tammikuu 11, 2025, 08:31:42 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!


Aloittaja JohnF, heinäkuu 15, 2007, 21:02:38 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Interesting pepper. Tiny pods, 0-3 seeds per pod, very hot.


Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"Interesting pepper. Tiny pods, 0-3 seeds per pod, very hot.

Looks like a chaco... although the berries are unusually long. Any idea what species that one is?

Btw: the chacoense with purple flowers I have is, indeed, a true chacoense. Berries and everything are what they should be. It's a very pretty, tiny plant... Looking forward to tasting the first ripe berry! :)


It is C. chacoense or sometimes called C. exile. Here is a flower and the plant.

I have another from a different source that is stranger in some ways. It produced a first flush of tiny fruit with no seeds and no heat and a second flush with larger fruit with heat and seeds.


First flush

Second Flush


Question about purple flowered chacoense. Are you sure it is not a cross of some kind. Information I have seen describes chacoense as white flowered.

Key to Pepper Species
This key was created and donated by Dr. Paul Smith, Professor Emeritus, Department of Vegetable Crops, U.C. Davis.  Glossary by Allen Boatman

A. Corolla solid color, white to waxy yellow green, without spots or other contrasting colors

B. Anthers pale blue to purple *
C. Flowers solitary (sometimes 2 at first flowering node), white **, calyx distinctly ridged, small teeth (less than 1 mm) at margin
C. annuum

CC. Flowers commonly 2-5 per node, corolla white to pale waxy green
D. Distinct annular constriction at the base of calyx, teeth minute, corolla white, pedicels variously curved.
C. chinense

DD. Calyx not constricted, teeth lacking, pedicels slender, stiffly erect at bud stage, corolla pale waxy green.
C. frutescens

BB. Anthers without anthocyanin, corolla white
C. Plants glabrous or nearly so, calyx tube heavily ridged, teeth as long as calyx tube filament bases with distinct appendages or "wings"
C. chacoense

CC. Plants pubescent, calyx without teeth, filament bases without appendages
C. galapagoense

AA. Corolla base with distinct single spot or continuous basal zone, anthers yellow (except C. pubescens).
B. Basal zone continuous
C. Corolla purple with white basal zone, plant pubescent, leaves rugose, seeds black.
C. pubescens

CC. Corolla yellow, basal zone chocolate, plant glabrous, leaves smooth, up to 15 flowers per node, seeds tan
Ac. 393 (S.E. Peru)

BB. Basal spots distinct, pale green or yellow
C. Corolla white to pale lavender to purple, spots pale green, seeds tan
D. Corolla lavender to purple,*** calyx teeth 1.2-1.8 mm.
C. eximium

DD. Corolla dirty white, plant pubescent
C. eximium var. tomentosum

CC. Corolla white or with purplish tint, spots pale green. Seeds black
D. Corolla white, calyx teeth indistinct
C. schiottianum

DD. Corolla white or with lavender tint, free portion of petals distinctly in-rolled, seeds black
C. buforum

AAA. Corolla lobes with 2 distinct spots at the base, seeds tan to brown
B. Corolla rotate
C. Petal segments distinct
D. Corolla white, spots pale green
C. baccatum var. baccatum

DD. Corolla white, spots yellow
C. baccatum var. pendulum

DDD. Outer margin to ½ of corolla lavender, leaves lightly rugose, moderately pubescent
C. praetermissum

CC. Petal segments indistinct, margin ruffled, points at petal intersection
Ac. 1230 (Brazil)

BB. Corolla urn shaped, cream to violet
C. Corolla urn shaped, cream to violet
C. tovarii

CC. Corolla campanulate, lavender
C. cardenasii

* A C. annuum with yellow anthers has been seen.
** C. annuum forms with anthocyanin in the leaves and stems also have
   lavender to purple flowers.
*** Flower color in wild C. eximium may range from typical lavender
    through various intergrades to purple.  This is clearly the influence of
    natural hybridization with C. pubescens.

Glossary of terms used in the Key above.

Annular - in the form of a ring.

Anther - the part of a stamen that contains pollen.

Anthesis - the flowering period when the flower is fully expanded and functioning.

Anthocyanin - the dissolved coloring matter (glycoside pigments) in blue flowers.

Calyx - collective term for all the sepals of a flower.

Calyx Tube - a tube formed by the untied bases of the sepals and partly by the receptacle.  

Campanulate - Bell-shaped.

Constricted - Drawn together or narrowed.

Continuous - In botany, not deviating from uniformity; the reverse of interrupted.

Corolla - the collective name for all the petals of a flower.

Declined - curved downward.

Diffuse - widely or loosely spreading.

Erect - upright, upward, vertical, not declining or spreading.

Filament - the part of the stamen that supports the anther.

Glabrous - smooth.  Having a surface without hair or down.

Inflorescence - the flowering part of a plant; the arrangement of flowers on a plant.

Margin - the edge of something.  (i.e. Leaf margin = the edge of the leaf.)

Node - the place on a limb/stem where a leaf is, or was, attached.  A bud exists
at the leaf base or leaf scar, at a node.  This bud is capable of becoming a root, shoot, or fruit (flower).

Pedicel - the stalk of a single flower in an inflorescence, or of a grass spikelet.

Peduncle - the stalk supporting a solitary flower or flower cluster.

Pubescence (pubescent) - In botany: 1. a covering of hair, as on the surface of
a leaf. 2. The state of having a covering of hair.

Revolute - With the margins, or edges, rolled back toward the underside.

Rotate - Describes a corolla that is wheel-shaped flat and circular in outline.

Rugose - crinkling, blistering, or blister like irregularities formed on the surface of a leaf.  A rough leaf surface.

Sepal - one segment of the leaf like structure that protects the petals of a flower until it opens.

Solitary - occurring singly and not born in a cluster or group.

Urn Shaped - shaped like the container, usually like a vase with a pedestal, used for growing flowers.

Aji Inferno

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "JohnF"Question about purple flowered chacoense. Are you sure it is not a cross of some kind. Information I have seen describes chacoense as white flowered.

It's hard to be 100% certain in these things, but after close examination and hi-res scans + comparison to another chaco (PI-269435), I've seen nothing that would hint at a crossing. It's a perfectly normal, small chaco - the only thing different is the presence of anthocyanin. I'll post some photos & observations here later.

After all, there shouldn't be such things as purple-flowered chinenses and baccatums, either - but it seems like everything's different in Brazil. ;)