tammikuu 08, 2025, 21:50:37 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Ph Range?

Aloittaja willard3, huhtikuu 30, 2006, 18:09:46 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


If you have to choose from those two. I would choose the bloom version. Reason is that the chilis are more sensitive to nitrogen than hemp or others.


well half of the chillis in hydro are actually starting to bloom, so I probably choose the bloom one.


This thread is a bit out dated, but I guess I can provide some more info here.

I fully agree with PH 6 which is fine, more precisely 5.8 or 5.9 is even better if you can adjust and keep it over time.

Sometimes people confuse ideal uptake in SOIL with actual uptake in SOIL-LESS culture.
Both are not the same! And we have ideal PH for certain plants, as our Chili, and ideal uptake of nutrients, which isn't always the same either.

This graphic shows the clear difference between UPTAKE of nutrients in soil- and soil-less culture pretty well:


If you run to high, (over and even from 6.5), sooner or later you run into phosphorus deficiency, as well as Boron and Iron deficiency if climbing higher. If ever you run slightly under 5.8 you unfortunately pick the gap where Magnesium uptake is bad, hence this PH is also to avoid by all means. There are special pH indicator strips available that only cover the range between 5 and 7 (or alike), with a precision of 0.3 or even 0.1 (little more expensive). If you can find these, they even better fit the needs.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fatalii - huhtikuu 17, 2009, 11:10:15 ap
Some wild chilies really like to have completely different pH values for proper fruit set.

I thought so too, can you tell what PH-values are best for wild species, and have you noticed any differences (for PH optimization) in growing chinense, baccatum or others? I would also be interested in frutescens, as they grow best here in Thailand, but seem to have special needs too when grown hydroponically.



There are so many wild chiles and most of them seem to like different envinroment so it's practically impossible to say the exact pH values they want.

Other factors as temperature and humidity can alter their needs also.
It's complicated and so fascinating.
Overall, pH around 6 seems to work best for all of the wild species when it comes to production of the fruits.

That's very true about the difference growing with soil and hydroponics.
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Lainaus käyttäjältä: Fatalii - elokuu 02, 2009, 15:14:19 ip
There are so many wild chiles and most of them seem to like different envinroment so it's practically impossible to say the exact pH values they want.

I guessed that they may have different requirements and would prefer individual PH. But is there anything at all you can say about PH that might be useful for growers of (certain) wild species? An example, a tendency, some particular observation from one or some species, anything....?

Would be greatly appreciated,