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Aloittaja Herpiili, helmikuu 08, 2015, 00:36:08 ap

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helmikuu 08, 2015, 00:36:08 ap Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 08, 2015, 11:33:26 ap käyttäjältä Herpiili
Näitä kun joku aina kyselee ja kaivelee arkistoista, niin tähän topicciin on kerätty valtaosa aiemmin laittamistani linkeistä. Vanhempia linkkejä saattaa puuttua ja ainakin muutama käytöstä poistunut linkki on listasta poistettu. Lajitellaan kun ehditään :)

Kasteluveden alkaliteetti, Kekkilä
EC-suosituksia eri kasveille vesiviljelyssä

Yleiset / General:
Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela - WEBSITE
[/b]Desfloración: Su efecto sobre el aborto de estructuras reproductivas y rendimiento en pimentón (Capsicum annumm L.). / Flowers removal: Its effect on reproductive structures abortion and yield in pepper (Capsicum annuum L) at low temperatures

Kasvualusta / Substrate and soil:
Efecto del sustrato de siembra sobre dos híbridos de pimentón en un sistema hidropónico / Effects of substrate on hybrids of pepper in hydroponic system
Efecto del sustrato y la distancia de siembra entre plantas sobre el crecimiento de plantas de pimentón (Capsicum annuum L.) en un sistema hidropónico sin cobertura / Effects of substrate and plant spacing on growth of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants in hydroponic system without cover

Crecimiento y extracción de N-P-K por plantas de pimentón (Capsicum annuum L.) abonadas con estiércol de pollo en Quíbor, estado Lara / Growth and N-P-K removal in chicken manure fertilized bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants in Quíbor, Lara State, Venezuela

Evaluation of the effect of the transplant age on yield in three selections of sweet pepper Capsicum chinense Jacq in Jusepin, Monagas State.

Efficacy evaluation of the herbicide halosulfuron methyl alone and mixed with acetochloro in weed control in sweet Pepper Capsicumannum L. in the Maracaibo Plain, Zulia state, Venezuela

Efecto de diferentes intensidades de poda sobre la dinámica de floración y producción de ají dulce (Capsicum chinense, Jacq). / Effect of different pruning intensities on the floración dynamics and production of sweet pepper (Capsicum chinense, Jacq).

Evaluación de la capacidad de aclimatamiento a las bajas temperaturas de pimiento Capsicum annuum L. cultivado en invernadero sin calefacción / Evaluation of hardiness capacity to low temperatures of pepper Capsicum annuum L. cultivated in non heating greenhouse

Efecto de tratamientos de recuperación en plantas de pimiento sometidas a bajas temperaturas / Effect of recovery treatments on pepper plants exposed to low temperatures

LED-valaistuksen tehokkuus kasvihuonekurkun
viljelyssä. MTT.

Ajies Peruanos - Apega.pe

Festival Papa con Aji, Peru, Apega

Kauppapuutarhaliitto, kirvat

Pepper mutations

Growing Scotch Bonnet in Jamaica handbook, Ministry of Agriculture

Dr. Fernando Cabieses - Antropología del Ají PDF

Hybrid pepper plants resulting from a cross between c. annuum and c. pubescens, Google patents

Root development of Vegetable Crops: Chapter XXVIII - Pepper

Steering plants in generative or vegetative direction
Plant management
for generative or vegetative steering

Capsicum tovarii, a new member of the Capsicum baccatum complex - risteytyminen

Plant blue light receptors

Organosilikonikiinnitteet torjunta-aineina, Pauliina Laitinen

Biorationaaliset valmisteet kasvihuonetuholaisten torjunta-aineina, Pauliina Laitinen.

Dramatic changes in leaf development of the native Capsicum chinense from the Seychelles at temperatures below 24°C

Capsaicinoid profiles are not good chemotaxonomic indicators for Capsicum species

Quantitative Analysis of Capsaicinoids in Fresh Peppers, Oleoresin Capsicum and Pepper Spray Products

Kekkilä, Paprika

Mite Population and Damage Caused by Broad Mites (Polyphagotarsonemus latus) Infesting Bell Pepper (Capsicum annuum) at Different Seedling Developmental Stages

