maaliskuu 07, 2025, 04:22:39 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Näytä viestit

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Viestit - cmpman1974

Show us your garden! / C. Pubescens _ Rocoto
elokuu 12, 2008, 04:58:49 ap
WOW, I can only dream of a plant so large.  Great job. I'd be so thrilled just to have on C. Pubescens grow like that!

Other discussion / Where Can I Buy???
toukokuu 09, 2008, 05:18:57 ap
What variety are the wild peppers?  C. Praetermissum?

Show us your garden! / Cmpman1974's 2008 Pepper Season
huhtikuu 17, 2008, 19:22:03 ip
The white pieces are perlite.  It's incorporated into my potting soil (commercial type) to help with aeration.  

I usually transplant those basil seedlings into 9 cell or 6 cell packs approximately 6 weeks before plant-out time.  The plants grow fast once the weather warms up outside.  You can even use 12 cell packs, put out smaller transplants, but get great results. I see no reason to use larger pots unless selling plants commercially.

Show us your garden! / Cmpman1974's 2008 Pepper Season
huhtikuu 17, 2008, 03:32:41 ap
A couple of Brown Rocoto plants....about 4 months old now...


Show us your garden! / Cmpman1974's 2008 Pepper Season
huhtikuu 16, 2008, 04:56:11 ap
Anyone enjoy basil?   9 different varieties ready to be transplanted soon.


Show us your garden! / Cmpman1974's 2008 Pepper Season
huhtikuu 16, 2008, 04:54:07 ap
C. Lanceolatum seedling.  :)  It's getting large!


I'm glad you upped it to 15 Nagas per bottle because I was drinking the 10 Naga per bottle version like lemonade.  Maybe this one will be a bit hotter Mark.  KIDDING!!  Thanks for the update.  :o

Show us your garden! / Cmpman1974's 2008 Pepper Season
maaliskuu 28, 2008, 23:03:38 ip
Thanks for the kind comments. :)  I hope they do well this year.  

Show us your garden! / Cmpman1974's 2008 Pepper Season
maaliskuu 27, 2008, 19:55:06 ip
Here are some pics of the plants I have started a few months ago.  I started them a bit too early, but they seem to be looking good.  Most are C. Annuums (bird types) and C. Chinense varieties. Enjoy.

The top one is 7 pod.  Next is Sonoran Chiltepin Orange.  Then Brown Rocoto....then just a mass of peppers. :)


Traditional growing / Overwintering Experiment
maaliskuu 14, 2008, 04:35:11 ap
Very nice.  That CAP 500 C. Eximium looks extremely healhy...well they all do.  Do you ever get pods indoors on your C. Chinense plants?

Wild Chiles / C. Tovarii Seeds Wanted
tammikuu 24, 2008, 02:27:17 ap
I'm curious if anyone has a few C. Tovarii seeds.  My attempt failed in 2007.   I am growing something this season that I "thought" was C.Tovarii, but it's not.  I would love to take one more shot at it.  

I know it's searching for a needle in a haystack, but I figured I'd try. :)

Has anyone ever grown any of these C. Pubescens from AVRDC:

- CO 0789
- CO 1256
- CO 1286
- CO 1308
- CO 1461
- CO 1608
- CO 1738
- CO 4890
- CO 5500

They don't appear to cross-reference with any USDA or CAP C. Pubescens.  Any seeds available?

I am looking to trade for the following C. Pubescens varieties:

- CAP 357
- PI 355811
- PI 585266
- PI 593618
- PI 593619
- PI 593624

If anyone has these, please let me know.  I'm happy to work out some type of trade.  Thanks!  :D

Beautiful pictures.  Thanks for sharing.   It looks like things are going well for you.

Wild Chiles / hello
joulukuu 01, 2007, 22:23:32 ip

I believe my C. Flexuosum has the green spots.  I did only have one plant of this species outside.  I'd like to grow the other strain if I can find seeds someday (GRIF.....).  Mine is PI 631...   I look forward to starting seeds from this years' pods to see what happens.  

I may start a few inside early to experiment.  It gives me something to do over the cold winter. I just wish I had some sunny windows in my house.  Oh well.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Fatalii"Yes, Mats Pettersson said the same.. his flexuosum was VERY prolific.

But there are at least two different flexus spreading amongst the chileheads, one with the yellow spots on the flowers and one with green spots.
So I wonder if that's the reason...

I guess you had also one plant of C. flexuosum?

Just germinating few different flexuosum, interesting to see what comes out of them...
Wild Chiles / hello
joulukuu 01, 2007, 00:12:03 ap
I found C. Flexusoum to be quite prolific.  I was suprised.  I am overwintering my plant and am not sure if it will survive.  I had maybe 100 ripe pods on C. Flexuosum.

I've never gotten many off a C. Galapagoense plant, but the ones I started were never real healthy.  I'm going to try again this year, but start earlier.  7-8 months lead time is not an issue for this variety.  

I have struggled badly with C. Eximium.  I have no idea why.

Nevertheless, I'll keep trying.  It's exciting.

Wild Chiles / C. Flexuosum Pods
marraskuu 02, 2007, 20:30:35 ip
You don't happen to have a few seeds to trade of each C. Flexuosum strain, would you?  I really enjoy growing this one.  I'd like to try these two types for comparison.   Thanks!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Aji Inferno"
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "cmpman1974"The taste of the pods isn't much to speak of...medium to low heat.  Beautiful plant though and what is intriguing is 90% of the pods have 1 black seed in them.  Some have as many as three though.  How weird.  It thrives in colder weather too as Jukka and many others have already confirmed.  


The strange (actually VERY strange) thing about these is that of my two flexuosum varieties one produces very sweet, completely heatless, delicious berries but the other one's 100% similar looking ones aren't sweet but have somewhat heat... The plants are virtually identical, the only difference being the color of flower spots. Both are from Paraguay.
Wow, that's an impressive pepper plant.  I really like the pruning job you did.  How's the taste of the pods?  Is it different than the typical Tobasco?  Tobaso is one of my favorite varieties for smoked pepepr powder.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Grifo"tabasco Avery Island Original
Very nice high mt. 2.10
Flower slightly green

Wild Chiles / White-flowered C. praetermissum
lokakuu 20, 2007, 05:47:53 ap
Please save seeds if possible.  I'd love to try this one if possible Luca.  Very unusual!  I hope it works out well.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "luca"I'm not really sure it is a C. praetermissum.  But the region where it was collected from has loads of C. praetermissum growing in the wild.

But it could well be another species, maybe still not described formally? :shock:

The growth of this plant looks very much like other C. praetermissum I've seen.  I haven't seen the pods, but they are said to be small and red.  The seeds are light-brown/yellow, like other common species.

Does anyone have another opinion?
Show us your garden! / Interesting chinense
lokakuu 20, 2007, 05:46:13 ap
A pebbled pod that is not nuclear hot?  With all the super hots now, one doesn't dare take that pebbled texture lightly!  Better safe than sorry.  Pretty pods too!
