tammikuu 10, 2025, 23:05:02 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Growing almost without sun 2009

Aloittaja Klopisto, kesäkuu 09, 2009, 23:18:09 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hey Talas :)!

I checked AeroGarden site today and they have made some major updates of their products and equipments :).

Deluxe with extended growing height looks much better than mine Classic and I'm sure it is better. And better lamps are not able to connect these old ones :(.

You told Your cousin grows lettuce and he is pleased? I think AeroGarden is good if You grow those smaller chiles e.g. Shor Yellow Tabasco, Malawi Bird's Eye, Inca Red Drop etc. I had one Starfish growing for a while, but it's so big it won't fit in same place with small ones.

I think AeroGarden is a good and reliable consept to grow almost anything. Tomatos, herbs, berries and so on.

I'll recommend You to try one!


Thx for the info Klopisto yes the aero looks perfect for the variety's you have mentioned  ;)