Reproductive characterization of interspecific hybrids among Capsicum species

USDA, PI-lajikkeiden data

AVRDC, CO-lajikkeet

Kauppapuutarhaliitto, Ripsiäisten tunnistaminen

"Could locoto be an alternative product to substitute coca growing?" Master's thesis

Influence of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization on Fruiting and Capsaicin Content in Habanero Pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)


Effects of Water Deficit on the Dynamics of Flowering and Fruit Production in Capsicum chinense Jacq in a Tropical Semiarid Region of Venezuela

Effects of Water Deficit on the Dynamics of Flowering and Fruit Production in Capsicum chinense Jacq in a Tropical Semiarid Region of Venezuela

Gas Exchange in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq) under Different Light Conditions

Capsaicin accumulation is related to nitrate content in placentas of habanero peppers (Capsicum chinense Jacq).

Influence of Nitrogen and Potassium Fertilization on Fruiting and Capsaicin Content in Habanero Pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq.)

Lämpötila / Temperature:

Desfloración: Su efecto sobre el aborto de estructuras reproductivas y rendimiento en pimentón (Capsicum annumm L.). / Flowers removal: Its effect on reproductive structures abortion and yield in pepper (Capsicum annumm L) at low temperatures
Evaluación de la capacidad de aclimatamiento a las bajas temperaturas de pimiento Capsicum annuum L. cultivado en invernadero sin calefacción / Evaluation of hardiness capacity to low temperatures of pepper Capsicum annuum L. cultivated in non heating greenhouse
Exposing pepper plants to high day temperatures prevents the adverse low night temperature symptoms
Efecto de tratamientos de recuperación en plantas de pimiento sometidas a bajas temperaturas / Effect of recovery treatments on pepper plants exposed to low temperatures

Varttaminen / Grafting:

Ascorbic acid promotes graft-take in sweet pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.)
Pepper Rootstock Graft Compatibility and Response to Meloidogyne javanica and M. incognita

Capsicum and eggplant newsletters, 1982-2004

Plants under continuous light: A Review

Plant Growth Chamber Handbook - Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station Special Report No. 99

LainausChapter 8 - Plant Culture in Hydroponics - Wade L. berry and Sharon Knight

System Components:

All pipework and ancillary fittings (valves, connectors, etc.) should be made of plastic. Metal fittings, such as brass and copper, will contribute significant and potentially toxic amounts of zinc and copper to the solution. Stainless steel or plastic-bodied pumps of the self-priming type should be used in hydroponic systems.

Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute: A catalogue of the commercial hot pepper landraces of Trinidad and Tobago

Specieslink, accession database

Collection, taxonomic identification and cropping methodologies development for some species of Capsicum in Bolivia - Chilitutkijan elämää


As elsewhere in Bolivia, llajwa hot sauce is indispensable on the menu in Apillapampa. It is typically prepared by grinding the fruits of the cultivated Capsicum pubescens and mixing them with water and salt (cf. Ulloa, 2006). When available, tomatoes or tree tomatoes (Solanum betaceum) are added, as are the leaves of Porophyllum ruderale. The fruits of the wild Capsicum eximium bush are highly esteemed as an alternative for C. pubescens. Its small fruits are extremely hot, a characteristic people seem to love since they are fonder of these than of those of C. pubescens. However, C. eximium is restricted to altitudes lower than the village centre, which explains why its use is rather limited in Apillapampa. Participants declared that people living at lower altitudes often cultivate C. eximium instead of C. pubescens.

People in TIPNIS occasionally eat a hot sauce (llajwa) to accompany their meal. Various cultivated Capsicum species (C. pubescens, C. chinense, C. chacoense, C. frutescens) can be used in its preparation (cf. Ulloa, 2006), whereas one extremely hot wild species C. coccineum is also harvested sporadically for this purpose. Among Trinitarios, llajwa can be prepared by grinding Capsicum fruits, together with tree tomato fruits (Solanum exiguum and Solanum sp. 3 (ET1455)). Otherwise they are simply mixed with water and salt. The aromatic leaves of Porophyllum ruderale are added occasionally, but we suspect that this represents a cultural loan from the colonizing Quechua highland farmers with whom Yuracarés and Trinitarios share their habitat nowadays.

