tammikuu 11, 2025, 00:51:10 ap


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

When to repot your plants?

Aloittaja lee, syyskuu 16, 2008, 21:28:06 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hi All,

Need your help again. I started some seedlings in 3x4 germination trays. After they got there second set of true leaves i repotted them to 1 liter containers, wich was 3 weeks earlier. My plan was to give them a final repot in max 4 liter containers. But when is it time to repot them??
Any information is a great help.

Thanks again

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's

Aji Ungreat

I thik it's pretty good thing to do this:

Put the stalk of a plant between some two of your fingers (left hand, if you are right handed).

Turn around the whole plant and the pot, then do little careful shaking, small up-down moves. If the soil-lump still doesn't get off. Spread your left hand to keep the soil and plant in better balance, and hit the bottom of the pot with your right hand.

When you get the soil-lump off, check if it has much roots at the sides of the soil. If it doesn't, you can put the soil-lump back to the pot, give it still grow, and do what i said later.

If there IS much roots, it's time to repot. When you repot, it's good thing to "scratch" some old soil off, and do little, just little squeezing to the soil-lump, that it gets more "fluffy".

This is the way i've always repotted. I have never breaked any of my chiles or anything. Hope same to you if you do it like this.

And of course, do this outside the house.  :wink:
Jossei viina, sauna ja kitara auta, on tauti kuolemaksi.


Very good tip!!

Thx for that information

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's



I need to repot my plants!! Roots all over the place:-)

Thx again

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's

Aji Ungreat

When you have repotted them, it's always very funny to see the plants grow fast again. Helped one of my baccatums to get a "new start of life."

And of course.. The plants will make crop easier, and more, in a bigger pot.
Jossei viina, sauna ja kitara auta, on tauti kuolemaksi.


I gave my plants 4.5 liter containers today. Will see how fast they grow.

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's

Aji Ungreat

Hope they will. :D

Saw the pictures in the other topic, and seems that repotting really went well. Nice plants there.
Jossei viina, sauna ja kitara auta, on tauti kuolemaksi.


Yes Aji,

Everything worked out great. Very curious to see how they will grow in there new containers.

Thx again for the tip

Don't play with fire, but play with Wild Chilli's