tammikuu 26, 2025, 12:53:37 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

nlite Linear fluorescent tubes

Aloittaja tadytomas, tammikuu 23, 2009, 22:09:52 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


I have a question for those who use lamps for indoor growing, or just write which one you use. I found these:

nlite fluorescent tubec 549mm 21.6" 24 W 1950lm

Actinc (blue)   Marine 11000K
White (white)   Daylight 6400K 
PURple (pink)    Bio Tropic 25000K
Gold (cream)   Cool White 4000k
Red (orange)   Warm White 2700K 

Are they good for growing (blue + purple) and maturing (red + purple). I am planning to use two blue + one purple for growing and two red + one purple for maturing. Is the light output big enough for hydroponic growing on space 0,6m x 0,4m.



I think you kinda answered it yourself! :)
At least the plan with the mixed colors sounds very good.

You could switch to red + purple already at the flowering stage and see for yourself which works best.

I have green lights and it's strange but they work great!!
I use green + purple, 24w tubes on my shelf.

Nlites are just great!
That light is enough for producing pods for compact plants (like my bonchis).
So as long you can keep them compact under the fluorescent tubes, It will all be good! :)
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thanks, and if you should choose between 3x nlite 24w (with mixed colours for growing and flowering) and 70w HPS, which option will you take?

and you said green 24w from nlite? I searched them, but didnt find. Can you be more specific?

thanks again


Well if you'd use 70w hps for both growing and flowering, then I'd go with tubes..

Don't know if the green lamps are commercially available, got thew a while ago for testing purposes. Perhaps the blue ones  replaced them...
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