tammikuu 11, 2025, 12:46:18 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!


Aloittaja JohnF, huhtikuu 29, 2008, 22:09:09 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Some crosses I started this winter. All except the Ulupica x pubescens were done by another man

Orange Thai x Goat's Weed--no pubescence--I have started one of the others from the second sample he sent ("possibly Orange Thai x Goat's Weed").

Orange Thai x Small Wild from Mexico--like his compact--will be interesting to see what they do with sunlight( I have 2 of these)

Small Wild from Mexico x Naga Morich--lots of buds for such a small plant

Small Wild x Pimenta Morango--flowers and buds--the smallest plant of the group

Ulupica x pubescens--looking more cardenassi like but the flower reminds me of a pubescens-largest plant

Two pictures of first open flower of Ulupica x pubesens

I have recently germinated another try of mine--Ulupica x eximium---stay tuned


Last of the crosses-Ulupica x pubescens--looking more cardenasii-like


Aji Inferno

Interesting tests. Especially what happens between those problematic (scientifically unclear) plants of c.pubescens, eximium and cardenasii...


Yes, I'm impatient to see what the pods look like.


John, almost all your pictures are missing !!!!  :shock:  :?:  :shock:


Hi Margarida

Thanks for the heads up. Must have happened when I reorganized my pbase site. Will try to fix when I get a few minutes. Was in Boston for  few days and now even further behind.


I have several pictures of those crosses so rather than try to reconstruct the above I will just show you the end products. These first were crossed by Donnie, not me

Orange Thai x Small Wild Mexican-female parent was Orange Thai but pods are red and extremely hot

Orange Thai x Goat's Weed- again female parent was Orange Thai. Plant showed no pubescence but pods were red and very hot.

Small Wild Mexican x Naga Morich--does not have chinense small or flavor but very hot pendant pods

Small Wild Mexican x Pimenta Morango--again no chinense flavor  but quite hot

Ulupica x pubescen- done by me. The plant looks more like a cardenasii and the pods are smaller than Rocopica but seed are somewhat like Rocopica--only one ripe pod so far.

Ulupica x eximium--still don't know what's going on here--it may be just mislabeled but doesn't resemble anything else I'm growing