Taudit ja tuholaiset / Diseases and pests:

Hot Water and Chlorine Treatment of Vegetable Seeds to Eradicate Bacterial Plant Pathogens
Detection of viral diseases affecting sweet pepper in Counties Iribarren, Jiménez and Torres of Lara State, Venezuela, using ELISA technique
Field and greenhouse evaluation of rapeseed spray oil against spider mites, green peach aphid and pear psylla in Serbia
The Occurrence and Control of Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (PMMoV) in the USDA/ARS Capsicum Germplasm Collection - Dataa kyseisen viruksen esiintyvyydestä USDAn siemenissä.
Viral Diseases - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
Bacterial Diseases - Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
AVRDC - Pepper diseases: A field guide
Blossom-End Rot in Bell Pepper: Causes and Prevention
Agrichemical and Environmental News - Imidacloprid boosts TSSM Egg Production
Biology and control of the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks, 1904) (Acari: Tarsonemidae)

Tapaamiset ja konferenssit / Meetings and conferences:
Pepper Conference 2012 - Presentations as PDF-files
Pepper Conference 2014 - Presentations
International Pepper Conference 2010, NMSU Presentations
XVI EUCARPIA Capsicum and Eggplant Meeting (2016)

Videot / Videos:

Technical guide to growing scotch bonnet pepper pt1 of 6
Technical guide to growing scotch bonnet pepper pt2 of 6
Technical guide to growing scotch bonnet pepper pt3 of 6
Technical guide to growing scotch bonnet pepper pt4 of 6
Technical guide to growing scotch bonnet pepper pt5 of 6
Technical guide to growing scotch bonnet pepper pt6 of 6


helmikuu 08, 2015, 01:32:54 ap #1 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 08, 2015, 01:38:36 ap käyttäjältä Herpiili
Effects of Various Photoperiods on Flowering in Capsicum frutescens and C. annuum

There have been several reports on the effects of various photoperiods on flowering in Capsicum annuum, but few on such effects on other species of the genus Capsicum. In this study, the flowering under various photoperiods of two C. frutescens lines from the Bonin and Ryukyu Islands in Japan and C. annuum cv. 'Takanotsume' (referred as BON, RYU, and TK, respectively) was investigated. The main differences in flowering between C. frutescens and C. annuum were evident under long-day photoperiods. TK plants grown under photoperiods longer than 15 h bore flowers normally, whereas BON and RYU plants grown under the same conditions did not bear flowers at first, because their buds failed to grow, and eventually aborted. BON plants bore flowers under a 24-h photoperiod, although the time to flowering was much longer than that for TK plants, but RYU plants exposed to photoperiods longer than 14 h bore no flowers during the entire experimental period. Therefore, long-day photoperiods strongly inhibit C. frutescens flower bud growth, and there are interspecific differences in flowering between C. frutescens and C. annuum and intraspecific differences in flowering between the two C. frutescens genotypes.

Physiological Characterization of Manzano Hot Pepper (Capsicum pubescens R & P) Landraces

Six manzano hot chile pepper landraces (Capsicum pubescens R & P) were evaluated to identify genotypes which might contribute toward obtaining superior hybrids by providing the following characteristics: low height, short internodes, rapid biomass accumulation, high harvest index, high fruit quality, and high photosynthetic rate. The landraces studied were `Chiapas', `Huatusco I', `Huatusco II', `Perú', `Puebla', and `Zongolica'. Plants were grown in a shaded glasshouse for 9 months, with drip irrigation. Growth, biomass distribution, fruit quality and yield were determined. All varieties exhibited advantageous characteristics, i.e., large fruit (60 mL) with thick pericarp (4.2 mm) in `Puebla'; short internodes (10 cm) in `Zongolica' and `Huatusco II'; high harvest index (0.24), high yield (18 to 19 t·ha−1) and high relative growth rates (0.12 g·g−1·d−1) in `Perú' and `Puebla'; and high dry mass accumulation (450 g/plant) in `Chiapas'. The highest photosynthesis rate in manzano hot pepper was 7.7 μmol of CO2/m2/s at 500 μmol photons/m2/s, in `Zongolica' and `Puebla'.


Hieno lista  8)

Heti ensimmäinen linkki oli kuitenkin pummi. Tämän pitäisi toimia
Kekkilä kasteluveden alkaliteetti
Viime vuodesta opin sen asian, ettei kannata aloittaa liian aikaisin ja ravinteita voi antaa myös vähemmänkin. 8)


helmikuu 08, 2015, 12:23:43 ip #4 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 08, 2015, 13:34:20 ip käyttäjältä Herpiili
Evaluacion agronomica de cuatro materiales de chile (Capsicum frutescens) en campo abierto en una localidad en el municipio de copan ruinas, honduras.

