tammikuu 10, 2025, 13:36:32 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

chilis and tarantulas

Aloittaja cornell, joulukuu 07, 2006, 23:18:35 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


My aracnofobic girlfriend brought me an article about the defence chemical of Psalmopoeus cambridgei trantula spider. J. Siemens et al. (Nature 444, 2006) found out that spiders venom activetes the same pain sensing reseptors that capsaicin does. Newly dentified venom peptides were named vanillotoxins becouse of their action on the vanilloid receptor TRPV1.

Wicked! I wonder if this spider species is among those that people are growing in terraria?

For serious capsainoholics: 'Naga' and spider bites....
¨käynks mä usein täällä?¨


Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


Hairy beast... don't know if i could relax in the same room... still beautifull
¨käynks mä usein täällä?¨


Aagh.  :shock:

I don't care if that thing sang Elvis, shat diamonds and came with an optional beer fountain. I'd still stomp it.
Capsicum misinformation on message boards since 2006


They quickly become very interesting and attracting once you read a book or two about them. Psalmopoeus- species`are tree-dwellers, and lightning fast: I`ve heard an anecdote that they don`t walk or run, they teleportate! Also,the name Psalmopoeus means "Singer of psalms", it derives from their ability to make a warning sound with their chelicerae.
Mummoni viljelyohje:"Juuret tulevat multaan."


They do what?  :x

Like it isn't enough the little eight-legged f*cker looks like satan's spawn and travels at the speed of light, that abomination also makes noises?  :shock:

Talk about the thing that should not be.

(Yes, I have a thing with arachnids. I don't know.)
Capsicum misinformation on message boards since 2006