tammikuu 10, 2025, 22:08:37 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

miten muuta EC arvon ppm arvoksi

Aloittaja sinappi, maaliskuu 02, 2007, 16:06:56 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Käytän EC mittaria joka ilmoittaa arvot mS
miten ne muutetaan ppm arvoksi

Mikä on sopiva EC arvo chileille vesi viljelyssä?


Should we use or atleast try to use english here at international area? :)

Flora Mato dosage guide gives EC values for each dilution... what I did was I calculated the total ppms using NPK values of the macronutrients and got folloving results:

mi 1 + ma 1 EC 0,85 ja tot. ppm 190
mi 2 + ma 3 EC 1,60 ja tot. ppm 481
mi 3 + ma 4 EC 2,10 ja tot. ppm 671

I typed this into exel and got linear graph with function y = (0,0026*x) + 0,355

So according Mato info EC = (0,0026*ppm) + 0,355  and ppm would be
Ppm = (EC-0,355)/0,0026.

Please let me know if I've made some mistake ! This is not an exact way to calculate EC/ppm values but should do.

Right EC for chillies in hydro? Can't help you... I would gues there is no simple answer to that. Different varities have different needs and IMO there's contradictory info about nute strenghts around...

here's something:

Many growrs here at inferno dilute their nutes to half strenght from what is recomended until the plants start to grow pods...
¨käynks mä usein täällä?¨


I use 20-30% of recommended amount of nutrient all the time quite successfully with chiles....flowering or vegetative growth.