tammikuu 08, 2025, 21:46:00 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

What do you think?

Aloittaja JohnF, marraskuu 09, 2007, 19:48:50 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I have organized my pictures the same way for several years and am now thinking consolidating them may be a more useful format.It's a fair amount of work and I did just this years to try it. Please compare the two formats and tell me what you think. I could also keep them sorted by year or combine them all as I have done with the 07 pictures. Again both formats are just this years for now

Old format

New format


I don't see any reason why you should sort pictures to plants, flowers and pods.

The most useful way of sorting pictures is by date, newest first.
Eksyminen on suotavaa.


I think both is fine, but if you could change it to a "database" it would be even better, an example http://petterssononline.com/habanero/peppers.php.



Mat not be possible but link doesn't work for me.


and look at the database, I hope this will work.



Thatv worked, thanks. Mats has a nice site. Rather than a web site i have only a place to post my pictures so I would have to begin anew and am not inclined to do that--too much work and not enough computer skills. I already have a lot to do with the "All Peppers" galley. I want to eliminate some pictures and get others in the proper order and that is taking a bit of time in itself. I started taking pictures merely to document my work with them and began posting my pictures only as a way to share them on forums and with friends and did not envision so many people would be interested in them

Thanks again to those who took the time to look and make comments.


I understand John, I also have the same problem as you. I want to show my pictures for those intressted, but it is so much work and if you as me dont have enough computer skills its takes more time than I have.