledon stage. Looking with a magnification lens I noted the groving tip was missing. It happened to 20 seeds on 23. The remaining three did not germinated at all.
At the time I thought to some genetic incompatibility between the parents, but since all the seeds were coming from one tomato a local mutation could be happened.
I got a similar one crossing some lycopersicon: the seeds germinated but none was able to go over the cotyledon stage. Looking with a magnification lens I noted the groving tip was missing. It happened to 20 seeds on 23. The remaining three did not germinated at all.
At the time I thought to some genetic incompatibility between the parents, but since all the seeds were coming from one tomato a local mutation could be happened.