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leaf spots/discoloration

Aloittaja skaldyr, toukokuu 16, 2009, 13:29:04 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


is this some kind of disease or a  deficiency of something or simply that i put them in the greenhouse to early so it´s cold damage?

this is a chocolate habanero

this is a habanero paper lantern



I have never seen burn marks, from the sun like that, on my plants, but maybe.


Me neither... But the ones on first picture looks like a bit of those I have seen. Not the overall lack of green...


I researched some more and i think it might be iron    
deficiency. That would cause the leaves to loose color.
what do you think?

it dosnt look like mosaic virus does it, on the first picture?


on 1st is quite looking like lack of Calcium, maybe plants need more microelements


It could be that. But I haven't seen that heavy damage or that fast...

Ok. I re-read the first post. How fast the damage came?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: skaldyr - toukokuu 16, 2009, 13:29:04 ip
is this some kind of disease or a  deficiency of something or simply that i put them in the greenhouse to early so it´s cold damage?

This is clearly sun damage. Leaves are burnt. Use some protective clothing.


it is likely sun damage. it happened during the last week, and we have had strong sun.


it´s also the first week they have had real sun. they have been propagated and growing under a cfl light since febuary.


I would still guess that sun burn...


Most definitely burn marks. Here's a pic of my Limon beeing tortured by the sun.

Uniformu ukkosesta
Prässit sirkkelin teristä
Kiehuvaa pikeä poletit


Looks like burn marks... first leaves were grown under artificial light / lower light conditions and they seem to suffer fro the strong sun.

I always tell people they should use lace cloths when moving plants to greenhouse, and even more important when moving plants to direct sun.

Lace cloth is very cheap and you can use it many times.
That's very stupid way of saving money not to get lace cloths for your plants! :)

It also makes the stress against cold weather much smaller, so the plants won't e as stunted as they would without the lace cloth.
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Thanks for the advice. I´ll try lace cloth next year. They seem to have adapted to their new invironment.


And where can You buy it?
I'd never found it in polish garden shops.


Hmm.... strange... here in Finland it's quite typical stuff at garden stores... it's mostly against frost...

You can use any lace type cloth... just to shade... or even dense netting.

Ideal would be, if you can first use more and then take of one layer after a week or  so.
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it's my first year growing chilis, i am still learning and am wondering if anyone knows what's wrong with some of the plants. I took some pictures of the spots, holes and discolorations.




Unknown from Hungary:

Naga Jolokia:


All of these plants are at least 30cm tall, they are in pots of 25cm and 27cm diameter, watered every 2 to 3 days. There were no spots, no anomalies 2 weeks ago. I also have Dorset naga, habanero orange, red savina, lux hot, black pearl, jalapeño, numex twilight and some of non marked ones, they are around 10-15cm tall and look OK.
The soil i use is from Leader, it has perlite in it and the bag says that it can be used for anything.
I used a fertilizer  twice, NPK with 4-4-7 ratio (the bottle says liquid tomato fertilizer, can't find anything else in my country).
I also looked for pests, but am unable to find anything even under the leaves.
The temperature 2 to 3 weeks ago was around 35°C with plenty of sun, but this week is pretty cold, around 20°C cloudy. The pots are inside (windows open), exposed to direct sunlight at certain hours.

How do i save my chilis? Any help would be appreciated.

I have another question about cross-pollination. How do i prevent it? I have 20 pots in a small place, woud be a good idea to isolate some of the flowers (blooms) with some cloth or a thin net? How thin material do i need?



Hmm.. the overall health of your plants look fine... might be just some random bugs eating your plants, I have similar leaves always in the greenhouse and outdoors. Don't worry!

About cross-pollination... it's always a risk when you grow several plants in one space, but you can prevent it by self-pollinating the plants by shaking them in the early morning. It's impossible to prevent the risk 100% unless you use caging which is a method used to cage some plants of branches to produce pure seed (not 100% but very close). you can use Lacecloth, or some dense netting that doesn't let any insects thru.

Hope it helps!
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I'm glad i was worried for nothing :)

Thanks for the advice, I wish I found this place earlier.


Butter now than never!

Glad to see you here. :)
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