lokakuu 07, 2024, 08:16:37 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Näytä viestit

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Viestit - karhu


thanks for the reply.

we realized we made many mistakes with the plants,  so we decided to start again...

- we modified the shelf so now there are only two divisions
- put 3 fluorescent lights in each division
- bought 4 bigger pots and put a few seeds of chili in each of them.
- set the timer to give the plants 12 hours of light every day.
- bought fertilizer with higher P and K

I will post the new pictures of our container garden in a few weeks more...  hopefully we will have healthier plants


we live in Helsinki-Finland, and have been trying to grow plants in containers inside our apartment since summer last year (june 2005)

we bought 6 plastic containers (made a few holes at the bottom of each of them), soil, fertilizer, and use fluorescent lights from 4pm- 10pm

so far, we've had poor results.

these are two pictures of our plants: (few cherry tomatoes and chilies)



we grew the plants from seeds and varied the height of the fluorescent ligths trying to always keep them only a few centimeters over the tallest plant. (nevertheless, we couldn't avoid that the plants get 'leggy' and twisted!)

what can we do to improve our small indoor garden??

thanks in advance

ps. Is there a not too 'tall' variety of chili ? (We got tired of prunning so often, as plants kept reaching the fluorescent lights.  

if chilies are not the right type of plants for our containers, what kind of plants do you recommend ?

ps2.  the size of each container is: 90 (length) x 25 (width) x 22 (height) cms.