tammikuu 11, 2025, 05:02:56 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Embrapa's Capsicum DNA sequence analysis

Aloittaja luca, huhtikuu 21, 2005, 22:17:32 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hi all!

I've finally finished translating the main part of the document :-) Please note that the translation is very rough and you may have to read some parts twice (or more!) before you can understand it.  Be patient.  And you need the original document to use the figures as a reference (the text contains loads of references to the figures).

I still need to translate some other sections, but the main points ("Results and Discussions" and "Conclusions") are ready.

Please let me know if you have any comments, regarding the translation itself, spelling/grammar mistakes etc.  Hopefully this translation will become better with time.


:arrow: EMBRAPA-Capsicum Genetic Analysis

(original in thietavu's webaddress: EMBRAPA-Análise Genética do Gênero Capsicum)

PS: If you like the translation, you can send me some seeds for my effort ;-) (just joking)
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Great work!!

Very interesting stuff but nothing revolutionary.

Style of writing resembled the "Peppers, domesticated capsicums" -book.
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(thietavu as guest)

Very great work, thank you! :-)  

Although I had been able to translate most things in the original document in somewhat sensible way, this is now much easier reading and also lets me update some of Inferno's information which was either incorrect or totally missing.

I would go further than Fatalii and say that the original document is, indeed, pretty revolutionary in many ways. It clarifies many unclear issues in capsicum science and, above all, it mentions totally new capsicum species... Of course, it also opened even more new questions than it answered! ;)

Extremely interesting reading!!


Yes but I pointed to this translation.

I think the chart is the most interesting in the original document, it actually told some same things as the translation did! :)
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I agree with both of you.  When I read the original document, I noticed that there was lots of technical words and "nice" looking explanations, while the actual content was not very big.

The text itself doesn't say much more than the charts do.  One of the few parts I thought were quite interesting (for a real beginner like me) was about the regions where some species were collected.

To me most of the brazilian chiles were coming from the amazon basin, but now I know that more southern areas also have their own species (which unfortunately were not exploited as they should).

In fact, the in the south of Brazil, people don't use chiles as much as they do in the north and northeast.  The most "spicy" state in Brazil is definitely Bahia (northeast) and it's the place to go to get some really good hot dishes! :-D
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