Efecto de la radiación solar en la germinación y desarrollo de chile manzano (Capsicum pubescens)

The effect of solar radiation on germination and development of apple chili (Capsicum pubescens RyP) with six levels of shading (35%, 50%, 70%, 80%, 90%) and a witness with 0% shade. Was evaluated In terms of its effect on the intensive production of seedling of this species. The evaluated variables were: Percentage of emergence, number of leaves, stem diameter, size of seedling, weight of fresh root and weight of fresh foliage. The experiment in a compound macro tunnel metal structure covered with polyethylene thermal and side windows set retracting protected with antiaphidos mesh located in the municipality of Amealco, Qro. Mexico. The experimental design was randomized block with four replicates per treatment. Analysis of variance was Fisher and test averages Tukey. The experiment started on September 3er and ended on November 8th 2007. Sampling was conducted on November 8th 2007; five out of 30 were sampled randomly per treatment. Germination at the 100% shade smaller than the other treatment including the emergence in the control shading. The best treatment was 80% level of shade. The development of seedlings in the control was affected by solar radiation causing minor burns on their foliage. Treatments with shading levels of 35% and 90%, were acceptable, whereas the best treatments were these at 50%, 70%, 80%, the latter being the best.

Propagación de especies nativas de la región Andina - Sivu/page 146 C. pubescens

Para el Jardín Botánico de Bogotá es crucial la divulgación del conocimiento generado sobre la conservación y uso sostenible de las especies vegetales nativas. Este material, presenta metodologías de propagación vegetal, una herramienta importante en las estrategias de conservación florística y en los procesos pro­ductivos agrícolas. Ofrece información práctica para la propagación de cuarenta especies vegetales me­diante sistemas tradicionales y veinticuatro bajo condiciones de laboratorio, por medio de la técnica de cultivo de tejidos vegetales. Esta publicación es parte de los resultados obtenidos por diferentes investigadores del componente de propagación del proyecto Uso sostenible de los recursos vegetales del Distrito Capital y la región, en los años 2004 a 2007.

Estabilidade de compostos potencialmente bioativos e alterações de qualidade em
frutos e produtos de pimenta (Capsicum spp.)

Effect of Root Zone on Flower Bud Formation and Flowering in Species of Genus Capsicum

Evaluation of the Functional Properties of Chili Pepper Varieties 'Rocot' (Capsicum pubescens Ruiz. & Pav.) and 'Botankoshou' (C. annuum L.), which Are Suitable for Growing in Cool Areas   

Analysis of Non-pungency, Aroma, and Origin of a Capsicum chinense Cultivar from a Caribbean Island
'No.80' (Capsicum chinense) from the Caribbean is a valuable genetic source from the aspect of its non-pungent and highly aromatic traits. In the present study, the non-pungency, volatile components, and phylogenetic origin of 'No.80' were analyzed with another C. chinense cultivar, 'No.2' from Brazil, which is also non-pungent but less aromatic. Expressions and deduced amino acid sequences of acyltransferase (Pun1) of 'No.80' and 'No.2' were normal compared with a pungent cultivar, 'Habanero'. Insertions of 7-bp and 8-bp resulting in frameshift mutations were found in the coding regions of putative aminotransferase (p-AMT) of 'No.80' and 'No.2', respectively. Co-segregation of these insertions with the non-pungent phenotypes in F1 and F2 populations obtained from crossing 'No.80' or 'No.2' with 'Habanero' suggested that non-pungency in these cultivars arose from genetic mutations of p-AMT that occurred independently. Moreover, molecular phylogenetic analysis suggested that 'No.80', a close relative of 'No.2', originates from capsicums migrated from the South American mainland. In addition to pungency, we assessed the volatile components of the highly aromatic 'No.80', the less aromatic 'No.2', and their F1 hybrid using gas chromatography. 'No.80' contained higher levels of aroma-contributing volatiles than 'No.2', which correlated with the stronger and weaker aromas of two cultivars. Further, the fruit of F1 progenies emitted a number of volatile compounds between or higher than their corresponding parents. Based on these results, the approaches for breeding highly aromatic non-pungent cultivars are discussed.

