tammikuu 10, 2025, 18:15:16 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

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Viestit - mister_aster

Sweet. Thanks for the reply. This will save me some space in my collection of mother plants.
Excellent. Thanks for the link.

There does seem to be quite a bit more of a purple tint to the Bolivian Rainbow leaves as well.

Any information on the Aji Limon vs Lemon Drop front?

I am currently germinating seed of each variety so eventually I will be able to compare plants and pods first hand which I was unable to do with the CFC and BR because I only have seed for the CFC.

I'll try to post some pics of them side by side when they mature.
I've been trying to figure this out for a while now. I often see Aji Limon and Lemon drop spoken of as though they are two different varieties, but I also often see the names used interchangeably. When I find a site that sells seeds I have not yet seen them sell both lemon drop and Aji Limon, it's either one or the other.

Are they the same pepper?

I've bought seeds from each and am currently germinating them. I know they're both baccatums and that they both look similar but I have not yet seen any definitive statements about whether they are in fact two different peppers or just two different names for the same pepper.

Baker Creek seeds (rareseeds dot com) sells a pepper variety called Chinese five color pepper. I currently have one mature plant. A reviewer on the site seems to believe it is the same pepper as Bolivian Rainbow. I would link directly to the pepper's page but this is my first post and I know usually url's aren't allowed until like five posts in. The images of the Bolivian Rainbow pepper plants and pods on fatalii dot net look very similar to the plants and pods grown from seed labeled Chinese Five Color, but not exactly the same. Does anyone know for certain if these are different peppers?