tammikuu 10, 2025, 15:40:11 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

GH Floramato\ FloraMicro ratios ??

Aloittaja Jibby, syyskuu 26, 2007, 06:22:41 ap

« edellinen - seuraava »


well I think, that I have another annoying question. Should I eat chillies, with no fear of some sick problems, which are still fertilizing. Let say in EBB, solution aprox 2ml+ 2ml? Will the taste good?

Or should I go lower on fertilizers. If yes, than to what solution koncentration? (1ml+1ml for exaple???).

question to Fatalii: you have big EBB system in GH. you give there varieties, which have the same time to rippen? Or you are still adding fert. and ripen the fruits?... thanks


You can use a little stronger solution when the plants have grown a little, like on the instruction on floramato bottle for "medium feeders". If the plants are still small, you don't have to worry yet how the pods will taste! :)
When the pods are forming and ripening, just go easy with the nitrogen (floramicro) to ensure you'll have some good tasting pods!

I'm not sure if I understood the last question but, yes, mostly I use varieties which take approx the same time to ripen.
In some cases, like I have one ebb with new varieties in it, I have to compromise with the solution, meaning the results won't be ideal but at least I will get an idea how the pods will taste like. :)
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So, when the time to ripe is comming, what concentration of solution do you use? how many ml/l of mato and micro?



When the pods are large and you just want them to turn color, you can use just water or ripen if you want the ripening to happen faster.
That way the pods will taste very good!

Before that, of course more mato and less micro (as in less nitrogen).
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so in blooming period more floramato is needed and less micro. And the bad taste of fruits is because of floramicro. Am I right?


To put is simple: Yes.

You still need to use some micro, and how much, it depends on the variety and conditions so it would be stupid to tell exact amounts. Experimenting will teach a lot and the examples on the floramato bottle are great to start with! :)

And for continously producing plants you have to find the ideal solution to make the plants produce fruit and to make them taste good.

It's actually much more simple you could think at first, floramato and micro is just two bottles, easy to play with :)
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well, thanks for advices  ;) I will increase the amount of floramato in next solution and see what happens..

btw: do you think, that jump from 1,5ml/l of Mato to 2ml/l is a big jump with risk overfertilizing?


Doesn't sound a lot, for large plants in a greenhouse I'd go for a bit more.

For smaller plants, sounds okay.
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