tammikuu 10, 2025, 22:12:17 ip


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Question about crossed-a silly question!

Aloittaja scion, syyskuu 07, 2013, 13:08:58 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I have a question about crossed chili plant. I have grown many different varieties super hot chilies next to each other. Is it possible the pods of the plants (germinated from the true variety seeds) crossed? Sign of crossed  such as the shapes, the taste and the size? I have not grown them for seeds so I do not much care about the seeds from these plants. I think only the seeds from these plants could be crossed (next generation) if we used the seeds but the plant are not crossed. If you need further more information regarding to my question please do not hesitate to ask me.

Thanks in advance.




Lainaus käyttäjältä: scion - syyskuu 08, 2013, 10:00:19 ap
:) I found the answer from Google  :)


It's good to hear you solved the problem. But. I'm still a bit confused here... :-\
Was the plant already crossed? Or do you have two plants of different varietys which you think might have created a crossed pod? Would you explain the issue so I could learn more about crossed plants. Thanks.
Hoidan & kasvatan chiliä apinan raivolla.


Hi Toby,
Thank you for the questions.
The plants are not crossed but the seeds from these plants could be crossed.

The answer I was looking for is:

Though peppers are self-pollinating, cross-pollination may occur. Insects, such as bees, or wind may deliver pollen from a sweet pepper to a hot pepper, and vice versa, if they are planted close together. The flavor and appearance of the pepper fruits is not immediately affected when this happens. The peppers develop normally and taste as they should, but seeds collected from these cross-pollinated vegetables may not produce plants and fruits of the same variety. You may find a sweet pepper has spicy notes or the color of the pepper is different than expected."

I have many different varieties, they are growing to a same place so the seeds from these plants could be crossed. I did not do manual cross-pollination but it could be happened naturally.

Here is the link of the above quotation. http://homeguides.sfgate.com/crosspollination-peppers-22200.html



Well it depends... Where do you keep these plants? Are they under the effects of wind and bees? Or are they indoors?
By the way, the cross-pollination might occur also indoors. But only if there's windy inside you house and plenty of bees and flies flying there :D ;)
Hoidan & kasvatan chiliä apinan raivolla.


The plants are outside, in the wind and insects.
Thank you Toby for the questions.