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Annums as Bonchi

Aloittaja ronniedeb, marraskuu 28, 2011, 16:07:33 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


Hi there.
I'm just wondering if anyone has experience of making bonchi with capsicum annums. If so what varieties? I am trying my hand at Cayenne and Cheyenne. Am I wasting my time?

Thanks B


Lainaus käyttäjältä: ronniedeb - marraskuu 28, 2011, 16:07:33 ip
Hi there.
I'm just wondering if anyone has experience of making bonchi with capsicum annums. If so what varieties? I am trying my hand at Cayenne and Cheyenne. Am I wasting my time?

Thanks B
You shoyld try Bolivian Rainbows for Bonchi, they are easy and beautiful plant for Bonchi.

Hallituksen jäsen 2011-2012, 2012-2013
Tampereen alajaoston puuhamies -2011-2012-2013-
Kuiva ja Naseva.


Thanks Macex. I'm chiefly using bonchi to overwinter some plants. Are Bolivian rainbow a tasty plant, or are they just ornamental? Maybe for next year. This year I have just made bonchi from the Cheyenne and Cayenne and some Dorset Naga.



Lainaus käyttäjältä: ronniedeb - marraskuu 29, 2011, 13:29:52 ip
Thanks Macex. I'm chiefly using bonchi to overwinter some plants. Are Bolivian rainbow a tasty plant, or are they just ornamental? Maybe for next year. This year I have just made bonchi from the Cheyenne and Cayenne and some Dorset Naga.

Bolivia is just an ornamental chili, not so good taste.

Heres a picture of Fataliis Bonchi Bolivian Rainbow

Read more about here

Hallituksen jäsen 2011-2012, 2012-2013
Tampereen alajaoston puuhamies -2011-2012-2013-
Kuiva ja Naseva.


Thanks Macex. Very beautiful plant. I'm gonna concentrate on trying to overwinter some tasty plants each year I think, although they may never be as beautiful as this plant. I'll let you know if they survive. Thanks.


There are lots of beautiful annuums that are suitable for a bonchis. For instance Short Yellow Tabasco, various bird eye chilis, NuMex varieties, Medusa et cetera. I think pretty much every annuum (or a representative of other species for that matter) with both small leaves and peppers are suitable. I'm planning to give Medusa (c. annuum) a go next season.

Klikkaa kuvaa ja lue kasvatuksistani!


I'm currently growing a NuMex Halloween for a bonchi, although I'm not sure if it'll ever be one now.

The pods looked like miniature upright bell peppers (but still black and orange), and when I tasted one they had no heat.  I contacted NMSU CPI about it, they said it was unlike anything they had seen before, and it must be a mutant.

Needless to say, with a cool one of a kind sweet ornamental pepper, I'm going to pimp it for seeds and see if I can grow out a stable strain.  Who knows though, part of making a bonchi is pruning, and pruning does help keep disease at bay, increases vigor, and gives me plenty of cuttings to try and root...