tammikuu 08, 2025, 22:29:52 ip


Iloista kasvatuskautta !!

Anybody ever seen a chilli like this?

Aloittaja JungleRain, kesäkuu 30, 2009, 22:08:54 ip

« edellinen - seuraava »


ok, the main thing I never seen before is the pods, the flowers are normal, but once the plant drops them, then what you see is a triple chilli, may have to wait abit to see em when they're a bit more grown up, heres a few pics...


ok Guys heres an updated pic of the chilli, 1 week later
I'm sure its not a bell pepper


Hi Guys, Heres another pic of the pods 3 weeks on;


Here is an update on this unusual chilli, the pod is about 2.5 cm long and 1 cm wide, 6 weeks later it is now just begining to change color.


Heres a few more pics, they're almost ripe, not long now!



Very unique!

Has definitely some looks from the bell pepper but never developed to what you could have expected at first! :)
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 :o :o :o Nice... only one thing just coming on my mind... where can i get those seeds ???
roskaposti@turha.tilaus.fi    http://yksi.fi/juha/      NRO:590


It should be ripe in a few days, so will get some seeds hopefully and see what it tastes like  :)


NICE! Where did you get those seeds?
Any idea about variety?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: SahuriX - kesäkuu 30, 2009, 22:45:27 ip
:o :o :o Nice... only one thing just coming on my mind... where can i get those seeds ???

the only seeds are from these pods, sorry  ;)


Here are the last pics till more pods grow and the seeds I have are planted. I cut the 2 pods open and got 29 seeds, the chilli tasted hot about a 7/10, sweet and fruity....


That looks like too intresting...

If you there is any extra seeds from those pods, I really like have few  :-\ :-\ :-\
roskaposti@turha.tilaus.fi    http://yksi.fi/juha/      NRO:590


Why do you not know this peppers identity? grab bag?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: cdamarco - lokakuu 14, 2009, 03:56:38 ap
Why do you not know this peppers identity? grab bag?

My son who is 1 yr old like to pull out the lables...but I suspect this is a hybrid????


I have over wintered this chilli plant and it is just starting to produce again....all the pods are coming out the same as before.
I also germinated 1 seed from this plant so I will compare the 2 in the months to come....pics to come soon