Effects of Capsaicin and Its Analogs on the Growth of Gastric Cancer Cells and Their Structure-activity Relationships In Vitro

Use of Capsicum frutescens in Chuuk Atoll, Federated States of Micronesia

Cellulase Applied to the Leaves of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) Upregulates the Production of Salicylic and Azelaic Acids
LainausTreating the leaves of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) with an aqueous solution of cellulase resulted in a four-fold increase in the salicylic acid level compared to a control plant. The level of endogenous azelaic acid was also elevated by the cellulase treatment. Azelaic acid has recently been reported to act as a mobile "priming" agent to arm plants against pathogenic attack. Our results are consistent with this and that the cellulase treatment enhanced the ability of sweet pepper to withstand viral attack.

Effects of Continuous Light Intensity on Dry Mass Yield, Light-induced Leaf Injury and Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Pepper and Eggplant
LainausDry mass production and leaf area in relation to leaf injury and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were evaluated for eggplant (Solarium melongena L.) and pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seed-lings grown in continuous light at different intensities with metalhalide and high-pressure sodium lamps.
Continuous light-induced leaf injury occurred in eggplants even at 50μmol m-2 s-1 PPFD. When the 2nd leaf unfolded under daily 12h light-12h dark cycle, the eggplants were transferred to three levels of light intensity; 100 (low), 250 (medium), 480 (high) μmol m-2 s-1. After 8days, the SOD activity in the 3rd leaves showing no leaf injury at low light intensity was higher than that showing chlorosis or necrosis at high light intensity. However, after 16 days when the seedlings grown at low light intensity developed leaf-necrosis, SOD activities decreased to a low level, similar to those at medium and high light intensities. SOD activity increased gradually with time under continuous light up to the point of leaf injury, and decreased rapidly thereafter. These results suggest that the superoxide radical is associated with leaf injury.
In contrast, pepper plants grew vigorously without any leaf injury, and the dry weight was the highest at a light intensity of 300-400 μmol m-2 s-1 and the largest leaf area at 150-200 μmol m-2 s-1. SOD activity in pepper plants was relatively lower and more stable compared to that of eggplants, and the pepper plants also seemingly well adapted to continuous light at an optimum intensity of 300 μmol m-2 s-1 for dry mass production in a closed environmental system.

Studies on the Fruit Setting and Development in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) V. Effects of Combination of Temperature and Fruiting on Development of Flower and Internal Components

Effects of Light Quality on Growth of Crop Plants under Artificial Lighting

Effects of Day Temperature and Ammonium-N Addition to the Nutrient Solution on the Growth and Yield of Pepper Plants Grown in Hydroponics

Effects of Day/Night Temperature on Bud and Flower Abscission of Capsicum annuum L

Effects of Growing Temperatures and Day Length on Flower Bud Initiation and Development in Sweet Pepper

Germination Characteristics of the Bolivian Pepper 'No.3341' (Capsicum chinense)
LainausGermination requirements were studied on the Bolivian pepper, 'No. 3341' (Capsicum chinense) seeds.
The soaked seeds did not germinate, when they were held at the constant temperature of 30°C. Inserting the temperature treatment of 15°C for 24 hr 7 days after the start of soaking the seeds, resulted in quick and high rate of germination. Temperature treatments of 25°C for 8 hr 7 days after, or of 15°C for 24 hr 1 day after the start of soaking the seeds, were also effective to some extent.
Illuminating the soaked seeds held at the constant temperature of 30°C, resulted in germination of nearly half the seeds. The 'No. 3341' seeds were thus recognized to be light germinators. Repeated alternations of temperature effected the seed germination in the dark.
GA3 (gibberellic acid) treatment at 50 ppm was effective to promote the seed germination irrespective of illumination. GA3treatments at concentrations other than 50 ppm, however, effected the seed germination only when accompanied by illumination. GA3treatment at 100 or 250 ppm in the dark resulted in inhibition of the seed germination.

