tammikuu 09, 2025, 19:00:05 ip


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CGN 19198 - a species of it's own?

Aloittaja Fatalii, kesäkuu 14, 2006, 16:24:37 ip

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Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Fatalii"A short article about CGN 19198 (C. sp)


Yes, this is a real mystery... CGN-database wonders whether it might be a crossing of c.eximium and c.praetermissum. Which, btw, itself would be an interesting thing... One thing, I dare to say, is certain: it's not a c.praetermissum, although CGN disagrees. It does have many features of c.eximium, and is probably at least closely related to it. However, as Fatalii says, there are some very disturbing differences. The plant doesn't really fit in any capsicum descriptions known to us. My own plant is starting to bloom, so it'll be quite interesting to see whether the startling 3-flowers-in-one setup visible in Fatalii's pics will happen again...


Very interesting Capsicum variety.   I look forward to learning more about it.  

Thietavu, would you be able to post any pictures of your C. Flexuosum plants in another thread?  I would definitely be interested in seeing more pics of them.   Thanks so much.




This plant is really interesting, indeed! I've never seen anything like that in Capsicum either.  Very interesting flowers!

And very nice pics, Fatalii!

Tommi, looking forward to knowing whether your plant will also have these tri-flowers or if that is just a mutation in a single individual.  This case would also be very interesting, because the "offspring" of that single plant might also produce this kind of flowers.

Great! It's always very nice to see novelties in the Capsicum genus!
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I had the same plant growing before too, and I didn't notice tri-flowers, but then again, I wasn't paying attention so it's possible that they were there, and   there were only few flowers on the plant.

More photos to come on the next updates.
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C.rhomboideum with its strange yellow flowers is starting to bloom now, too... Besides, I'll shoot some new photos of c.flexuosum and place them somewhere here. Very interesting plant, that one. My two different plants from different places in Paraguay differ quite surprisingly. One has flowers with bright green spots, the other with brown spots... Actually, a bit strange. One has small leaves, the other twice as large - and so on... Still, they both are clearly flexuosums... unless. Unless one is very closely related c.schottianum, that is. But if so, which one is which? ;-)  Can hardly wait to compare the fruits of these things. It seems like we're going to have an interesting summer season wild-capsicumwise! :)