maaliskuu 07, 2025, 05:11:16 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

EC & pH

Aloittaja Disco, marraskuu 05, 2007, 19:26:04 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »



I'm new to plant growing and have been looking after my first two dozen seeds for little over a week now.

Would it be possible you could explain to me how to achieve an EC of 1.2 for the solution which my growth schedule recommends?

I'm using tap water with a pH of 7.8 and EC of 0.3; after correcting the pH to 5.8, I have added Nitrozyme at a ratio of 5 ml to 1 litre for use with the propagation cubes. But when measuring the EC it has not increased to 1.2?

My current thoughts are;

1. Continue adding the Nitrozyme to reach the required EC, but if so, I have not followed the manufactures instructions and would surely poison the seeds?

2. I need to start my solution with A&B Nutrients (manufactures recommendation of 1.5ml/1L), which I'm assuming will increase the EC in the solution and then add the Nitrozyme (5ml/1L) to achieve a final EC of 1.2. What if this does not achieve an EC of 1.2, should I continue to add A&B and Nitrozyme?


Sauli Särkkä

I googled Nitrozyme and the 5 ml/l should be ok, if the product has been tested with chili seeds. If not, then perhaps even less could be ok.

With seeds, you can also just use plain water, with perhaps a dash of pH down to get it into the 5.8-6.2 range. The pH adjustment isn't all that necessary, while most seeds do well in water that is not exactly perfectly in line with pH recommendations.

I assume that you're planning to grow these seeds in a hydro. Am I correct?

Sauli Särkkä




I have planted a variety of Jolokia and Scotch Bonnet seeds in Root Riot cubes, which are in a heated propagator set to 30 degrees. The seeds are being watered using a shallow tray which the cubes have been placed in.

The intention is to grow the chillies in pots using a COCO media.

After reading several articles on the internet advising on the different growing methods and nutrient solutions available, I am looking to use a variant of the House & Garden COCOS schedule incorporating Growth Technology additives Chilli Focus and Nitrozyme.

In regard to my previous questions could you advise on the following?

1. If the seedlings are watered with a nutrient solution which is to strong would this poison the plant?

2. Also before I incur the added expense of the A&B nutrients, could you tell me does adding the manufactures recommended quantities of A&B nutrient significantly increase the EC of the solution?

:oops: I am concerned that I have poisoned the seeds due to significant quantities of Nitrozyme I have put in the water to achieve an EC of 1.2.

The majority of the articles that I have read including the H&S schedule all advice that the EC of the solution is important to achieve.

:idea: Any advice would be most welcome!



You have probably killed the seed by germinating with such high nutrient levels.  

Start with water only for germination, the seed has all the nutrient required to germinate.

I will also caution you not to use nutrient levels recommended by manufacturers when growing plants; it is waaaaay too high. Remember what they are selling........