The Effect of Repeated Topical Application of Capsaicin on Nerve Conduction

Establishment of Hairy Root Cultures of Chilli Pepper (Capsicum frutescens)

Effect of High Temperature during the Seed Development on Quality and Chemical Composition of Chili Pepper Seeds

Germination Characteristics of Capsicum frutescens L. on the Ryukyu Islands and Domestication Stages of C. frutescens L. in Southeast Asia
The seed germination characteristics of Capsicum frutescens from the Ryukyu Islands were studied. Constant temperatures and darkness conditions inhibited seed germination in Ryukyu Islands' C. frutescens, whereas fluctuating temperatures and light irradiation accelerated germination, suggesting the presence of dormancy in these seeds. This dormancy was considered to be weak because the seeds could germinate at constant temperatures and under continuous darkness. Therefore, C. frutescens from the Ryukyu Islands could be at an intermediate stage between wild and domesticated forms. Since it was revealed that the seeds of C. frutescens from the Ryukyu Islands displayed dormancy, seed dormancy of C. frutescens obtained from Southeast Asia was studied. Among 72 accessions, 47 failed to show dormancy and germinated very rapidly; in these accessions, plant organs were larger than those in other Southeast Asian accessions. On the other hand, the seeds of the other 25 accessions from Southeast Asia showed a weedier character, including some dormancy and smaller plant organs. Accessions of C. frutescens from Southeast Asia thus appeared to be at various stages of domestication, suggesting that the domestication process had already stabilized under low selection pressure and the tropical climatic conditions of Southeast Asia. The various accessions of C. frutescens in Southeast Asia ranging from fully domesticated to weedier forms are very useful for breeding and horticulture as genetic resources.

Effects of Sudden and Gradual Water Stress on Growth and Yield of Chilli Pepper

Effect of Water Stress at Various Stages of Plant Development on Growth and Yield of Chilli Pepper

Fruit Set and Its Development of Pepper as Affected by Carbon Dioxide Enriched Atmospheres under Continuous Fluorescent Illumination

Fluctuation and Management of Mineral Concentration and pH in Circulating Nutrient Solution for Pepper Fruit Production under Continuous Fluorescent Illumination

Studies on the Fruit Setting and Development in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) V. Effects of Combination of Temperature and Fruiting on Development of Flower and Internal Components

Influence of Day Temperature on Relative Growth Rate and Net Photosynthetic Rate of Four Pepper (Capsicum annuum. L.) Varieties

Growth Inhibition and Seedling Injury in Response to UV Spectra and Irradiation Timing in Plug-transplants of Pepper (Capsicum annunm L.) and Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
LainausThe results showed that irradiation of B-UV at night significantly inhibited plant height and total leaf area in two species. However, it caused seedling injuries such as leaf necrosis and bloomlessness regardless of irradiation timing. While irradiation of F-UV did not cause any seedling injury regardless of irradiation timing, it significantly inhibited plant height by 25.4% in pepper and by 26.1% in tomato. Our results suggest that irradiation of F-UV at night may be desirable to control excessive stem elongation in plug-transplants during summer, in addition to being safe to the grower.

Biological control of the broad mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) by Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) on greenhouse sweet pepper

Induced Somatic Aberrations and Chlorophyll Mutations in Capsicum by Insecticides
Bluesman-extra ;)


Aivan mieletön paketti, kiitos näistä. Nyt kun chilikirja on luettu niin...


helmikuu 11, 2015, 00:59:03 ap #6 Viimeisin muokkaus: helmikuu 11, 2015, 01:04:42 ap käyttäjältä Herpiili

The influence of storage temperature and moisture content on seed viability in pepper (Capsicum annuum L)

Fruit Yield, and Ascorbic Acid and Capsaicinoid Contents in the Fruit of Intervarietal Hybrids of Capsicum annuum L.

Responses of Chili Pepper Cultivars to Transient Water Stress

Injury in Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Induced with Chelated Iron in Solution Culture

Fruit Pungency of 'Shishito' Pepper as Affected by a Dark Interval in Continuous Fluorescent Illumination with Temperature Alteration

Studies in Establishment of Transplant Production Method of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by Grafting Shoots Harvested from Mother Plants : Effects of Healing Conditions of Grafts on the Rate and Quality of Successful Union

Multiplication Method of Capsicum annuum L. by Soilless Culture : Effects of Planting Density of Mother Plants and the Substrates on Yield of Shoots

A Multiplication Method of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) by Vegetative Propagation

Effects of the Fruit Load on Fruit Set and Bearing Habit in Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum)

Varietal Differences in Phenolic, Flavonoid and Capsaicinoid Contents in Pepper Fruits (Capsicum annuum L.)

