tammikuu 09, 2025, 22:23:53 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Already starting season 2006

Aloittaja luca, joulukuu 22, 2005, 10:30:22 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


Quick revisit to Quintisho:

Check out the main Inferno site under Lajit. There, larger than life, is a picture of the flower of the baccatum version.

More later...



Just wanted to post an update on Quintisho.

John and I consulted with Allen Boatman who has done grow-outs of the baccutum Quintisho on this side of the ocean. He says that his Quintisho was supposed to be an annuum (now thought to be chinense) but grew out as a cross, that is, the baccutum. So the baccutum is actually Not Quintisho or Quintisho Cross. Slight differences in the baccutum fruit shape are likely a result of segregation down the filial lines.



Have had a rethink.

The baccutum Quintisho is properly identified as Quintisho Cross. 'Not Quintisho' implies no relation to the true Quintisho and stability.



So you are saying that this "our" Quintisho is not a Quintisho at all, but a cross between C. annuum or C. chinense 'Quintisho' and what? Some unknown C. baccatum? I must say I see no C. annuum nor C. chinense features in my plant. So I suggest that, if not real Quintisho, it's still a full-blooded C. baccatum, no matter which cultivar name is attached. It has also very distinguishable flavor, unlike any other cultivar I have tasted. On the light of your investigations, I'm not sure if I should continue calling it "Quintisho", but we really need a nice name for such a nice variety, so let's hear some proposals.

Whatever may it be called, it's still a very nice and easily grown plant, with just beautiful green dotted flowers and tasty little pods.

I still think there may just be two different varieties carrying the same name, probably because of the more or less similar looking berries.


Well, because the baccatum 'Quintisho' seems to have originated in Finland I believe that you are entitled to give it an appropriate Finnish name.  :D

It's not the wild or naturalized chile you were hoping for but, until that happens, it sounds like a beautiful one to call your own.


Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Femmefatalii"Well, because the baccatum 'Quintisho' seems to have originated in Finland I believe that you are entitled to give it an appropriate Finnish name.  :D

It's not the wild or naturalized chile you were hoping for but, until that happens, it sounds like a beautiful one to call your own.


The baccatum Quintisho I have grown was from Reimer Seeds... So, can't probably claim the honor to Finland yet. ;) Still, knowing the way RS works, well... Who knows?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Femmefatalii"
John and I consulted with Allen Boatman who has done grow-outs of the baccutum Quintisho on this side of the ocean.

Do you know what was Allen Boatman's source of Quintisho seeds? Perhaps Reimer Seeds, could that be? Or vice versa, could RS have obtained their seeds from him?

OT: Googling for Allen Boatman gives interesting results. County jail inmates growing peppers and making sauces? Wow.


Allen received his seeds from Jukka. That's all I know. Reimers is a mystery to me and shall remain so.  :wink:

Here is Allen's site.


He and JohnF are the godfathers of seed for many of us in NA.