Continuous Fluorescent Illumination Enhances Growth and Fruiting of Pepper

Grafting of Vegetables(Grafting and Raising of Seedlings, For Further Development of Horticulture in East Asia)

Alterations of Autonomic Nervous Activity and Energy Metabolism by Capsaicin Ingestion during Aerobic Exercise in Healthy Men

Genetic system of Chillies I. Breeding and Meiotic system of Var. KL-1
LainausThe present investigation summarises breeding and meiotic behaviour of normal and an asynaptic mutant of variety KL-1 of Capsicum annuum L. Morphological and pollination experiments reveal this variety to be dependent on insects for successful fruit set. Sixtysix percent fruit was set on open pollination. Asynaptic mutant isolated in this variety resembled the normal plants in plant and floral morphology, but did not set any fruit both on open pollination or when allowed to autoself. This lack of fruit set has been attributed to asynapsis induced sterility both in female and male tracks.

Effects of the Number of Training Shoots, Raising Period of Seedlings and Planting Density on Growth, Fruiting and Yield of Sweet Pepper

Dwarfism and a Virus-like Syndrome in Interspecific Hybrids of Genus Capsicum

Interspecific Hybrid Dwarfism and Geographical Distribution of the Dwarfness Gene in Capsicum

Capsaicinoids Content in the Fruit of Interspecific Hybrids in Capsicum

Flowering and Fertility of Forced Green Peppers at Lower Temperatures

Expression of Heterosis and Combining Ability for Capsaicin Content in Intraspecific Hybrids of Pepper

Studies of Chemical Emasculation in Pepper III. Effect of Repeated Applications of 2, 2-Dichloropropionate (Dalapon) and the Gametocidal Action of Dalapon and Related Compounds

Cytogenetics of a Spontaneous Fasciated Stem Mutant of Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)

A Meiotic Study of the Wild and Semi-domesticated Brazilian Species of Genus Capsicum L. (Solanaceae)

Carotenoid Composition of New Cultivar of Capsicum annuum during Maturation and its High Capsanthin Content

A New Mosaic Disease of Sweet Pepper Caused by Pepper Strain of Tobacco Mosaic Virus

The differentiation of varieties of peppers in Japan

Formation and Accumulation of Pungent Principle of Hot Pepper Fruits, Capsaicin and Its Analogues, in Capsicum annuun var. annuun cv. Karayatsubusa at Different Growth Stages after Flowering

Intracellular Localization of the Capsaicinoid Synthesizing Enzyme in Sweet Pepper Fruits

Cytogenetical Study of the Interspecific Hybrid between Capsicum annuum and C.baccatum

Cytogenetical Relationships among Three Species of Chili Peppers, Capsicum chinense, C.frutescens and C.baccatum

Studies on the Transfer of Desirable Genes by Backcrossing : II. Backcross-breeding Systems by the Use of Genetic Male Sterility in Self-pollinated Crops


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Herpiili - helmikuu 13, 2015, 10:42:43 ap
Jottain jännempää sattui eteen  ;D

Supermarket commercial, Peru

Tämmönen kauppa pitäis kyllä saada Suomeen! Hinnatkin on aika jees...


No jopas on tietoa Etelä-Amerikasta.

Pikaisesti vilkaisin joitakin ja paljon on nimeämättömiä paikallisia lajikkeita.
Näkyvät kasvattavan niitä viljeltyjä lajikkeita kohopenkeissä kuin perunaa meillä.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Herpiili - helmikuu 13, 2015, 10:42:43 ap
Supermarket commercial, Peru

Tämä näyttää hyvin, kuinka tärkeä asema chilillä on perulaisessa ruuassa, ja että lajeilla ja lajikkeilla on väliä.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Chilivaari - helmikuu 13, 2015, 11:32:03 ap
No jopas on tietoa Etelä-Amerikasta.

Pikaisesti vilkaisin joitakin ja paljon on nimeämättömiä paikallisia lajikkeita.
Näkyvät kasvattavan niitä viljeltyjä lajikkeita kohopenkeissä kuin perunaa meillä.

Youtube-video aiheeseen liittyen  :D


PROINPA - Bolivialainen Ají-katalogi.

Ainakin villien ystäville tarjolla jotain varsin kiinnostavaa...